Sunday, August 8, 2010

At Times ...

Just Penned Down a Casual Write... 

At Times…

At times, I don’t want you to be the perfect one,
But just a simple man loving her woman in ton …

At times, I don’t want to go out for movies with you,
But just relax at home and chit chat on topics new …

At times, I don’t want to go for a dinner date,
But prepare your favorite food, as I watch you getting bait…

At times, I don’t want you to call me day and night,
But accompany me for a long walk in the moonlight…

At times, I don’t want to be hugged or kissed,
But just you saying, being with me how much u missed…

At times, I don’t want us to have any serious talk,
But just say senseless this and that as we walk…

At times, I don’t want you to be always there my dear,
But just an ‘I Love You’ note will do when you are not near…

At times, I don’t want you to apologize and say you are sorry,
But just be silly, as I want to see the dark side of you and yet not worry…

At times, I don’t want things to go all steady in every way,
But just have simple fights, so that later you can pamper me all day…


At times, I don’t want you to take me for granted somehow,
But just know that my silence means a lot my love …

_______________________________________Rashmi (8th August, 2010)


  1. Desires Unleashed

    Nice One Rashmi...

  2. Speechless... n i m gonna churaofy ths poem ;) ...
