Friday, February 10, 2012

Alien Feeling

Hmm… Wanna pen down so many things… but we usually pen down things about what we feel strongly… but what do we do when we ain’t sure what we are feeling… a feeling that leaves you thinking… what the hell is this feeling… from where did it enter inside…

It’s a feeling of a determined runner…who has suddenly lost his focus...

It’s a feeling that he is running a race… not sure against whom… against himself or against time… is oh so sure what he wants to do… and suddenly he realizes… that all the run all this while for all these years is not worth it… as he has to start all over again from the start line now… and suddenly he feels… again… all over again… even though he sees the journey beautiful from the start line… he thinks… that’s always been the case… it’s always beautiful in the start… but again going through the lows and highs of the run… again… maybe this time he would need some help… maybe this time a companion… who would assure him that everything is just gonna be fine… someone who would hold his hand and lead him to the start line… and would help him cross the thin line… and be there till the end… for once…

Not sure if I have justified the feeling… but this is how I feel today…

__________________________Rashmi (11th February, 2012)

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes Words Just aint Enuf to put across the emotions on paper .. Its a feeling .. u feel it n u understand better .. :) :)
