Thursday, November 18, 2010


Inspired from Ronan Keating’s song… ‘Father-Son’ … Plot of the song is the son is moving out… and the song holds the conversation between Father and son where in the father tries to tell his son to stop… but the son is tired and wants to move out and live life on his terms...


Goodbye to you my dear friend,
Known you since we were nine or ten,
With you I learnt to climb the trees,
Also learnt so much of the ABC’s…

I know it will be hard when I move away,
And you will surely miss me night and day,
But a new phase is awaiting for me my dear,
Please keep smiling even though I am not near…

Goodbye mamma please pray for me,
I know I am the one; who hurt you in this family,
You were always around like an unsaid song,
You tried to teach me right from wrong …

I know it will be hard when I move out,
And you too will miss me a lot,
But a new bend in the road I can see,
Where ‘I’ alone can go, not ‘We’…

Goodbye papa; please hold me tight,
I know you love me too, you are right,
Wish you were there to see me grow,
I missed seeing you not around you know…

I know it will be hard when I go my way,
You too will miss me, needless to say,
But I can’t wait anymore now,
As life is calling me aloud somehow…

Goodbye my bro, please don’t cry,
You will be missed the most you know why?
As I am your little sister I know,
You were with me whenever I felt low…

I know letting me go is not easy for you,
And the hope of me coming back is as small as dew,
But I promise I won’t make any wrong choice,
Will consult you always… will wait for your voice…

Goodbye my past, don’t be guilty ever,
You loved me in tons, I will forget never,
Every relation don’t end in marriage they say,
So true, in every possible way…

I know you will find someone new,
Maybe better than me, so don’t get blue,
Don’t try and stop me, this time I can’t wait,
Yes, maybe now it’s too late…

Miracle Lord, it does exist I know,
Just waiting for your time for it to show,
Goodbye all, will see you soon, do have fun,
In all due seasons, even under the sun…

______________________Rashmi(17th November,2010)

PS: Tried real hard to make this song a lil funny... but what to do the original one is so beautiful... didnt wanna spoil the flow... :)... so ladies and gentlemen my apologies for the same ;)

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