Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mixed Thoughts...

Mixed Thoughts....

Little do we think,
How much can we link,
Past and future are unseen,
Then why wreck the present so clean ...

Friends come and go they say,
Relationships are made of clay,
Why cant we keep things simply straight,
Why these days its so hard for us to wait...

Running the race do u wonder,
How we wish life is devoid of thunder,
Little things in life we miss,
When they are meant to be the true bliss...

One break off and life ends for all,
Depression phase starts, and then a great fall,
Hope to fall in love seems as small as dew,
Ages pass when we discover someone new ...

Love has become really practical now,
List of criterias start with each one somehow,
Gone are the days when love was unconditional,
Lovers today have void hearts, where love is null...

Have we spared our parents today,
With money their love we try to repay,
Do they need that at all i cry,
But maybe all are running way too fast, dont know why...

God, people have not let Him go too,
All have scheduled meetings with Him, what to do,
Quite times has become history,
Praying in the midst of noise, is a mystery...

Sighh ...

Life is so simple when we take it,
One day at a time with all wit,
But this is the most difficult logic for all,
As today we are strangled either in past, or in futures call...

__________________________________Rashmi(29th August,2010)


  1. Too gud ... perfectly put :) ... But so tough to follow ..

  2. @ HP...

    Mr HMM .... implies thinkingggg ;)

  3. @ Anuyaaa...

    Yeah sweety... Indeed difficult to follow... but if we do not follow, life is even more difficult... ;)

    Thanks for the comments dear... I guess ur comment tells me we need to talk over dinner again... ;)

  4. I always commented on ur posts..
    but this time I have a question...

    How you get/choose a pick which relates to your content ?

  5. @ Saurabh...

    Well most of the times I am in the poem community in orkut... and while i read the writes of my friends and if I can connect to the flow (Maybe truely or ficticiously) I start compiling...

    At times its related to what I have gone thru...

    At times its related to what my friends go thru...

    And at times its just random thoughts penned down ;)


  6. Hey Waste!!!
    Not thinkingggggg

    Thought already ;) and replied back in mail
    Check that... :P

  7. LOL ;)Rashmesh chatting with u is always a pleasure but lets not waste our immensely treasured dinners on some unwanted things ;) hehehhe... n trust me m reallly njoying every lesson :) n everyday i thank God fr these ;)
