Tuesday, August 31, 2010



I believe in miracles and dreams that come true,
As I have infinite loved ones through and through,
I believe in miracles and trail that aren’t vain,
As when I am down, up above someone knows I am in pain…

I believe in miracles and in stars that shine,
As it makes me feel many hearts are linked to mine…
I believe in miracles and gifts I ought to share,
As when I give it with all my heart, the world know's I care…

I believe in miracles and the love I give to one,
As I know this love will grow before the day is done…
I believe in miracles and my family’s smile,
As it takes all my worries away for a while…

I believe in miracles and the voice from above,
As it’s a whisper, yet filled with so much love…
I believe in miracles and will always do,
As answers to some things are known by few…

___________________________________Rashmi (31st August,2010)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Boulevard Of Mine…

Boulevard of Mine…

I don’t fear anything, though I am late,
As some things have always been my fate,
I have already been thru the end,
So I will be fine my friend…

Just to let you know I have the might,
Till the end to carry on this fight,
I need to wear this smile, have to be full of zest,
As I don’t want to fall and cry, like the rest…

Stars up there always remind me,
There are lotta trials this life will provide me,
Every test will come with some pain,
And its not gonna be my loss, but my gain…

For my one dream, this world I have fought,
As it was a flick, an unforgiving thought,
Now I know I can live by my law,
Abide by my virtue, devoid of flaw…

Patience gained, expectations lost,
Everything was worth the cost,
Feelings so pure, yet people do hurt,
Masking all this, wow I am an expert…

Follow your heart,
Don’t keep your mind and soul apart,
Quit blaming your fate,
You were already too late…

Its you striving to live your own code,
Which leads you to this lonely road,
At the dead end lies your abode,
Go on some more, bear this load …

Make your rules, play your game,
Life for once will never be the same,
But if you are timid, stay back and moan,
‘This boulevard, I will walk alone!’

________________________________Rashmi (30th August, 2010)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Its Raining Again...

Its Raining Again...

Do you remember...
Moments when we were all high,
Cant we ignore the days we had to cry,
Look above, forget the pain,
As today... its raining again...

Do you remember...
Moments we wished could halt,
Cant we forget each others fault,
Look above, forget the pain,
As today... its raining again..

Do you remember...
Moments we waited and met ,
Cant we just forget few lonley sunset,
Look above, forget the pain,
As today... its raining again..

Do you remember...
Moments when we talked till daylight,
Cant we ignore some lonely nights,
Look above, forget the pain,
As today... its raining again..

Do you remember...
Moments when we smiled without any reason,
Cant we forget some void season,
Look above, forget the pain,
As today... its raining again...

Do you remember...
Moments when we were one,
Cant we forget times we needed each other in ton,
Look above, forget the pain,
As today... its raining again..

Do you remember...
Moments when we walked the lonely lane,
Cant we forget the times we missed each other like insane ,
Look above, heres the rain...
Lets dance ... as today its raining again...

__________________________________Rashmi (29th August,2010)

Mixed Thoughts...

Mixed Thoughts....

Little do we think,
How much can we link,
Past and future are unseen,
Then why wreck the present so clean ...

Friends come and go they say,
Relationships are made of clay,
Why cant we keep things simply straight,
Why these days its so hard for us to wait...

Running the race do u wonder,
How we wish life is devoid of thunder,
Little things in life we miss,
When they are meant to be the true bliss...

One break off and life ends for all,
Depression phase starts, and then a great fall,
Hope to fall in love seems as small as dew,
Ages pass when we discover someone new ...

Love has become really practical now,
List of criterias start with each one somehow,
Gone are the days when love was unconditional,
Lovers today have void hearts, where love is null...

Have we spared our parents today,
With money their love we try to repay,
Do they need that at all i cry,
But maybe all are running way too fast, dont know why...

God, people have not let Him go too,
All have scheduled meetings with Him, what to do,
Quite times has become history,
Praying in the midst of noise, is a mystery...

Sighh ...

Life is so simple when we take it,
One day at a time with all wit,
But this is the most difficult logic for all,
As today we are strangled either in past, or in futures call...

__________________________________Rashmi(29th August,2010)

A Walk To Remember

Well this poem is inspired by the book, ' A Walk to Remember', by Nicholos Spark... Have tried to narrate the story in this poem... Hope you guys love it...

A Walk To Remember

Jamie, a simple girl, these words decribes her best,
With bible besides her she would always rest,
Being a pastor's daughter, she was in the lord,
Gods words filled her lifes each cord...

Landon, a high school dude, I can say,
Making out with friends was his task of each day,
Little did he care what people think,
Each day of his would pass away in a blink...

Jamie and Landon were in same class sincce childhood,
But never did they speak, i know they could,
But he would join his frnds when they made fun of Jamie,
Ah! And she would never care, but smile and flee...

Destiny plays a key role they say,
Yup it does, believe me here, i pray,
Landon and Jamie had a part of lovers to play,
For an act on the Christmas eve, strange, but true is my say...

Day 1... Jamie told Landon.. ' We can be friends, But Promise me'...
Landon asked, 'Its a matter of one play, then you are free'...
Jamie said.. ,' No, Promise me you wont fall in love'
Landon laughed, ' Impossible task it is to fall for you... but still I vow'...

Every evening after the play they would go for a long walk,
Landon carefully avoided his freinds , as he knew they would mock,
But he slowly saw the other side of Jamie, who was once a stranger,
And today for him she was no less than an angel...

Finally the day came when they had to present the play,
Landon did not expect Jamie to look so beautiful in every way,
She wore the white gown, her hair left loose for a change,
Landon had never seen somone as appealing as her in his range..

'Are you Jammie for sure?'... he asked with a sigh,
Blusing ... 'Yes Landon its Jammie indeed'... came the reply,
'You look beautiful.. huh... you you'... he was speechless,
Jammie enjoyed his reaction never the less....

After the play, Landon dropped Jammie home,
He knew , his destiny was there, not in paris or rome,
He asked , 'Will you come out for dinner tonight',
Smiling she replied, 'If you promise to walk with me in the moonlight'...

Together they walked on the lonely lane,
Landon knew right then, he wouldnt let this moment go vain,
Instantly he knelt on the ground and said,
'Will you bear with me for lifetime, till i am dead'...

Strangled for words Jammie was,
She wasnt sure it was her gain or loss,
All she said was, ' Rememeber you promised that you wont fall for me',
With tears in her eyes, she turned around, all set to flee...

Landon wasnt sure as to why she cried,
He wasnt sure if she was serious or she lied,
As he knew that she too loved him, oh so deeply so,
He demanded for a reason for her 'No'...

With tears in her eyes she said, ' I am sick',
He offered to leave her home as she indeed looked weak,
She stopped him saying, ' I am dying soon',
For a moment his life went mute, with no tune...

He thought all day and all night,
All he could see was Jammie though she was away from his sight,
He went to her and said, 'Can you fulfill my one wish my dear',
She said, 'Though time is less, I wll do watever i can do till i am near'...

Landon knelt on the ground and said, 'Will you marry me',
Jammie said, ' Landon, I am dying I plea',
He said,'Knowing all of that i wanna do the last walk with you sweetheart',
'A walk to the altar, I wanna be with you till your last breath, till we part'...

Jammie smiled and said, 'Yes I will',
Together they made their last walk, though time was nill,
They knew this was meant to be forever,
A Walk... A Walk to Remember...

____________________________________Rashmi(29th August,2010) 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Visit :)

Visit To Kelve

Well guys I rarely document my visits to any place… doing this for the first time as this was a totally new experience all together…

Me with my yoga team had planned to go to this ashram present in Kelve… Wasn’t sure if I would end up loving this tour mainly due to 2 reasons… people I was going with were all in the age group > 40 and secondly it was the first time that I was going to visit adivasi kids there which I have always wanted to do bt never took the initiative for the same…

Well like a typical techie as I was about to bunk my office ( yes , it wasn’t a planned leave for me) , I planned to complete my office wrk one day before by staying up late… so was awake till about 2 AM … and scheduled time to meet my team for the visit was 6 AM in the morning…. And thanks to my late night adventure I ended up getting up at 6 AM… Goshh…. Then the rush… I believe if I could do my work in office so quickly in which I got ready then definetly I would have been the Project Manager by now… Well to cut the long story short I was late by 30 mins ;) ….. Reached by 6:30 AM …

Facing the dinosaurs would be easier I thought… ;) …Needless to say I was welcomed with a look that simply said , ‘ Where the hell were u’ …. Heheh… Kidding… Then started the journey …

When I reached Kelve, I could not believe that , just 10 mins away from Mumbai would be heaven…. Felt like I had reached my village… Only greenery.. No noise… away from the usual busy life… just thought I could not have missed this bliss for anything in the world… I looked at the time… it said 9 AM… then thought definitely walking in this beautiful place at 9 AM is better than sitting in my AC office with my laptop ;)

We reached the asharam… Papaji (the incharge there) and mummyji welcomed us with open arms… with breakfast and hot tea… and mannn it started raining… that was icing on the cake… Something Mumbai was just dying for was seen in this remote place… It was raining so heavily that water clogging started… And guess wat all ladies even those in their 40’s to 80’s were dancing in the rains…. For a change I could see the child in them… I tried to act all sophisticated but damn it the child in me could not stay quiet for long… ;) and they dragged me in the rain… Wow… that was awesome…

Then we all gathered in a hall and papaji asked us to close our eyes and listen to the sound of the rain quietly… He said that stop thinking of what holds in the future and don’t think anything abt the past… Just think of the moment and enjoy the moment… I had never spent such a beautiful quite time since long… it was a beautiful feeling which I cant put down in words… 

Post lunch I sat with the aunties and started playing antakshari… and my god… all old songs… it was beautifull… all were full on…

Then we met the adivasi kids… those lil ones were not less than lil angels…. We all prayed together…. And then these angels proved that they were angels… do u know what they said… they prayed for us.... the said , ‘ Lord for all those who have come here bless them, give them all they need, help them grow financially, give them good health’ … I was shocked… kids who were deprived of everything in life were praying for those God has blessed with everything… as they say even a kid can teach you so many things… my eyes were moist to see them…

On my return journey we all had smiles on our face.. well wasn’t sure if I would enjoy with all aged group… but must say the aunties rocked… they asked me if I would be in touch with them even after the yoga classes.. all invited me to their place… it was so nice… as they say… ‘Strangers and just those people whom we haven’t given a chance to enter our lives’ … It came true for me yesterday… End of the day I felt happy from the core of my heart (After a really long time)… No outings with my friends… no parties…. No office work… no nothing has ever given me this much joy…

I told papaji that I am looking forward to re visit the asharam… He simply smiled and said…. This is your home… you need not ask me… Whenever you come I wll be there and wll be your host… :)

:) Awesome Journey…


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Are You ...

Inspired by the Song… ‘ Sunscreen’ … (Re-written in different style)

Are you …

Are you enjoying your youth right now?
You will miss it when it gets faded somehow…

Are you still caught up in your gloomy past?
You can’t change a sec in it, its not going to last…

Are you way too worried about your future today?
Real troubles in life are things that never crossed your mind someway…

Are you blunt and reckless with other people’s heart?
You will value them when they are no longer your part…

Are you busy running an endless race trying to be ahead?
Remember race is long & it’s only with your self in the end…

Are you running away from your past… trying to get rid of it?
But don’t miss your old love letters; preserve them as you always did…

Are you guilty, as you are 21, and you aren’t sure what you want to do?
Guess what… some interesting 30 year old still don’t know …

Are you missing the times when you enjoyed the careless dance?
You still can, even if it’s in your own living room, you can take a chance…

Are you worried whether you will ever find apt person to marry?
Maybe you will, maybe you won’t, but it’s not a burden you need to carry…

Are you over cautious the way you handle your life?
Do one thing each day that scares you… but… with thoughts that don’t strife…

Are you busy reading beauty magazines all the while?
It will only make you feel ugly… will take away your smile…

Are you still thinking about the words showered on you somehow?
Remember the compliments; forget insults, if you succeed, tell me now…

Are you in touch with your parents each day?
Get to know them; you never know when they are gone someday…

Are you still connected to your siblings in every way?
They are best link to you past and in your future too they will stay…

Are you very busy with your work, thinking you are doing it for your family?
But its little things that matters, catch these moments before they flee…


Don’t control your emotions…. Let it go wild… Let it run free… You never know when your gone for good ;)

________________________________________Rashmi (15th August, 2010)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Somebody asked me Today…

Somebody asked me today…
‘Do you believe in Christ’…
‘Yes indeed’ came my immediate reply…
This was followed by the question… ‘What does the cross represent then’…
I replied.. ‘It represents the suffering of Christ’…
Confidently came the reply… ‘You are wrong’….
And I was given a new interpretation of the Cross which stated ‘Cross means Sacrificing the ‘I’ in you’….
Made me feel that indeed people have manipulated the meaning of the cross…

Jesus says in the bible

"Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple”

By this Jesus meant…

Cross represents suffering … In the name of Chirst we will have to go thru lotta suffering …. People will deject you…. As Jesus was dejected and rejected… This is considered as part of “cross” to bear… And in this suffering we should rejoice… when people mock us in the name of Christ… we should rejoice…. When people laugh at our beliefs calling it foolishness we should remember the words of Jesus ‘Wisdom of this world is foolishness to God’…

So in the name of Christ… we should bear the suffering offered by the Cross… That’s wat the cross represents…

Somebody asked me Today…

Somebody asked me today,
Have you heard of Christ, are you his fan?’
I said, ‘In every possible way’,
‘I belong to His clan’ …

Somebody asked me today,
Do you know what does the Cross mean?’
I said, ‘In every possible way’,
It is suffering of my Lord, that makes me clean’…

Somebody asked me today,
Is Christ your closest friend?’
I said, ‘In every possible way’,
In sickness and in health indeed’…

Somebody asked me today,
Do you find Him always around?’
I said, ‘In every possible way’,
Like placid breeze, my life he does surround’…
Somebody asked me today,
Is His reply quick, or as always late?’
I said, ‘In every possible way’,
'At times his answer is ‘Wait’…

Somebody asked me today,
Does he really forgive?’
I said, ‘In every possible way’,
'He will forget our sins as long as we live' …

Somebody asked me today,
Does he reply, is his answer as clear as a pearl?’
I said, ‘In every possible way’,
At times as loud as a church bell, at times as soft as a whisper’…

Somebody asked me today,
Will He give me another chance?’
I said, ‘In every possible way’,
‘If you give the heavens above more than just a passing glance’…

Somebody asked me today,
‘In asking, do you believe?’
I said, ‘In every possible way’,
‘As it’s written, ‘Ask and you shall receive’…

Somebody asked me today,
‘Has he ever let you go?’
I said, ‘No way’,
He is right there always, in every high and every low’…

Somebody asked me today,
Will He accept me, what do I have to do?’
I said, ‘In every possible way’,
He is waiting for you since ages with open arms…All you got to do is…
 'Carry your cross (suffering) … and follow Him now’…

____________________________________Rashmi (15th August,2010)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's Then That I Miss You .... (Very Old Write)

This is a very old write… Written while I was a budding poetess… Back then while I was learning to write… Just read this after a really long time so thought of sharing… 

Its Then That I Miss You !!!
Tried real hard that these waves shouldn’t reach you,
But I fail miserably, so wanna tell you when I miss you…
When I cry over some pity issues these days,
And don’t find you to talk to and pamper me,
Its then that I miss you…
When I go out with my friends for a movie,
And I don’t find you besides me holding my hand,
Its then that I miss you…
When I sit at work idle even for few seconds,
And I just cant call you as I know you will be busy,
Its then that I miss you…
When in lonely nights I ask my dreams not to involve you,
But they are so very loyal to you what to do,
Its then that I miss you…
When I get ready all set to face this world,
And you aren’t around to tell me how beautiful I look,
Its then that I miss you…
When I walk in malls with my friends,
And remember the times we spent together,
Its then that I miss you…
When I wear the attire you gifted me,
And people around compliment me that I look good,
Its then that I miss you…
When I try to sleep all night, real hard,
And I know that you too are awake somewhere far away,
Its then that I miss you…
When something happens that makes me so very happy,
And I so wanna share everything with you but cant find you,
Its then that I miss you…
When I know you are in pain but you need your space,
And I cant be there 4u and tell you everything will be just fine,
Its then that I miss you…
When I pray each day for you, asking God to be with you,
But cant talk to you to just see if you are fine,
Its then that I miss you…

I fail to think of a single moment when I don’t miss you…
_______________________________________Rashmi (09-May-2006)

At Times ...

Just Penned Down a Casual Write... 

At Times…

At times, I don’t want you to be the perfect one,
But just a simple man loving her woman in ton …

At times, I don’t want to go out for movies with you,
But just relax at home and chit chat on topics new …

At times, I don’t want to go for a dinner date,
But prepare your favorite food, as I watch you getting bait…

At times, I don’t want you to call me day and night,
But accompany me for a long walk in the moonlight…

At times, I don’t want to be hugged or kissed,
But just you saying, being with me how much u missed…

At times, I don’t want us to have any serious talk,
But just say senseless this and that as we walk…

At times, I don’t want you to be always there my dear,
But just an ‘I Love You’ note will do when you are not near…

At times, I don’t want you to apologize and say you are sorry,
But just be silly, as I want to see the dark side of you and yet not worry…

At times, I don’t want things to go all steady in every way,
But just have simple fights, so that later you can pamper me all day…


At times, I don’t want you to take me for granted somehow,
But just know that my silence means a lot my love …

_______________________________________Rashmi (8th August, 2010)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still ... I Love You...

Just had a word with my friend today… He sounded totally depressed with every relation around him… At times we get speechless as we don’t get right words to raise someone’s spirit high… maybe it was my day to go speechless… Hence this write ...

 Still … I Love You…

My Friend…

Remember the times we chatted all night,
And the long walks all day and also in moonlight,
But when matters went astray,
Where were you, why did you split your way …

People who know all this are very few…
In spite of all this… Still… I love you…

My Brother,

You have always been my friend my dear,
You were my guide; with you life was so clear,
But why did you not trust me bro,
Why did you leave me when I was all low…

People who know all this are very few…
In spite of all this… Still… I love you…

My Sister,

You have been the one I looked up to sis,
With you around, life has been bliss,
But when someone new came into your life,
Why did you move away when you became a wife …?

People who know all this are very few…
In spite of all this… Still… I love you…

Dear Mom,

With you around I had nothing to fear,
Even when troubles were so very near,
I am no longer your child, you once said,
Does it not affect you if I am living or dead…?

People who know all this are very few…
In spite of all this… Still… I love you…

My Dad,

You were my super hero dad,
When you were with me I was never sad,
Then why from the moment I could talk,
I was ordered to listen and follow your walk…

People who know all this are very few…
In spite of all this… Still… I love you…

My Love,

Speechless I get when I have to write about you,
Your thoughts brings back the feeling that’s so new,
Then why did we part,
Why did we lock our heart…?

People who know all this are very few…
In spite of all this… Still… I love you…

My Child,

With you I re-lived my childhood,
In your troubles, like a pillar I stood,
Then why did you move out of our home,
Leaving your mother all alone…

People who know all this are very few…
In spite of all this… Still… I love you…

My Lord,

You were my best buddy right,
We used to talk day and night,
Then why did you desert me, why?
Why didn’t you hear my cry…?

People who know all this are very few…
In spite of all this… Still… I love you… Forever I will Love you...

__________________________________Rashmi(5th August,2010)

PS : Comments and Criticism Welcomed.....