Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hurry Hurry Hurry… Hurry Om Hurry… ;)

Hey All,

Hope you are not in hurry atleast today… if Yes… Then on the top right corner click the Close button… ;) … if no then you rock… please proceed ;)

Hurry Hurry Hurry… Hurry Om Hurry… ;)

This world is in hurry you know,
I keep wondering why it is so,
Ah! Guess they have taken 2012 to heart,
Hence the panic, hence the dart…

Getting off the plane is what I love,
Well one I get to smuggle flight magazines somehow,
Thts one of the reasons mind you,
ut the interesting parts starts, whats tht… do you have a clue…

People jumping off their seats you see and more,
You hear… ‘Watch it; will you pull off your suitcase off my toe?
Cell phones on… ‘Whatttttttttt… you haven’t sent the car yet’?
Makes me feel, maybe they got a meeting with the PM direct…

Enjoying this drama, as I lie in my seat,
Watching people stand on each others feet,
I wonder, ‘God… Jaldi kya hai boss’,
Maybe this plane blows up in 2 mins… Oh the loss ;) ….(Maybe I missed that announcement ;) )

PS: Plane scene ends… now lets screw the day to day scene…

Guy driving the White Linea wants to rush to office,
Hence the overtaking stunt… in so much ease…

PS: Loads of practice goes behind that stunt people …

Students in hurry reading the chapters one min before the exam,
Maybe this one answer will help them clear, hence the rush damn…

PS: Last chapter you read always ends up coming in the paper ;)

My boss in hurry to get the report,
Waiter at pizza hut in hurry to serve table number 5,
People sitting in table no 5 in hurry to eat,
At boarding gate people in hurry to get onto the plane,
When it lands, they are in hurry to get out of it...

PS : All are in the hurry to get somewhere, Few wanna enjoy the moment, very few dare…

Maybe these people know where they wanna go,
And hence they wanna get there really fast or so,
They maybe focused people, achievers you can say,
Desh ko aage badhaane walle log in all possible way … (LOL)

PS: you never know you might see these people someday on NDTV shaking hands with white people ;)

Or maybe I am a slow girl,
Who loves to get up each morning with a smile,
Who loves listening to music when she’s going to work,
Who thinks workplace need not be a serious zone,
Who loves to write about just anything which may interest nobody,
Who can switch from being fun loving to be serious at meetings,
Who thinks life also continues once you shut down your laptops,
Who does not wait for weekends to party, each day is day to party,
Who loves to laugh and cry whenever she feels like ( Who loves to wear a mask),
Who believes its best to be real… and live and do what you WANT to do,
Who has no interest in the world who wants to reach the stars,
Who has no interest in being in ‘Know it all’ types,
Who believes its imp to know yourself first, you do that... more than 50% battle is won…

PS: You see, I don't have a problem with the 'wanting to achieve things' thing. But what I don't understand is that why hurry ? Jaldi kya hai . Kidhar jaana hai ? I mean , life is not in the future . Life is now. This moment…

I have lived this ‘Hurry Om Hurry’ life long back,
People told me you do it, happiness you will get in stack,
I believed those jerks, and I landed being an engineer,
Now...Dying with a laptop is all that I fear… ;)

PS: This world defined happiness to me this way… mannn I could have told them ‘ You got to be kidding long back’… but I love giving it a try… I did give it a shot… how… go on and read…

Back in school people told me,
Happiness is getting 90% or more in boards,
I wasted my one long year to reach that weird figure,
Then people said that’s not it… (Liars i thought... )

Happiness is in being an engineer,
Like that’s a direct ticket to heaven or something,
But fool I was, I believed them all over again,
Became an engineer, c’mon stop laughing (Insaan hun main galti ho jaati hai)

Then the ‘Know it all’ said,
Journey is long, happiness is in working in top company,
I, being a fool religiously, got a job, was oh so proud, (yeah yeah control your laughs please)
Thought now I will get to know what happiness is all about….

Slogged slogged slogged…
Waited waited waited…
Happiness was no where to be seen,
Yes, laptop and my cubicle became my best friends… (Was this the happiness they were talking about, damnn)

Then the great people told me,
Happiness is going onsite… maybe US is the target,
And printing notes in dollars,
Guess the reasearches in US may have told them this happiness secret…

PS: Fir ghanti bajiii… I asked them…. Are u sure… sacchi muchii.. pakka.. Confirmed… this will give me happiness… (Finally my sarcasm i took seriously... and i quit listening to this world)

I quit my crazy job,
I rejected the onsite,
I accepted my new job (less work load mann)
And you know what… Now I am Really Happy…

__________________________Rashmi (02nd Oct, 2010)

PS : So ladies and gentlemen, Untill now the world had been telling me what to do… those were the people who themselves didn’t know where they want to be… then how can they tell you how to get there…

Now I know happiness is not something you need to achieve… its something you feel.. deep down.. you need not crack CAT… need not goto IIM… need not earn 10+K ka package… Happiness is like you celebrate ‘Happy New Day’ each day.. rather than the once a year ‘Happy new year’…

You know what is happiness for me… For me happiness is just being ME… Nothing more nothing less… And to be happy I need not achieve anything as to be happy not much is needed… Some nice music with a cheese burger shuld be just fine ;)

Love you all...



  1. i miss this life of being happy....
    truly agree with it!
    well written madam...n i am sure this is the life to love n not the hurry om hurry one ;)

    hope u r enjoying ur new life much more!!

  2. @ vanshika...

    Hello Hello Good Friend ;).... Indeed 'Hurry OM Hurrry' life at LnT Rocked... hehe.. we both know it better ;)

    Indeed life now rocksss... work does not eat up all my time... hence Happy... ;)

    Glad u liked the write madam.... Enjoy your stay at home... :)


  3. Are you sure happiness is a cheese burger along with some nice music?? :)

  4. Very Soothing to read .... :)

  5. @ Anonymous ...

    Ooops .... missed a word after the cheese burger comment... KIDDING ;)

  6. @ HP...

    Thanks buddy... always a pleasure to read ur comment :)

