Saturday, November 20, 2010


Inspired by Ronan Keating's 'Father And Son' ... Link to the song is below:



Why the rush to move away,
When I was there for you every single day,
You are young, so be calm for now,
Don’t make a hasty decision somehow…


As always, today also I fail to explain,
When I want to talk it out, u are turning away again,
I know dad had lotta responsibilities mom,
But it was you who suffered, how can I be calm…


I know what you are going through,
This phase I have seen, it’s not new,
I also know its not going to be easy,
But just relax my dear, don’t get dizzy…


From you I learnt so much of the right,
To live life with a smile, give it a tuff fight,
But I also learnt some of the wrong,
To keep things inside, you know I am so tired of being strong…


You have a long way to go dear,
In that journey I won’t be near,
Find a guy, do marry him,
I know a perfect family has always been your dream…


You know mom, hate to say this but your life scares me,
So from marriage I always did flee,
I have kept so much of these things inside,
Never cried, though alone with no one beside…


I know I always failed to tell you,
I always failed to express my love for you,
I was too busy raising you and your bro,
All alone, without your dad it wasn’t easy you know…


I always heard people say,
Daughters are daddy’s girl in every way,
I always wondered what it must be like being one,
When I asked you, you always skipped this topic in fun…


Your dad loves us in tons my dear,
He also hated the fact he wasn’t near,
But if I wasn’t strong, he would have been broken,
And he had lotta responsibilities being the eldest son…


But mom what about you, what about bro and me,
What about your married life that did flee,
What about the moments he missed seeing us being born,
What about the fact that you were all alone …


But now he is back right,
Right with us, in front of our sight,
He is trying to make up for being away,
Don’t you think we need to give him a chance in every way…


Mom, love can’t be built overnight they say,
I just can’t connect to him now; I try but fail everyday,
He loves me I know, but I feel he is a stranger to me,
I just cant open up to him you see…

When we were kids, you took us to ISD booth every Sunday,
And tell us, ‘That’s your dad… Hello Daddy…you got to say’,
Little did we know who the person on the other end was?
Little did we know why were we talking, what was the cause…?

Every month end, a huge parcel arrived at home remember,
New clothes, new toys, oh those chocolates did surrender,
Back then I thought my life rocked, as my friends never got all of this,
Little did I know, in the bargain dad’s love I did miss…

I know it must have been hard for dad and you somehow,
But it’s harder for me to ignore all of this now,
I am happy that at least now you are getting to live your married life,
Finally you have your husband with you; you get to be dads wife :)


And you think moving outta home is the best way out,
Why don’t you just let go, in the past why are you caught,
I promise, we will make up for the times we were wrong,
For all those times you had to be strong …


I love you mamma, and I love dada too,
But I need to move out; I want to start new,
I will be back, this I promise you, don’t feel low,
But for now I have to go ….


Can you please give me one chance,
Dont turn away, give me another glance,
You are mamma's princess right,
How can I live with you away from my sight...


Your words make me weak,
With you alone my solace I can seek,
I am not going anywhere mamma I promise,
I will be right here with you and fulfill your every wish...

_______________________Rashmi (21st November, 2010)

PS : I Love You Mom... More than you will ever know...

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