Sunday, August 15, 2010

Are You ...

Inspired by the Song… ‘ Sunscreen’ … (Re-written in different style)

Are you …

Are you enjoying your youth right now?
You will miss it when it gets faded somehow…

Are you still caught up in your gloomy past?
You can’t change a sec in it, its not going to last…

Are you way too worried about your future today?
Real troubles in life are things that never crossed your mind someway…

Are you blunt and reckless with other people’s heart?
You will value them when they are no longer your part…

Are you busy running an endless race trying to be ahead?
Remember race is long & it’s only with your self in the end…

Are you running away from your past… trying to get rid of it?
But don’t miss your old love letters; preserve them as you always did…

Are you guilty, as you are 21, and you aren’t sure what you want to do?
Guess what… some interesting 30 year old still don’t know …

Are you missing the times when you enjoyed the careless dance?
You still can, even if it’s in your own living room, you can take a chance…

Are you worried whether you will ever find apt person to marry?
Maybe you will, maybe you won’t, but it’s not a burden you need to carry…

Are you over cautious the way you handle your life?
Do one thing each day that scares you… but… with thoughts that don’t strife…

Are you busy reading beauty magazines all the while?
It will only make you feel ugly… will take away your smile…

Are you still thinking about the words showered on you somehow?
Remember the compliments; forget insults, if you succeed, tell me now…

Are you in touch with your parents each day?
Get to know them; you never know when they are gone someday…

Are you still connected to your siblings in every way?
They are best link to you past and in your future too they will stay…

Are you very busy with your work, thinking you are doing it for your family?
But its little things that matters, catch these moments before they flee…


Don’t control your emotions…. Let it go wild… Let it run free… You never know when your gone for good ;)

________________________________________Rashmi (15th August, 2010)

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