Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Celebrate Life !!!!

There’s no right time to tell someone that you really care… There is no right time to find the right person… There is no right moment to be happy or sad…  

As they say…

The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live…
--Norman Cousins

When I was growing up, my father said something to me I will never forget, “Son, when you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced… Live your life in such a way that when you die the world cries while you rejoice”
--Robin Sharma

All I realized today after listening to my friends incident is… Every moment God has blessed us with is worth ‘Celebrating Life!!!’…

At times we tend to take life so seriously… We plan plan and plan and keep planning… But have you ever realized that life can be so very unpredictable... But I truly believe in the lines 'If you wanna make God laugh, then tell him your plans' ;)

Since morning I was kinda disturbed regarding some silly issue… discussed the same with one of my friend... My friend told me that your issue is not even worth worrying about... She told me about her friend in Teradata and his story stunned me... Shocked me beyond any cure…  Here's the story…

There is a guy in Teradata (Don’t wanna take names here hence would refer him with a Dummy Name: Pavan)… totally happy go lucky types… Based in pune… He has recently joined Teradata like all of us… and happens to be a old friend of my friend who narated me this story … Well this guy is committed to a girl since he was in final year engineering… back then the girl was studying in 12th std… She then moved to Banglore for pursuing her degree in medicine… He too found a job in Banglore (Being a techie) so that they could spend time together and avoid long distance relationship…. Life was going really smooth for the pair… Anytime my friend would ask Pavan how is your doctor doing…. And he would always say…. 'Jaha pe bhi hai bahut mazze main hai aur khush hai'… this was his standard reply :)

Both belonged to Muslim community and hence no issues came up when they introduced each other to their parents once she was in her final year medical college… Everyone would always tell Pavan that you are really lucky… your love life is gonna end up in marriage with no hitches… And he would always say 'This is really scary also… I somewhere always wonder how can things go so smooth… with no issues' … For the couple all they could think or hear was their upcoming Wedding Bells… 

Now my friend was outta touch with Pavan since long… Last weekend he happened to call her to check if she is joining for the Treck Teradata has organized for the coming weekend… My friend in the end asked Pavan as usual ' So how is ms doctor doing' … he replied as usual 'Jaha pe bhi hai bahut mazze main hai aur khush hai'… But this time the excitement in his tone was missing… She sensed that (guess girls are kinda good at this) … She thought worse usska break off hua rahega… He then opened up saying that 3 months back… her fiance was on her way to her college and she met with an accident… one of her friend died on the spot… but her fiance was in critical situation … she was taken to the hospital but was declared as dead… :|

My friend was all stunned… she asked 'all this while we kept asking you how is ms doctor and you never mentioned this tragedy'… he said 'No point in talking abt it right… so I nver told you guys...she is dead.. Gone for ever… but all I wish and can say is ...Jaha pe bhi hai bahut mazze main hai aur khush hai'… :|

Well indeed at times things don’t go our way… Even if everything looks right… Any moment things may change… as they say… ‘90% of our fears never come into reality’ … So never regret the past… as u cant change a second of it… and don’t worry about the future as we never know when God might implement his plan … All we have with us the Present… Live it to the fullest :)



  1. True...

    One never knows when life sort of takes a U turn...

    You think that you were all prepared for it...
    Ready to take on the things in life..
    And the very next moment, things change

    Sometimes it seems that the best solution is to let things go
    But sometimes, it seems, isnt letting go just another way of demeaning your emotions in a very humble way...
    Nahi ????

  2. @ HP...

    :) ... Dont give up on your dreams... thts not right... but dont worry way too much of the future that you forget living the present... :)


  3. :| ... Life ... the more u discover, the more it hides... pheww... very touching...
