Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Walk To Remember

Well this poem is inspired by the book, ' A Walk to Remember', by Nicholos Spark... Have tried to narrate the story in this poem... Hope you guys love it...

A Walk To Remember

Jamie, a simple girl, these words decribes her best,
With bible besides her she would always rest,
Being a pastor's daughter, she was in the lord,
Gods words filled her lifes each cord...

Landon, a high school dude, I can say,
Making out with friends was his task of each day,
Little did he care what people think,
Each day of his would pass away in a blink...

Jamie and Landon were in same class sincce childhood,
But never did they speak, i know they could,
But he would join his frnds when they made fun of Jamie,
Ah! And she would never care, but smile and flee...

Destiny plays a key role they say,
Yup it does, believe me here, i pray,
Landon and Jamie had a part of lovers to play,
For an act on the Christmas eve, strange, but true is my say...

Day 1... Jamie told Landon.. ' We can be friends, But Promise me'...
Landon asked, 'Its a matter of one play, then you are free'...
Jamie said.. ,' No, Promise me you wont fall in love'
Landon laughed, ' Impossible task it is to fall for you... but still I vow'...

Every evening after the play they would go for a long walk,
Landon carefully avoided his freinds , as he knew they would mock,
But he slowly saw the other side of Jamie, who was once a stranger,
And today for him she was no less than an angel...

Finally the day came when they had to present the play,
Landon did not expect Jamie to look so beautiful in every way,
She wore the white gown, her hair left loose for a change,
Landon had never seen somone as appealing as her in his range..

'Are you Jammie for sure?'... he asked with a sigh,
Blusing ... 'Yes Landon its Jammie indeed'... came the reply,
'You look beautiful.. huh... you you'... he was speechless,
Jammie enjoyed his reaction never the less....

After the play, Landon dropped Jammie home,
He knew , his destiny was there, not in paris or rome,
He asked , 'Will you come out for dinner tonight',
Smiling she replied, 'If you promise to walk with me in the moonlight'...

Together they walked on the lonely lane,
Landon knew right then, he wouldnt let this moment go vain,
Instantly he knelt on the ground and said,
'Will you bear with me for lifetime, till i am dead'...

Strangled for words Jammie was,
She wasnt sure it was her gain or loss,
All she said was, ' Rememeber you promised that you wont fall for me',
With tears in her eyes, she turned around, all set to flee...

Landon wasnt sure as to why she cried,
He wasnt sure if she was serious or she lied,
As he knew that she too loved him, oh so deeply so,
He demanded for a reason for her 'No'...

With tears in her eyes she said, ' I am sick',
He offered to leave her home as she indeed looked weak,
She stopped him saying, ' I am dying soon',
For a moment his life went mute, with no tune...

He thought all day and all night,
All he could see was Jammie though she was away from his sight,
He went to her and said, 'Can you fulfill my one wish my dear',
She said, 'Though time is less, I wll do watever i can do till i am near'...

Landon knelt on the ground and said, 'Will you marry me',
Jammie said, ' Landon, I am dying I plea',
He said,'Knowing all of that i wanna do the last walk with you sweetheart',
'A walk to the altar, I wanna be with you till your last breath, till we part'...

Jammie smiled and said, 'Yes I will',
Together they made their last walk, though time was nill,
They knew this was meant to be forever,
A Walk... A Walk to Remember...

____________________________________Rashmi(29th August,2010) 


  1. @ Anu...

    Thanks sweety ... But this could have been better.. somewhere i feel something is missing in this poem... Not that happy with my own compilation... ;)


  2. Nope.. infact i thot u have put many things in one... n thts why u think so... but m sure compiling the whole story in few lines is obviously tough... bt u really managed well ... :)

  3. @ Anu...

    Thankss dearr :)... Love ya

  4. @ Pritam...

    Thanksss buddyyyy :) ....

