Tuesday, August 31, 2010



I believe in miracles and dreams that come true,
As I have infinite loved ones through and through,
I believe in miracles and trail that aren’t vain,
As when I am down, up above someone knows I am in pain…

I believe in miracles and in stars that shine,
As it makes me feel many hearts are linked to mine…
I believe in miracles and gifts I ought to share,
As when I give it with all my heart, the world know's I care…

I believe in miracles and the love I give to one,
As I know this love will grow before the day is done…
I believe in miracles and my family’s smile,
As it takes all my worries away for a while…

I believe in miracles and the voice from above,
As it’s a whisper, yet filled with so much love…
I believe in miracles and will always do,
As answers to some things are known by few…

___________________________________Rashmi (31st August,2010)


  1. Good one ... :)

    Liked the second stanza particularly...

    Especially the line
    "As it makes me feel many hearts are linked to mine…"
    and its usage

  2. @ HP...

    Thanksss :) Thts my fav stanza too

