Saturday, February 11, 2012

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time... yes way back in 2005, when the era of Orkut existed... I too joined the rat race and became a respectful member of that community... ;) ... Out there was a poems community wherein all budding poets used to post their poems... i was just a toddler back then when it came to writing poems... but i thought its a good place because experts would comment and tell me where i was wrong... which stanza could have been better... few criticism few praises... 

Back in the same era ... there was a poet in the same community... who later became my very good friend... back then when we used to talk he had posted a poem for me... ;) ... just came across the same today while i was cleaning my old poem lists :P.... Here it goes...

The friend

You are a stranger to me,
Someone who hasn’t even seen me,
But with you I can be the real me,
And Be as sarcastic as I can ever be,

I know you too may sometimes seethe,
And may want to shout and scream,
For the way I tease,
But hey you’re the one to blame for putting me so at ease,

Who ever told you to be so nice to me,
And then have the nerve to go ahead and challenge me,
To a duel of sarcasm of all things,
I know even as you read these words of mine you may want to scream,

But now in this write I am going to be nice not mean,
Tough as it maybe I am going to try,
I am beginning to enjoy our conversations late at night,
And also the ones we have when I am at work sometimes,

Even though my bosses are contemplating suicide,
At least talking to you makes me smile,
And lets me be a smart ass sometimes,
So for all I care they can just die,

From you I have nothing to hide,
Because you know a lot more about me through my writes,
And through the conversations we type,
So with you I can be sarcastic and serious at the same time,

So you can now ask the lord “what was your crime??
To put you through this hell in this lifetime,
Because now my dear,
Your part of a very select group,

That I call,
Friends of mine…..

A note

well ppl, this dedicated to a person i met here on orkut...not goin to take names...jus knw tht as the poem sez this person has many a time faced the brunt of my sarcasm...which is not a very easy think to put up with jus for that i thought i'd dedicate a poem to this go thru it and let me knw what u think....bye and tc

1 comment:

  1. I hav a bad habit .. imagining ... I strt imaginng while reading .. so MY Dear Friend.. I probably got the entire thru n thru story of 2 pals on ORKUT :) wink wink power of IMAGINATION darling .. TC
