Monday, November 29, 2010

To Bring You Back Home...

Me to my Lord...

I leave each morning,
To embrace the day,
Day starts fine,
With the rush oh so divine…

I see people running,
People on planes,
People on trains,
People in the cars...

A million smiles,
A zillion frowns,
So many streets,
So many towns …

So many chances,
To lose myself,
So many more,
To find myself…

But only with you,
I can be the me,
The Me that no one judges,
Me who is oh so free…

I reach my office,
Good mornings I hear,
Few smiles, most devoid of glee,
Most drowned in lappy you see…

I close my eyes,
Asking you to make it good,
Devoid of tension,
As life actually should be….

Issue mails I see,
Feels nothing to me,
As life issues are so much,
Work issues feel null to me…

In life’s stage,
I am standing all alone,
In the spotlight,
I am talking aloud…

Are u in the crowd,
Are you looking at me?
Just letting me know from far,
That I am not alone you see…

Lord to Me...

When you are lost,
Nowhere to go,
Heart has this weird load,
Don’t give up,
As you are not alone,
Coz I am there,
To bring you back home…

You took a chance,
You dared to cross the line,
I know some told words,
That was oh so unkind,
Don’t believe them,
Coz I am always here
To bring you home…

Hearts do break,
Tears always fall,
The world is turning and you are learning
What matters most of all?
That you are not alone,
Coz I am always here
To bring you home…

Dare to dream again,
Be all that you can be,
Don’t worry even if you fall,
As you don’t fall alone,
What matters the most is,
I am always here,
To bring you back safe home…

______________________Rashmi(29th November, 2010)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Break Khatam… Kyu… Aiwee hii ;)

Break Khatam… Kyu… Aiwee hii ;)

Well … Well … Its weird… really weird… each day I get up with this thought… I cant believe how could this happen… Each day I think hope this had not happened… But life is tuff they say… yeah… so I finally accept this fact today… and its dissolved into my system that ‘I loved the movie ‘Break Ke Baad’… hehehe…

‘Whatt… how did this happen? … we thought u had a good tasstee’ …. Whooaaa…. I can hear you guysss … you are way too loud… and I guess u are talking about me… I know …. I know… I apologize for my taste…. But I truly loved this movie…

Ok… ok.. shoot ur questions… what??? ‘What I loved in the movieee?’… Long list… u can read it when you are having sleepless nights… this post will definitely put you off to sleep…

Well the movie defines ‘This Generation Love life’ … so old zamaanaa people back off… what you are gonna read ahead might make ‘No-sense’ to you guys….

'Break off’… well this word used to be the ‘End’ in olden zamaanaa ;)… but in this zamaanaa this means … ‘Need a break from the relationship’… at times it gets suffocating they say … at times people get so used to each other that they tend to take each other for granted… the thought that ‘ye kaha jaayega/jaayegii’… he/she will always be around… so let me deal with other things first…. He/she can always wait… other things are in priority… Whoaaa… hold on… wrong logic… value this someone who is always there around… This movie teaches this generation lovers to value what they have… and stop running after what they don’t have…

In a relationship they say its never 50/50 from both ends… what… who are ‘They’… the love gurus yaa…. Ok ok… let me continue… there is always an imbalance in a relation… one gives 80% then the other gives 20%... ok lets take one more example… if one gives 40% then the other gives 60%.... hehe… ok ok … I know u got the point… but the inner point is its ‘OK’ to have this imbalance… its not about perfection… this 50/50 might only happen with love life of IIM-A or IITian grads life mann… they are way too good with numbers u see… now I know why 99.99% of the IIM and IIT guys/girls are single ;)… ( I hope none of the IIM’s or IITians get the link to this blog)

So its not about perfection we are talking about here… its how 2 people make a relation complete… to strike that 100% is important… who gives how much percent does not matter… really…

Role reversals do happen… one who at one point might have given 60% might turn up 4 years down the lane to give 40%... then the other partner definitely needs to fill the gap :) ….. and it happens :)… in love it has to happen… :)

Another important striking feature in the movie is the importance of the word ...

‘ Commitment’ … Whoaaa... guys dont freak out ;)

Deepika and Imran are childhood sweethearts… But deepika is of types who keeps running away from marriage… she is of types who has always being running away from problems… who has always been breaking relations when it has become difficult to handle or if it gets a little suffocating… Who has dreams as high as mountains and to fulfill them she does not even mind breaking up her relation with Imran…

Imran on the other hand is this simple guy who values commitment… and indeed he is the guy who gives 90% in their relationship… yeah deepika does manage to pitch in 10%... hehe… the beauty of their relation comes into play after they break off and yet they stay committed…

As stated in the movie… ‘These new age directors have corrupted this generation kids by making back to back re-make of Devdas… where in they portray that if one relation end then it’s the end of age… ‘ … so true I thought… But important point is if the relation is broken for silly reasons its worth giving it a shot again… but if its broken for some reason that’s irreparable… then the best thing to do is ‘Move On’ … How long can one keep banging at the closed doorr… you keep watching the closed door for long … u might just miss out on the new door that’s opened… :)

The movie ends in a typical hindi filmi style in which a girl who keeps running away from marriage proposes to Imran … And in return Imran says ‘ Give me one reason why should I marry you?’ … all she says is, ‘I know I am a non-sense girl… I know u in and out… and I am not getting any other reason for the moment… all I want you to do is choose me’ … Imran replies, ‘ To marry you I need no reason… all I know is I had made a promise to you one day that I wll never leave you… and so here I am… I will marry you’ … :)

Yipeeee…. Yipeee… Yipeee…. I love happy endings : ) …

PS ...

For all those who are still not over the fact that I am back and are thinking ‘How come she is back soo soon… we thought she is gone for good’ … hehe… Well I did have a meeting with Mr. Spider the other day with regards to renting this blog till the year end… But he said that he resides in US and hence he too is off for his vacations on the eve of thanksgiving, Christmas and new years it seems… mann these US spiders do get real shameless with regards to leaves in the year end ;)… negotiation didn’t hit the target you see… then I thought keeping the blog empty is not good… and it has been long … I mean its at least week since something non-sense did breathe in this blog… ;)

So ‘Here I Am… Back with all new Season 2’ …

For all my critics who didn’t miss me… you are always fun to have around… and for those who did miss me… mann either you know me way too much or don’t know me at all ;)

Love you all,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Milte hai.. Break ke Baad ...

Milte Hai... Break ke Baad...

Yarron, I am moving out of this blog for a while… ;)... Yeah yeah.. control your emotions dude... Control your smiles ;)

So dostoon... Milte hai ‘Break Ke Baad’ … Btw if I am not mistaken this movie is gonna be releasing soon right… I love the song ‘Dooriyaan, Bhi hai zaroori’… no no no… this song is not the reason for my break dude… grow up…

So dear all... Happy Thanksgiving…Merry Merry Christmas and A very happy new year to all… See ya next year…

For all those who are already rushing to the nearest sweet shop yelling… ‘Finally she is gone’ … Mann God has answered your prayers… ;)...

So milte hai…. ‘Break ke Baad’...

_______________________Rashmi(23rd November, 2010)

PS : Mr. Spider, you can make this blog your home for some time… I got a meeting at 6 PM today… so negotiation with regards to the rent and all we can do tonight… Mind you… First come first serve basis only… ;)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Picture Abhi Baaki Hai :)

Picture Abhi Baaki Hai...

Well a lotta people in Big Boss are dead because of Dolly Bindra’s scary appearance on Big Boss since I last wrote… ( I know , my usage of English idioms is exemplary . Zabardast.)

Lotta things happening at work, in personal life and at home… Right now there is a domestic problem at home… Last Friday my bros cell phone was found in 2 pieces in the bedroom… . Now , under normal circumstances , if anything goes missing or wrecked in my home or in a radius of 20 kilometers around it , my mother just walks up to me and says “Where is it ? Bata Bata! Tell me if you want to get dinner! ”

But this time around, I have come out clean like a winning warrior … because when the things happened I was busy coloring excel sheets at office… whatttt… no no I am still and Engineer… no upgradation to MBA so far… kya karee… Project has shifted from development to testing phase… hence playing with excel sheets these dayss…. ;)

Now after lotta investigation, my brother concluded that it was the ‘Kaam-wali’ who has wrecked the phone… Not me… Not the postman, not the watchman, not the milkman… but the most important person in the history of the Indian womankind – The Kaamwali…

Now, all of you have hopefully grown up in Indian households, and it is an insult to your intelligence if I start telling you how important a peg a ‘kaam wali’ is in the workings of the world and your household, in particular. Just to provide an illustrative example, my mother once threw a five year old me off the balcony because I called the maid a ‘moti’. And she actually was so fat… Sob Sob… :(

So coming back to the case of the broken cell phone, my mother has taken an immediate offence to my brother accusing the kaamwali, and if my brother was still a child, he would have been flying out of a balcony too. Ma has refused to question the kaamwali and has warned anyone in the household against doing so with drastic consequences including self immolation and totally screwed salt amounts in food. But protected fiercely by mom , the kaamwali continues to roam around the house unfettered and my brother continues to hope he will have his revenge some day ;)

On a personal front , I guess things are never supposed to be smooth for a girl who is 25 and is staring at a future which is still as clear as the climax of an art movie (I don’t know about you , but I rarely understand how these art movies end . I mean , when ‘The Namesake’ ended , I was like “What ? Why are they turning on the lights ? Where is the rest of it ?”) . Things have been kinda intense on the personal front , but every time I think I know what I want and what will be good for everybody , I flip out two days later…

About situation at work , after almost four years of corporate world including ‘Another one , and you are fired’ as well as ‘Great work , so unlike you !’ emails , all I can do is offer a big sisterly advice to those who are yet to order their business suits – Love your work ...At least try to love it . But remember you are just a guy filling a job profile for them . The day you don’t punch out the right result , they are going to help you pack your stuff and take it home in a cardboard box . So know what is important…

But one intense thing I have been thinking about these days is about the girl in the mirror… hey don’t worry… I don’t live in a haunted house or something… I am talking about myself… someone asked me today… ‘What makes your 25 years worth it?’

I thought … thought and thought… I know for a girl like me… thinking is ain’t good for my health…. That’s what the doctors concluded after seeing the rate of my weight loss… ;)…. But still I thought let me get down with few more calories… thinking is important…

I am not sure abt the first 20 years… but last 5 years have been a roller coaster ride for me… seeing the real world that is… real people… its scary… damnn scary trust me… as they say, no one grows up…. We only learn how to behave in public…. So true…. The child in me was being lost somewhere… I mean in public… kinda have changed to suit the worlds needs… all mature at times…. Bt yet a child from within… But whats most important is how many hearts have you touched…. How many lives have you moved…. How many people count on you when they have problems… how many people think of your name first in their thick and thin times… Siggh… Well must admit, I have been lucky in that area… At times it gets overboard…When you have your own issues... but then deep down there is always this thought that these people can connect to me… and I feel that’s what life is all about… Connecting to all… and I believe so far lifes going gooddd…. So far the picture is not boring… its filled with lotta drama… lotta heart breaking moments… lotta comedy … and lotta devdas moments too… lol…

But as someone told me last week… ‘Picture abhi baaki hai…’…. I wish it has a happy ending…. Not like ‘Namesake’ … or ’15 Park Avenue’… hehhe…

All I hope and pray today is that even when my life strikes 30... (If I am alive till then that is) ... I want to talk of more of roller coaster adventures... ;) ... It's fun to talk about it few years down the lane right.. and the funny point is that the so called events that left you wept back then, leaves you smiling today... Phew... ;) ... Yeah there you go... I was talking about this smile....Oucchhh.... You got a scary smile ;)

Anyway, it’s a Sunday, and it’s time I check out what’s on HBO . I anyway need to move from here because the kaamwali needs to sweep this room, and she just gave me the ‘Move-you-jerk-or-I-tell-your-mom-you-called-me-moti’ look. I don’t want to be flying out of a balcony anytime soon…

______________________Rashmi (21st November, 2010)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Inspired by Ronan Keating's 'Father And Son' ... Link to the song is below:



Why the rush to move away,
When I was there for you every single day,
You are young, so be calm for now,
Don’t make a hasty decision somehow…


As always, today also I fail to explain,
When I want to talk it out, u are turning away again,
I know dad had lotta responsibilities mom,
But it was you who suffered, how can I be calm…


I know what you are going through,
This phase I have seen, it’s not new,
I also know its not going to be easy,
But just relax my dear, don’t get dizzy…


From you I learnt so much of the right,
To live life with a smile, give it a tuff fight,
But I also learnt some of the wrong,
To keep things inside, you know I am so tired of being strong…


You have a long way to go dear,
In that journey I won’t be near,
Find a guy, do marry him,
I know a perfect family has always been your dream…


You know mom, hate to say this but your life scares me,
So from marriage I always did flee,
I have kept so much of these things inside,
Never cried, though alone with no one beside…


I know I always failed to tell you,
I always failed to express my love for you,
I was too busy raising you and your bro,
All alone, without your dad it wasn’t easy you know…


I always heard people say,
Daughters are daddy’s girl in every way,
I always wondered what it must be like being one,
When I asked you, you always skipped this topic in fun…


Your dad loves us in tons my dear,
He also hated the fact he wasn’t near,
But if I wasn’t strong, he would have been broken,
And he had lotta responsibilities being the eldest son…


But mom what about you, what about bro and me,
What about your married life that did flee,
What about the moments he missed seeing us being born,
What about the fact that you were all alone …


But now he is back right,
Right with us, in front of our sight,
He is trying to make up for being away,
Don’t you think we need to give him a chance in every way…


Mom, love can’t be built overnight they say,
I just can’t connect to him now; I try but fail everyday,
He loves me I know, but I feel he is a stranger to me,
I just cant open up to him you see…

When we were kids, you took us to ISD booth every Sunday,
And tell us, ‘That’s your dad… Hello Daddy…you got to say’,
Little did we know who the person on the other end was?
Little did we know why were we talking, what was the cause…?

Every month end, a huge parcel arrived at home remember,
New clothes, new toys, oh those chocolates did surrender,
Back then I thought my life rocked, as my friends never got all of this,
Little did I know, in the bargain dad’s love I did miss…

I know it must have been hard for dad and you somehow,
But it’s harder for me to ignore all of this now,
I am happy that at least now you are getting to live your married life,
Finally you have your husband with you; you get to be dads wife :)


And you think moving outta home is the best way out,
Why don’t you just let go, in the past why are you caught,
I promise, we will make up for the times we were wrong,
For all those times you had to be strong …


I love you mamma, and I love dada too,
But I need to move out; I want to start new,
I will be back, this I promise you, don’t feel low,
But for now I have to go ….


Can you please give me one chance,
Dont turn away, give me another glance,
You are mamma's princess right,
How can I live with you away from my sight...


Your words make me weak,
With you alone my solace I can seek,
I am not going anywhere mamma I promise,
I will be right here with you and fulfill your every wish...

_______________________Rashmi (21st November, 2010)

PS : I Love You Mom... More than you will ever know...

25 Down... 1 More to Go... ;)

I know, the title sounds a little way to absurd... But yes... 25 years of my life is down... and for now I just have control over the next one more year ... so 1 more to go.... ;)... Hope the explanation makes sense to you... watttt... it does... strange.. because it makes absolutely no sense to me ;)

Soo... It was my Happy Walla Birthday yesterday... watt... Birthdays are always supposed to be pre- concatenated by the word Happy.... Not necessary... My last years bday sucked...

Hey stop gossiping girls now... I know i am being a lil kind to the male species here ;) ... Told ya... I am saving the story of the 'Sad Birthday' for some other day.... this post is supposed to be alll 'Happy Happy' you see ;)

So yesterday was the day when Mr.God sent a mail to mom saying 'Its a Girl... ;)...  this girl will take you to places you would have never dreamed off ... You are the lucky one'.... That was the day and today is the day.... Mom now knows God also can be sarcastic at times... ;)

Dude i am bad with numbers... can you count the candles for me... what 16.... damnn... calculation error... ignore the candles now... my friends are also bad with numbers u see... Whatt did u say... 'Engineers'.... yeah... all are engineers... now please spare them... now that you know they ought to be bad with numbers ;)

Yes... Can you see those balloons... After a really really long time I felt lite... really lite like those balloons... As it was my day... The day i had got the greatest gift from my Lord.... thats my life... And being a human... (yeah yeah i am one)... some tiny miny voice inside me did tell me in the morning that in the past 25 years i wasnt all that an evil person :) ...

Ignore the cake that was brought in office... ;).... typical geeks.. oopsss.... i mean collegues might just read the blog... i mean my friends at work did make my day... as we say we need to enjoy the place where we spend our maximum time of the day... my work place indeed feels second home you see... point noted.. i said second... mom might too read the blog u see... ;).... but indeed my time at work also rocked...

Focus on the flowers guyss.... This time i couldnt be nice to the male species.. Happy girls... yes ignore the girl in the pic for now... flowers is to be noticed... ;)... flowers poured into my office.. now i know why the breaking news in NDTV said... 'Flower shortage hit Mumbai Today'... hehe... Flowers make my day.... Thank you all who sent me flowers... :)

Indeed my family made my day special... when i reached home... cake was awaiting... :) ... it was a good surprise.... as my parents since i have joined IT had forgotten what it is like to see me in the evenings on time on my birthday ... but this time I had made sure to tell the clients... Buzz off.... my parents are waiting.... :)

Phew...Then my Mahila Mandal crashed at my place... Bday without friends is incomplete they say.... whatt... who are THEY... hmm.. let me think... for now in the THEY only i am present... hehe... well indeed thank you girls for dropping by....


 Madduuu : Missed you sweetheart... I must say i am jelous of Patniii.... ;) ... or to say Patniii is lucky to have you ;)

Dhwitha : Our gang have missed missing you on birthdays.. ;) .... Again Atos is lucky to have you... so much of dedication on notice period is a rare scene ;)

3 Cake cuttings was indeed cool.. no doubt i ignored the fact that i hate cakes... as today anyways cake was all over my face thrice instead of being in my mouth... ;)... Thanks a ton dear all ;)

PS : Komal please dont upload those pics on Facebook... Jo chahiye maang lenaaa ;)... i am generous at times ... bt please delete the pics from the cam... ;)

Life withers ultimately they say... But its important to live the life before it withers away... Little time we have got to love someone... to be with someone... to laugh with someone... to cry with someone... How can these moments be ignored and how can we get busy doing things that dont matter at all.... :)

Indeed space issues are seen these dayss... every where.. in buses... in trains... in cars... at home... but those can be ignored... but how can be ignore the space issues thats coming in to our hearts....

One of my friend messaged me on Facebook saying 'YadhtriB YppaH'... I thought he is up to a quest to learn a new language... but he cleared my THE doubt by saying..  Its just the reverse of HappY BirthdaY... and it simply means 'Grow Ulta' ;) .... Just thought to myself... someone atleast thinks like me... or else i am tired of listening 'Grow Up' .... hehehe


PS : For all those who missed my birthday... Just for your FYI... my cell phone is wrecked... and i love the new Samsung Galaxy ... So aplogies will be accepted in the form of cell phone this year... And yes .... I hate Sony Ericsson pieces... ;) ... so dont even try searching anything even close to that appreciate my honesty dude !... hehehe....

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Daddy's Home-Coming…

Daddy's Home-Coming…

Finally he called her on yet another gloom,
From a long distance, from his lonely room,
All he wanted to hear was her saying ‘I love you’,
Every time she said this, it felt totally new…


In the background he could hear,
His kids laughing so very clear,
He would wipe the tear falling from his eye,
Every time he heard them cry…

His kid grabbed the phone from his mamma…

A little voice he would hear then on the phone,
‘Daddy when you coming back home’,
Speechless he would get,
Though his heart would totally melt…

But… He would reply,

Sweetheart, I am already there around,
Close your eyes; you will hear my sound,
But first you need to finish your ABC’s,
And you will see me before your wait would cease …

She got back on the phone…

Said I really miss you when you aint near,
And I really love you my dear,
I don’t know if to confess its wrong,
But I am a little too tired of being strong…

Darling, don’t worry about the kid’s,
But yeah your bedtime stories they do miss,
They loved the chocolates their dear daddy sent,
‘My Dadddaa the bestest’… on and on they went…

Now stop weeping ok, I can see the tear,
Our kids are just fine, do not fear,
Wish you would be there for her birthday though,
This moment for her and us is so important you know…

Holding his tears he just said...

I am tired of this life my love,
And its time, I come back somehow,
The money, the fame is not worth it you see,
When I am all alone… its no more of ‘WE’…

I am taking the first flight out my dear,
Tell the kids, very soon their daddy wll be near,
No wait dont tell them, let me surprise them for a while,
I want to capture the moment, I am dying to see them weep and smile…

____________________Rashmi (19th November, 2010)

PS: Browsing thru the old childhood family pics, esp of my birthday's, I would always wonder when we are a family of 4, why just 3 are seen everywhere... Miss u daddy in all those pics... your Home Coming has indeed made my life complete... :)

And Nasa this goes for you...

Just because i have promised someone, I would like to make a note here.... While i was writing this poem, the clock struck 12 and calls loaded with wishes started pouring in... And one of the calls was from my friend Nasa... and as promised Nasa... i have made a mention of you somewhere in the poem... 'PS' Section main hi sahii ;) ... and though it sounds a total misfit here... Guys, I cnt help it... What all 'dosti' makes you do.. ;) ... hehe...



Inspired from Ronan Keating’s song… ‘Father-Son’ … Plot of the song is the son is moving out… and the song holds the conversation between Father and son where in the father tries to tell his son to stop… but the son is tired and wants to move out and live life on his terms...


Goodbye to you my dear friend,
Known you since we were nine or ten,
With you I learnt to climb the trees,
Also learnt so much of the ABC’s…

I know it will be hard when I move away,
And you will surely miss me night and day,
But a new phase is awaiting for me my dear,
Please keep smiling even though I am not near…

Goodbye mamma please pray for me,
I know I am the one; who hurt you in this family,
You were always around like an unsaid song,
You tried to teach me right from wrong …

I know it will be hard when I move out,
And you too will miss me a lot,
But a new bend in the road I can see,
Where ‘I’ alone can go, not ‘We’…

Goodbye papa; please hold me tight,
I know you love me too, you are right,
Wish you were there to see me grow,
I missed seeing you not around you know…

I know it will be hard when I go my way,
You too will miss me, needless to say,
But I can’t wait anymore now,
As life is calling me aloud somehow…

Goodbye my bro, please don’t cry,
You will be missed the most you know why?
As I am your little sister I know,
You were with me whenever I felt low…

I know letting me go is not easy for you,
And the hope of me coming back is as small as dew,
But I promise I won’t make any wrong choice,
Will consult you always… will wait for your voice…

Goodbye my past, don’t be guilty ever,
You loved me in tons, I will forget never,
Every relation don’t end in marriage they say,
So true, in every possible way…

I know you will find someone new,
Maybe better than me, so don’t get blue,
Don’t try and stop me, this time I can’t wait,
Yes, maybe now it’s too late…

Miracle Lord, it does exist I know,
Just waiting for your time for it to show,
Goodbye all, will see you soon, do have fun,
In all due seasons, even under the sun…

______________________Rashmi(17th November,2010)

PS: Tried real hard to make this song a lil funny... but what to do the original one is so beautiful... didnt wanna spoil the flow... :)... so ladies and gentlemen my apologies for the same ;)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Perfect Date...

Perfect Date...

Last Sunday, I watched the movie Golmaal 3…. Mann that was funny… I am not sure why the reviews said its ‘Not-So-Good-Movie’… I guess people who disliked the movie were of those types who loved Rahul bose ka movie ’15 Park Avenue’ … Damnn its a kinda a movie like you sit in the theatre and suddenly … I mean abruptly the movie ends…. Lights go on in the theatre… and you hear peoples yelling…. ‘hello picture khatam hui… ? why are the lights switched on… kuch samaj nahi raha hai “ …. Hehe…. OPEN ENDED MOVIE they call…. By ‘THEY’ I mean the intellectual people… ;)

So after the movie me and my friend crashed at pizza hut… baba bhuk jo lagi thii… lottaa energy goes in laughing you see… yea yea the movie did make us laugh… so while we were having my favvv pizza… (Abhi details bataana IT industry main jaruri hai… just thank god that I did not specify that I was having my fav pizza at 4:05 PM) …. Hehe…

So kaha thi main… yup my friend suddenly asked me…

“Tell me what a perfect day means to you” …

I thought for a while… I promptly coughed , murmered something about durban test , and then started talking about the weather in Mumbai…. ( Itne heavy questions poochega to end karni hee padegi na ) countless names crossed my mind… But somewhere I was speechless… “I said maybe the day when I am with my loved ones”…. He replied…. “That’s called not being specific”… I thought… I thought… man… I was speechless… I never thought what my perfect day should be like… .The conversation ended soon after. But then I got back to my room , jumped in my bed , drew my bedsheet over the eyes , stared into the darkness and thought...

"What is my view of a perfect day?"

Now I am as confident as a Shane Warne bowling to Sonu Nigam when I say that around 4 people on this planet would be interested in knowing about my perfect day , assuming my family would be interested in that ...

Once when I was thirteen , I was sitting at the school library . During a particularly intense browsing , I chanced upon this quote by some old Moroccan vegtable seller

"The most uncomfortable person in this world is a person who is not himself."

All i knew then is my perfect day is being around people without having to prove something every minute.. without having to think before i talk... or be thinking what if i be judged wrongly.... a day where in i can just be 'ME'... my imperfect me that is.... and no one really cares... but still loves me for who i am... not for who they wanna see in me....

The very next day one of my gang at work decided to cook some dinner and just chill one evening… we all crashed at the friends place and cooked food… ate… talked… laughed.. and laughed more… followed by long talks … long long talks… about absolutely nothing…

And when the day ended and I left for home we all had smile on our face… then suddenly my little mind said… “What a perfect end to a day” … wow… that was one of my perfect day.. oh so light… yet that ended with a smile that lasted all through the night…

PS – Btw Subject Line ka koi sense nahi hai … logic mat doondho … main jaanti thi subject line dekh kar tum padhoge zaroor ... Sudhar jao yaroon . Umar ka to lihaaz karoon apni ... Perfect DAY tha... not DATE :p ... It’s 12:55 in the morning. And only a job with a call center can keep me up now. Time to Crash. And if I don’t have a good day at home tomorrow , I think the cinema hall next to it is playing some comedy ... ;)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Just for the Love of You…

Just for the Love of You…

Today there’s no song to sing,
Feel like someone has broken my wing,
No words of love within,
Feel like I just lost the race I was all set to win…

Lord, now I remember you,
I will turn back to you,
And do the things I used to do,
Just for the love of you…

Today the tune inside me,
That used to play all day did flee,
No more zeal around,
Now this silence does surround…

Lord, now I remember you,
I will turn back to you,
And do the things I used to do,
Just for the love of you…

Today the smile has faded,
The mask of fake smile is on, but it’s all jaded,
No strength to take another blow,
Feel low, totally low…

Lord, now I remember you,
I will turn back to you,
And do the things I used to do,
Just for the love of you…

Today I recall my walk to the height,
My fragile heart did loose its sight,
But oh the fall did hurt me so,
Wasn’t set for it what to do…

Lord, now I remember you,
I will turn back to you,
And do the things I used to do,
Just for the love of you…

Lord only you can bring me back home,
I am tired of walking since long, all alone,
Not sure where this road is leading me,
All paths look the same, devoid of glee…

Lord, now I remember you,
I will turn back to you,
And do the things I used to do,
Just for the love of you…

Lord hope I have not put you off,
I know my deeds might have indeed made you laugh …
Again, once again can you please give me aother chance?
When I knock at your door, please do give me a glance…

Lord, now I remember you,
I will turn back to you,
And do the things I used to do,
Just for the love of you…

Lord, since long I have been holding on…don’t know why,
But today I fall facedown, all set to cry,
Please hold me tight,
My heart is loaded; am dying to feel light…

Lord, now I remember you,
I will turn back to you,
And do the things I used to do,
Just for the love of you… Just for the love of you, my Lord...

_________________________Rashmi (13th November, 2010)

PS – Inspired by one of the hymns... by Matt Redman… Was listening to it this morning… Just touched and moved me way too much…