Monday, August 30, 2010

Boulevard Of Mine…

Boulevard of Mine…

I don’t fear anything, though I am late,
As some things have always been my fate,
I have already been thru the end,
So I will be fine my friend…

Just to let you know I have the might,
Till the end to carry on this fight,
I need to wear this smile, have to be full of zest,
As I don’t want to fall and cry, like the rest…

Stars up there always remind me,
There are lotta trials this life will provide me,
Every test will come with some pain,
And its not gonna be my loss, but my gain…

For my one dream, this world I have fought,
As it was a flick, an unforgiving thought,
Now I know I can live by my law,
Abide by my virtue, devoid of flaw…

Patience gained, expectations lost,
Everything was worth the cost,
Feelings so pure, yet people do hurt,
Masking all this, wow I am an expert…

Follow your heart,
Don’t keep your mind and soul apart,
Quit blaming your fate,
You were already too late…

Its you striving to live your own code,
Which leads you to this lonely road,
At the dead end lies your abode,
Go on some more, bear this load …

Make your rules, play your game,
Life for once will never be the same,
But if you are timid, stay back and moan,
‘This boulevard, I will walk alone!’

________________________________Rashmi (30th August, 2010)


  1. Ohh Shittt

    I seriously wish you had not made that silly mistake in 2nd line (Has in place of Have)

    Otherwise it was Too Good
    A treat to read...

    Wish you Best of Luck for future...
    Take Care

  2. @ HP...

    Lol... yeahh as alwayss... TYPO...


    Btw thanks for the comments...

