Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gossh... I will be 25 ;)

Oh My God !!! (The F.R.I.E.N.D.S style)…….I will be 25 ;)

Must admit guys, my last 6 months in my new job has been my honeymoon period… Now I wonder what the hell was I thinking when I spent my glorious years… my life from the age of 21- 24 with my laptop in *** (Shhhhh… Cant reveal the name of my old company here… No rocket science … you guys can guess it though :P)

Back then,

My life was dedicated to work… I used to feel oh so proud working from 8AM to 12 at night… felt like I won the gold medal when I reached home at 12 at night and again would on my lappy to co-ordinate with my onsite counter parts… if ever I reached home by 9 PM… my brother would ask, “Half Day today?” ;) lol… Looking at the new serious me … working even on the weekends my mother asked me if I was actually nuts, or only looked like one ;)

On my 22nd birthday, wow… can u imagine where I spent most of my time… when my company had an amazing feature ‘Special Day Off’ (Holidays on ur birthday and anniversary) … well yes… I know… even I almost yelled real hard when I heard this rule for the first time… ;) … little did I know that I would end up working even on my birthday… Where in my parents were waiting with my moms fav choclate cake… well they knew me so well… they knew I would be late as always so might as well get something which they can enjoy ;)

And if all this is a chocolate cake, then the cherry on the cake was getting a call from my onsite team lead late at night to start with “Has the latest code been uploaded” instead of “Happy Birthday” or a courtesy “Hello” ;)…. (Insaaniyat ka zamaanaa hi nahi raha hai )

And now I know I am gonna turn 25 by the end of this year…. I even prayed last week that I know it’s difficult for God to answer all my prayers…. (As most of my prayer request would even make Virus of 3 Idiots laugh)… but this time I did give God 2 choice’s…

1… Help me sell Shampoo to Anupam Kher
2. Help me rewind my past 3 years…

There was a long pause …. Then God asked me when do I want to meet Anupam Kher for the shampoo deal… damnnn…

Turning 25 is so weird… One moment you are 24, and before you can finish the last bite of your fav pizzaa.. you turn 25 ;) … And by the next 5 year plan of our dear mr.government… you will be 30… Damn Damn Damn ;)

You know that you are 25 when your mom starts telling you… tell me if you have someone in your life… or should we find the one for you… mann the scariest question a girl has to face is this… You soon realize that marriage and kids are on the charts…

Now I wonder gone are the days when I thought choosing between 2 equally reputed engineering college was like solving some da vinci code… But naahh… Now I need to wake up to the fact that choosing a life partner is a decision as huge as Jupiter. And I need to find a guy who is happily excited to have a goofy girl like me in his life ;)

I mean, how do you know who is the ‘right’ person to share a life with, or, as they say, marry? Maybe I have let down many guys, but nobody understands that my own heart too looks like it was crossing a road and a truck hit it right where it hurts ;)… People, including those the closest to me, may dismiss it as a ‘Oh-it-happens-to-everybody’ , but I have had my share of dark clouds and I think I need to move someone to the center of my world (Right now , I got God.. my parents… my brother and my friends there) and build my life around it , make people happy , create a good life for everybody , you know , the filmi style… rainbows and butterflies . But before that, I need to decide who that person is, and that makes all my college exams look like little walks in a park...

It is easy to have coffee-movie-pizza thing with friends who are guys… But now I need to find a guy whom I understand and who understands me (Real me that is)… damn I am not funny always… stop laughing… I am serious ;) …. So where was I… yeahh understanding fiasco… so I need to find a guy who can decide much more than which pizza to order… And finding one is not easy… knowing that guys are not at all direct… complicated… way too fast… and have a secret shell always… ;)

You know this time I just asked God for a simple request… I asked Him to help me find this guy who is understanding… who is matured… who is a homely guy at the same time serious about his work… who would love me unconditionally… You know what God said… After THE long pause… he said.. “Let me re-consider your earlier prayer request of rewinding your life by 3 years… that should be easier…. “…. LOL… (Maybe the “Loving Unconditionally” thing drove Him nuts) …

Well if you know me well enof you know I can go on and on…. But its Saturday night…. and my mother is already staring me since past 10 minutes what the hell am I penning down with a smile… Before she thinks I have lost it completely let me sign off…

Rashmi _____________ (02nd Oct,2010)


  1. No one has seen tomorrow... so no point worrying about what's gonna happen in the future.. Make the right choices today & tomorrow will take care of itself :)

    By the way..approaching your silver jubilee b'day soon!! :) sahi hai.. :) ek mahine pehle sabko bata diya.. so gifts will be ready on time ;) LOLLLLL.....

  2. @Anonymous ...

    LOLZ... Indeed.... Little do I even worry abt the future... ;) ... This blog is for all my friends who are getting suicidal thouhgts as they are turning 25 this year ;)


  3. ohhh God... Rashmesh... u r going tht "I am growing old" syndrome... plzzzz... atleast looks wise u need nt worry .. u know we r blessed ;)...hehehhe yeah Life-wise.. growing upppp is so nice...freedom - responsibly though ..u can set up an example "AGE doesnt matter" ;) ...cheer up gal :)
