Monday, October 31, 2011

Eat Pray Love :)

Just penned down few thoughts that i felt during my stay in Philippines.. :)

Eat Pray Love______________________________________

New people,
New thoughts,
Old changed,
New ones ranged…

Things clear,
When not near,
Fog gone,
They no longer belong…

New feeling seen,
Away wean,
Though with all,
Then why the lonely wall…

Believers unite,
Feeling oh so light,
What a lift,
Indeed a gift…

One day of isolation,
Needed in ton,
Silence – bliss,
Until now was a miss!

Strangers met,
Can’t forget,
Learnt so much,
Amazing words did touch…

After ages I write,
Words flying like kite,
Now time somehow,
To... ‘Eat Pray and Love’ :)

___________________________Rashmi(31st October, 2011)

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