Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nadaan Parindey

Nadaan Parindey_________________________________

Well solely dedicated to this song – Nadaan Parindey… Here’s the link…

Not sure why… but this song from Rockstar hits me hard… Very intense enough… Just makes me re-live few phases of my life…

What I loved about Ranbir’s charater is that they showed the true human side… human side which is oh so frustrated when he loses the one he loves… Each one goes through this at some point…. But we lock up all our feelings our anger inside… but here in case of him its just out… looking at him… just felt… indeed at some point each one feels this way… but we are all experts in wearing a mask… which hides these feelings from the world…

And I feel there was nothing wrong in him acting all violent and aggressive… atleast he wasn’t a hypocrite to smile and say all well… when inside him is nothing but hell… wow look at the poetess in me… comes up with rhymes when she writes about serious stuff ;)

Nadaan Parindey Ghar aajaa… song just depicts his urge to come back home… come back to the state he was in and his oh so helplessness to return back … he is just way too carried away with his feelings and his repeated failure to bring back his love…. This song comes in the end of the movie when he knows he is gonna loose his love for ever… he fought the world for her… but he couldn’t fight against death… yes... she dies in the end…

At times we travel the world to find peace… we feel maybe away from home we will find the peace we are looking for… all fails… only peace we can find is in the inside of us… you go anywhere… your heart and soul is still caught up… how can you take it away… then a point comes where in you halt and feel… ok what am I doing… I am just running…. Away…. And from myself… and that’s the point you wanna come back home… as the peace you are looking for is not outside ... its right in.. right inside of you… Listen to the little whisper of your heart.. its just saying … “Please don’t run away from me… hold me back “… :)

I heard that little voice after long time… and now I am back :) ... Hopefully with a bang ;)

One more song that truly touches me is – “Jo bhi main kehana chahu…"... Just penned down some thing with the feel of that song....

Zillion times,
Million times,
Some said,
Many unsaid
Words hurt so many…

Little do we intend
But oh the scar,
Words hurt so many…

We try a lot,
To hide,
Pain fails to subside,
And words do hurt so many…

We halt,
We turn… away,
But pain fails to go,
Again… we vent out,
And those words again hurt so many…

Jo bhi main,
Kehana Chahu,
Barbaad kare,
Alfaaz mere … Alfaaz mere ...

____________________________Rashmi(8th February, 2012)

1 comment:

  1. Rashmi - i have no words .. probably wd i feel is all in here .. kudos babes .. n this is oh so true .. frustration ... inhumane side of human.... the real u the real me .. hidden inside ... wearing a mask .. wanna show to the world .. yes indeed m hurt .. i wanna cry .. n i wanna die .. bt this society n social life .. i hav to still wear a fake smile n say .. yeah all well .. n who bloody cares .. its me .. the unreal .. bt still real me :(
