Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Her Wedding Vows"

Inspired by Ronan Keatings …."This I Promise You" ..

Priest :"Do you, Steve take Alice to be your wife?
Steve : Yes father… Now and for rest of my life…
Priest : Do you promise to love, honor and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her?"
Steve : For her from now on… my life I surrender…

Alice: "I Alice, take thee Steve , to be my husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my love to you.."

And here begins a promise for life… 

"Her Wedding Vows"

My love… you are my dream my life,
Holding on to you, now I know I am your wife,
Now my hands aren’t shaking anymore,
As you are with me and so much love for us in store…

Now I am not running around you see,
No more fear, no more worries from which I have to flee,
My thoughts aren’t wandering in Paris and Rome,
As now I know my love that I am already home…

As we dance on our wedding night,
Closer than ever, we are in the lime light,
Can your hear the beat of my heart,
All its saying is, from now on you are my part…

Please don’t let go, don’t ever lie,
As anything can just make me cry,
This for me is forever, I promise you,
I am all set to start our life afresh and new…

Hope you forgive me when I make mistakes somehow,
Just remember that I am not perfect just a human my love,
When matters will go astray, and no way we may find…
Don’t let the thought of walking away ever cross your worried mind…

Maybe I might not be able to be the right person each day,
Maybe I might upset you, and test your patience in every way,
When my spirit goes low, you be there to raise the same,
And I promise I will be there too, when our monkey mind goes lame …

 All I want to say is I will be there for two moments,
Now and forever,
Whenever you feel that things ain't right my love,
Just say the 3 words I Love You’
And things will fall into place somehow…

_______________________________________Rashmi(1st August, 2010)

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