Sunday, February 5, 2012

Imprinted on Someone

Imprinted on Someone__________________________________________

Despite the fact that I just can’t connect to Twilight Series… Today for a change I was watching Twilight – Eclipse and one dialogue in the move struck me read hard…

It’s a scene where in Jacob tells Bella what it means to be –“Imprinted on someone”… He says being imprinted on someone is a feeling very different… It’s like no more gravity is holding you onto this planet… its your love who holds you on… and you can do anything… absolutely anything to be with the one you love…

After ages I let some romantic dialogue sink in my heart… and I thought to myself…  I know this feeling … of being imprinted on someone… how beautiful a feeling it is… indeed… where in nothing else matters…  all that matters is your love’s existence… and the intense feeling that as long as he is there… all is well … all is fine…

_________________________Rashmi(5th February,2012)

1 comment:

  1. Aaaamin!! finally my gud frnd .. u like something of this Twiligt series .. damn ur on the track wid me now.. WC sweetie .. mwaaaaaaaaaah!!
