Sunday, November 28, 2010

Break Khatam… Kyu… Aiwee hii ;)

Break Khatam… Kyu… Aiwee hii ;)

Well … Well … Its weird… really weird… each day I get up with this thought… I cant believe how could this happen… Each day I think hope this had not happened… But life is tuff they say… yeah… so I finally accept this fact today… and its dissolved into my system that ‘I loved the movie ‘Break Ke Baad’… hehehe…

‘Whatt… how did this happen? … we thought u had a good tasstee’ …. Whooaaa…. I can hear you guysss … you are way too loud… and I guess u are talking about me… I know …. I know… I apologize for my taste…. But I truly loved this movie…

Ok… ok.. shoot ur questions… what??? ‘What I loved in the movieee?’… Long list… u can read it when you are having sleepless nights… this post will definitely put you off to sleep…

Well the movie defines ‘This Generation Love life’ … so old zamaanaa people back off… what you are gonna read ahead might make ‘No-sense’ to you guys….

'Break off’… well this word used to be the ‘End’ in olden zamaanaa ;)… but in this zamaanaa this means … ‘Need a break from the relationship’… at times it gets suffocating they say … at times people get so used to each other that they tend to take each other for granted… the thought that ‘ye kaha jaayega/jaayegii’… he/she will always be around… so let me deal with other things first…. He/she can always wait… other things are in priority… Whoaaa… hold on… wrong logic… value this someone who is always there around… This movie teaches this generation lovers to value what they have… and stop running after what they don’t have…

In a relationship they say its never 50/50 from both ends… what… who are ‘They’… the love gurus yaa…. Ok ok… let me continue… there is always an imbalance in a relation… one gives 80% then the other gives 20%... ok lets take one more example… if one gives 40% then the other gives 60%.... hehe… ok ok … I know u got the point… but the inner point is its ‘OK’ to have this imbalance… its not about perfection… this 50/50 might only happen with love life of IIM-A or IITian grads life mann… they are way too good with numbers u see… now I know why 99.99% of the IIM and IIT guys/girls are single ;)… ( I hope none of the IIM’s or IITians get the link to this blog)

So its not about perfection we are talking about here… its how 2 people make a relation complete… to strike that 100% is important… who gives how much percent does not matter… really…

Role reversals do happen… one who at one point might have given 60% might turn up 4 years down the lane to give 40%... then the other partner definitely needs to fill the gap :) ….. and it happens :)… in love it has to happen… :)

Another important striking feature in the movie is the importance of the word ...

‘ Commitment’ … Whoaaa... guys dont freak out ;)

Deepika and Imran are childhood sweethearts… But deepika is of types who keeps running away from marriage… she is of types who has always being running away from problems… who has always been breaking relations when it has become difficult to handle or if it gets a little suffocating… Who has dreams as high as mountains and to fulfill them she does not even mind breaking up her relation with Imran…

Imran on the other hand is this simple guy who values commitment… and indeed he is the guy who gives 90% in their relationship… yeah deepika does manage to pitch in 10%... hehe… the beauty of their relation comes into play after they break off and yet they stay committed…

As stated in the movie… ‘These new age directors have corrupted this generation kids by making back to back re-make of Devdas… where in they portray that if one relation end then it’s the end of age… ‘ … so true I thought… But important point is if the relation is broken for silly reasons its worth giving it a shot again… but if its broken for some reason that’s irreparable… then the best thing to do is ‘Move On’ … How long can one keep banging at the closed doorr… you keep watching the closed door for long … u might just miss out on the new door that’s opened… :)

The movie ends in a typical hindi filmi style in which a girl who keeps running away from marriage proposes to Imran … And in return Imran says ‘ Give me one reason why should I marry you?’ … all she says is, ‘I know I am a non-sense girl… I know u in and out… and I am not getting any other reason for the moment… all I want you to do is choose me’ … Imran replies, ‘ To marry you I need no reason… all I know is I had made a promise to you one day that I wll never leave you… and so here I am… I will marry you’ … :)

Yipeeee…. Yipeee… Yipeee…. I love happy endings : ) …

PS ...

For all those who are still not over the fact that I am back and are thinking ‘How come she is back soo soon… we thought she is gone for good’ … hehe… Well I did have a meeting with Mr. Spider the other day with regards to renting this blog till the year end… But he said that he resides in US and hence he too is off for his vacations on the eve of thanksgiving, Christmas and new years it seems… mann these US spiders do get real shameless with regards to leaves in the year end ;)… negotiation didn’t hit the target you see… then I thought keeping the blog empty is not good… and it has been long … I mean its at least week since something non-sense did breathe in this blog… ;)

So ‘Here I Am… Back with all new Season 2’ …

For all my critics who didn’t miss me… you are always fun to have around… and for those who did miss me… mann either you know me way too much or don’t know me at all ;)

Love you all,


  1. Welcome Back Dear :)

    As far as the blog goes... I think the best part was the 'PS' part only... Very nicely put...

    And about the movie, Well ab to dekhni hi padegi :)

  2. ranjeetapegu@gmail.comNovember 28, 2010 at 9:42 PM

    Hey Rash ,,, I completely agree with you except for the fact that IITs and IIM Guys being single..I knw some great love stories created in IITs and IIMs.
    why do we see so many things to be "together", when we knw that we are only happy when "together". I like the part when the gal just rushes back to india and desperately trying to reach out for the guy when she got to knw abt his marriage. I love that..

  3. @ Ranchoo...

    Hehehe... IIT girl.. ;)... i knoww that was just a sarcastic comment... ;) ... dil pe mat le yaar ;)...

    Yeahh indeed thts the best part of the movie right where in she travels miles to just make this happen... happy happy walla ending ;)


  4. @ HP...

    Thanks buddy :)

