Sunday, October 2, 2011

Jealous... Why ?

Jealous... Why ?

After a really long time was listening to Joel Osteen’s sermon… Whenever I listen to Joel I feel that the topic he talks on is always apt to my situation…

PS: Joel’s Video -

These days I was surrounded with talks (Especially from few of my close friends) who did speak evil just because of few success opportunities I was blessed with… Frankly speaking… “That Hurt”… It just kept me wondering that in the past when they had got the same opportunity all I could do was smile and say, ‘ They deserve this… for all the hard work they have done’… then why wasn’t it true in my case… I wondered…

Strangled with all these thoughts I went on to view Joel Osteen’s video… and he was talking about exactly same topic… all he said was …. God will always bless you for your hard work… and with this blessing (success) will arise jealous friends and back bitters… you will def will see true face of your friends… until you have not got that promotion… until you haven’t got that hike… until you haven’t got that amazing opportunity that will take you to places… your friends will be there…. But the moment you get all of these… your friends will start talking… some will say “He/She didn’t deserve it”…. Some will say, “I am so happy for you” but deep down they are broken by your success… if you have such friends… its time you find some new friends… some true friends… friends who will be there with you in your highest high and in your lowest low…

I know it hurts to know that your friends are thinking evil… But that does not mean that you feel guilty to accept Gods blessing… those friends just saw the end of the movie…. They saw the end result… they just saw that “You got the opportunity”…. But what they failed to see the first part of the movie… the struggles you lived… the price you have already paid… so its waste of time thinking about all that… people will talk … back bitters will rise… the moment they see you going up the ladder… this does not mean you grow arrogant or proud… just with humility accept Gods Blessing and pray for your friends… if they are true friends they will stick around… if they are not sooner or later they will move on anyways…

Joel mentioned one small story about his life… few years back he wanted to buy 2 acres land where in he could build his dream house… he even got one…. But he was feeling guilty to take it… thinking it is more than he needs… so he decided not to go for it…. Then one day he was travelling by plane and he was enjoying the view on his window seat… and suddenly he heard a strong voice telling him… that “guess what.. from up above here that 2 acre land looks like a small dot to me… its just a small small thing for me…. Then why you feeling guilty to take it…. Its my gift…. For me its nothing to give you that… why don’t you take it”… he knew immediately that it was God talking to him… Friends for God… 100 acre of land or that promotion or that success is a smallest little thing that he could give… so never feel guilty to take it if God gives it to you… but yes don’t run after it like a dog… don’t keep praying for it… don’t keep doing hundred rituals to get that … God will laugh at you if you behave like that… a 1 crore flat from heaven looks like a dot to Him…. And he can just give it to anyone who seeks God with all his heart and all his soul… He needs to see a true heart not a greedy heart running after these things instead of looking out for God….

All things will follow… just do your deeds well… things will fall into place… God can make roads of gold.... don’t ever under estimate Him….

But things will always happen in “HIS” time…

To all my friends – “God Bless” :)

___________________________Rashmi(2nd October, 2011)


  1. Seems you again going onsite :)
    Between who is dis jealous person ? ;)

    --> ur follower

  2. @Anonymous...

    None... In fact have rejected one...:)
