Saturday, October 16, 2010

I See Lot of People

I See Lot of People

Everywhere every sphere
Of earth
I see lot of people

But the biggest victim
Of isolation
I see lot of people

Worried about their luck
I see lot of people

But (more) unhappy about the luck
Of others
I see lot of people

Self obsessed
Self centered
I see lot of people

But wearing a mask
Of a family person
I see lot of people

Searching for love
With hollow hearts
I see lot of people

But blinded with lust
All set to marry
I see lot of people

Aware of the valuable time
Of themselves
I see lot of people

But misusing the time
Of others
I see lot of people

Running life’s race
I see lot of people

But only to reach dead end
I see lot of people

Talking of life
I see lot of people

But living their own words
Walking their own talk
I see none of people

____________________ Rashmi (16th Oct 2010)


  1. do not waste time on such people ...........

  2. reminds me of the verse.. "God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.
    Everyone has turned away, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one."

  3. @ Chrys..

    True :) ... this verse fits in apt right...

  4. Just Avoid them Yaar...

