Saturday, November 20, 2010

25 Down... 1 More to Go... ;)

I know, the title sounds a little way to absurd... But yes... 25 years of my life is down... and for now I just have control over the next one more year ... so 1 more to go.... ;)... Hope the explanation makes sense to you... watttt... it does... strange.. because it makes absolutely no sense to me ;)

Soo... It was my Happy Walla Birthday yesterday... watt... Birthdays are always supposed to be pre- concatenated by the word Happy.... Not necessary... My last years bday sucked...

Hey stop gossiping girls now... I know i am being a lil kind to the male species here ;) ... Told ya... I am saving the story of the 'Sad Birthday' for some other day.... this post is supposed to be alll 'Happy Happy' you see ;)

So yesterday was the day when Mr.God sent a mail to mom saying 'Its a Girl... ;)...  this girl will take you to places you would have never dreamed off ... You are the lucky one'.... That was the day and today is the day.... Mom now knows God also can be sarcastic at times... ;)

Dude i am bad with numbers... can you count the candles for me... what 16.... damnn... calculation error... ignore the candles now... my friends are also bad with numbers u see... Whatt did u say... 'Engineers'.... yeah... all are engineers... now please spare them... now that you know they ought to be bad with numbers ;)

Yes... Can you see those balloons... After a really really long time I felt lite... really lite like those balloons... As it was my day... The day i had got the greatest gift from my Lord.... thats my life... And being a human... (yeah yeah i am one)... some tiny miny voice inside me did tell me in the morning that in the past 25 years i wasnt all that an evil person :) ...

Ignore the cake that was brought in office... ;).... typical geeks.. oopsss.... i mean collegues might just read the blog... i mean my friends at work did make my day... as we say we need to enjoy the place where we spend our maximum time of the day... my work place indeed feels second home you see... point noted.. i said second... mom might too read the blog u see... ;).... but indeed my time at work also rocked...

Focus on the flowers guyss.... This time i couldnt be nice to the male species.. Happy girls... yes ignore the girl in the pic for now... flowers is to be noticed... ;)... flowers poured into my office.. now i know why the breaking news in NDTV said... 'Flower shortage hit Mumbai Today'... hehe... Flowers make my day.... Thank you all who sent me flowers... :)

Indeed my family made my day special... when i reached home... cake was awaiting... :) ... it was a good surprise.... as my parents since i have joined IT had forgotten what it is like to see me in the evenings on time on my birthday ... but this time I had made sure to tell the clients... Buzz off.... my parents are waiting.... :)

Phew...Then my Mahila Mandal crashed at my place... Bday without friends is incomplete they say.... whatt... who are THEY... hmm.. let me think... for now in the THEY only i am present... hehe... well indeed thank you girls for dropping by....


 Madduuu : Missed you sweetheart... I must say i am jelous of Patniii.... ;) ... or to say Patniii is lucky to have you ;)

Dhwitha : Our gang have missed missing you on birthdays.. ;) .... Again Atos is lucky to have you... so much of dedication on notice period is a rare scene ;)

3 Cake cuttings was indeed cool.. no doubt i ignored the fact that i hate cakes... as today anyways cake was all over my face thrice instead of being in my mouth... ;)... Thanks a ton dear all ;)

PS : Komal please dont upload those pics on Facebook... Jo chahiye maang lenaaa ;)... i am generous at times ... bt please delete the pics from the cam... ;)

Life withers ultimately they say... But its important to live the life before it withers away... Little time we have got to love someone... to be with someone... to laugh with someone... to cry with someone... How can these moments be ignored and how can we get busy doing things that dont matter at all.... :)

Indeed space issues are seen these dayss... every where.. in buses... in trains... in cars... at home... but those can be ignored... but how can be ignore the space issues thats coming in to our hearts....

One of my friend messaged me on Facebook saying 'YadhtriB YppaH'... I thought he is up to a quest to learn a new language... but he cleared my THE doubt by saying..  Its just the reverse of HappY BirthdaY... and it simply means 'Grow Ulta' ;) .... Just thought to myself... someone atleast thinks like me... or else i am tired of listening 'Grow Up' .... hehehe


PS : For all those who missed my birthday... Just for your FYI... my cell phone is wrecked... and i love the new Samsung Galaxy ... So aplogies will be accepted in the form of cell phone this year... And yes .... I hate Sony Ericsson pieces... ;) ... so dont even try searching anything even close to that appreciate my honesty dude !... hehehe....


  1. Hmm don't wanna be mean or sarcastic.. but just curious to ask...

    What's made 25 years worth it?

  2. @ Adlee...

    Good question... kept me pondering... What made my 25 years worthwile... my loved ones... needless to say my fly but most imp my friends...

    Also all the ups but most importantly the downs... It has mde me grow... i hope into a better person though :)

    Lotta laughs.. lotta tears ... here and there... lol... that makes my 25 years worthwhile :)

