Monday, February 6, 2012

Hachi :)

Hachiko: A Dog’s Tale________________________________

In a super bored state I was scanning channels Sunday evening, and my surfing halted at HBO… I could see one of my favorite actors – Richard Gere :) … and to my surprise, I could see a dog he is playing with… well 2 of my fav’s you see … And the movie title read – “Hachi- A Dogs Tale” … Somewhere  thought a movie solely dedicated on a dog… must be a true story… So continued watching the movie…

It was start of the movie… Richard had found this pup on his way back home and he decides to keep it and he names him Hachiko aka Hachi… In the first half of the movie they show the love and bond between Richard and Hachi. Hachi would come all the way to the railway station to leave Richard daily. And wait outside the station till 5 pm till Richard returns. This was his routine by now…

One day Richard didn’t return at 5 pm… Hachi kept waiting…. Richards daughter comes to the station and takes Hachi to her place… Richards wife leaves the city… And Richard is no where to be seen… But Hachi is restless…. He leaves Richards daughters place and goes back to the station… Richards daughter lets him go as she knows that Hachi will not give up easily… Next in the entire movie they show how Hachi stays outside and every day at 5 pm sharp he waits for Richard… He waits and waits…. Everyone around are amazed to see Hachi.. they take it as their personal responsibility to take care of Hachi…

Seasons change… years pass by… but Hachi’s routine just does not change… he keeps going to the station… this act of his becomes so famous that even the reporters come to see and every newspaper’s headlines has his story…

After 9 yrs, Richards wife comes back to the city… and looking at Hachi she breaks down… and tells Hachi – “You are still waiting for Richard”… Yes Richard was dead… All accepted his death…. But not Hachi…. The movie ends with a note that Hachi dies outside the station one night…. but till his last day he was waiting for Richard…. His hopes didnt go down…

This is the story of Hachi – In Japan – way back in 1930’s…. what an emotional movie ya… at times some movies have least dialogues… but the love and loyalty they portrayed in this movie was really breath taking…. Even we humans fail to love so deeply…. To wait for a dead person till the day we die…

Today you will find a bronze statue of Hachi, outside the same railway station where he used to wait for Richard for 9 years…

___________________________Rashmi (6th February, 2012)

*Added Later*

Wikipedia link to Hachi's Profile :)


  1. Well narrated. Yeah we humans more often than not ignore the love for animals and get drowned in their own life. I haven't seen this movie but now its a must watch.

    Yeah.. Look out imdb and rottentomatoes. you got competition here :)

    - Ajith

  2. Awwwww .. belive it Rash .. i saw the same movie .. ws restlest tht day n this movie gave me a lesson for life .. our wait .. is jst a wait for someone .. whom v dont even know.. such a superficial emotion .. n v get so mch carried away wid this one .. bt the movie whr that lil Dog teaches is really a lesson of our life .. woww ...loved it
