Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Visit :)

Visit To Kelve

Well guys I rarely document my visits to any place… doing this for the first time as this was a totally new experience all together…

Me with my yoga team had planned to go to this ashram present in Kelve… Wasn’t sure if I would end up loving this tour mainly due to 2 reasons… people I was going with were all in the age group > 40 and secondly it was the first time that I was going to visit adivasi kids there which I have always wanted to do bt never took the initiative for the same…

Well like a typical techie as I was about to bunk my office ( yes , it wasn’t a planned leave for me) , I planned to complete my office wrk one day before by staying up late… so was awake till about 2 AM … and scheduled time to meet my team for the visit was 6 AM in the morning…. And thanks to my late night adventure I ended up getting up at 6 AM… Goshh…. Then the rush… I believe if I could do my work in office so quickly in which I got ready then definetly I would have been the Project Manager by now… Well to cut the long story short I was late by 30 mins ;) ….. Reached by 6:30 AM …

Facing the dinosaurs would be easier I thought… ;) …Needless to say I was welcomed with a look that simply said , ‘ Where the hell were u’ …. Heheh… Kidding… Then started the journey …

When I reached Kelve, I could not believe that , just 10 mins away from Mumbai would be heaven…. Felt like I had reached my village… Only greenery.. No noise… away from the usual busy life… just thought I could not have missed this bliss for anything in the world… I looked at the time… it said 9 AM… then thought definitely walking in this beautiful place at 9 AM is better than sitting in my AC office with my laptop ;)

We reached the asharam… Papaji (the incharge there) and mummyji welcomed us with open arms… with breakfast and hot tea… and mannn it started raining… that was icing on the cake… Something Mumbai was just dying for was seen in this remote place… It was raining so heavily that water clogging started… And guess wat all ladies even those in their 40’s to 80’s were dancing in the rains…. For a change I could see the child in them… I tried to act all sophisticated but damn it the child in me could not stay quiet for long… ;) and they dragged me in the rain… Wow… that was awesome…

Then we all gathered in a hall and papaji asked us to close our eyes and listen to the sound of the rain quietly… He said that stop thinking of what holds in the future and don’t think anything abt the past… Just think of the moment and enjoy the moment… I had never spent such a beautiful quite time since long… it was a beautiful feeling which I cant put down in words… 

Post lunch I sat with the aunties and started playing antakshari… and my god… all old songs… it was beautifull… all were full on…

Then we met the adivasi kids… those lil ones were not less than lil angels…. We all prayed together…. And then these angels proved that they were angels… do u know what they said… they prayed for us.... the said , ‘ Lord for all those who have come here bless them, give them all they need, help them grow financially, give them good health’ … I was shocked… kids who were deprived of everything in life were praying for those God has blessed with everything… as they say even a kid can teach you so many things… my eyes were moist to see them…

On my return journey we all had smiles on our face.. well wasn’t sure if I would enjoy with all aged group… but must say the aunties rocked… they asked me if I would be in touch with them even after the yoga classes.. all invited me to their place… it was so nice… as they say… ‘Strangers and just those people whom we haven’t given a chance to enter our lives’ … It came true for me yesterday… End of the day I felt happy from the core of my heart (After a really long time)… No outings with my friends… no parties…. No office work… no nothing has ever given me this much joy…

I told papaji that I am looking forward to re visit the asharam… He simply smiled and said…. This is your home… you need not ask me… Whenever you come I wll be there and wll be your host… :)

:) Awesome Journey…


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