Thursday, February 9, 2012

Clicks of 2011

I know I know, I am late. Usually you guys would find this post in the first week of Jan itself. But somehow skipped from my mind... Old age catching up I believe ;) ... Here I go guys... Year 2011 in a flash... :)

[Jan - 2011]

SAP Project - Client Training days... Night Shift Fun in Office :) ... Client is on the screen... Trying to explain us IBM plan to work out the project... Who cared back then ;)

Project - McCain - (Mc Donalds/KFC/Burger King ke french fries khaaye hai... that's McCain)

[Feb 2011 - Apr 2011]

Canada Trip... How was it... No comments... ;)

[July - 2011]

Philippine trip to meet the McCain team in Teradata Manila 

[Aug - 2011]

Matheran Trip - A much needed break :)

[Oct - 2011]

Out of McCain... After a long war... Into Disney... Back to Philippine to meet the team 

[Nov - 2011]

Go Goa! Finally "The" trip of the year :)

[Nov - 2011]

Happy Birthday To me ;)

[Dec - 2011]

 Band Baajaa Baaraat Month - (Aks-Melroy), (Pooja-Amey), (Sameer-Minal),(Milin-Krupa) Weddings...

Finally, the year ends on a good note... Broad Smile ;)... yup i know thats wat u will see in all these pics... Indeed a rocking year... year filled with loads of travel plans... meeting loads of new people... learning so much from them... and finally welcoming them in my life... Wow... What a bliss... :) ... Love you 2011...

________________________________Rashmi (9th Feb 2011)

PS: DBA's of this site contacted me after the pics went live saying that there is tremendous level of space utilization on the server ;)... and the database is now officially "Full" :P... Who cares... ;)

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