Sunday, November 21, 2010

Picture Abhi Baaki Hai :)

Picture Abhi Baaki Hai...

Well a lotta people in Big Boss are dead because of Dolly Bindra’s scary appearance on Big Boss since I last wrote… ( I know , my usage of English idioms is exemplary . Zabardast.)

Lotta things happening at work, in personal life and at home… Right now there is a domestic problem at home… Last Friday my bros cell phone was found in 2 pieces in the bedroom… . Now , under normal circumstances , if anything goes missing or wrecked in my home or in a radius of 20 kilometers around it , my mother just walks up to me and says “Where is it ? Bata Bata! Tell me if you want to get dinner! ”

But this time around, I have come out clean like a winning warrior … because when the things happened I was busy coloring excel sheets at office… whatttt… no no I am still and Engineer… no upgradation to MBA so far… kya karee… Project has shifted from development to testing phase… hence playing with excel sheets these dayss…. ;)

Now after lotta investigation, my brother concluded that it was the ‘Kaam-wali’ who has wrecked the phone… Not me… Not the postman, not the watchman, not the milkman… but the most important person in the history of the Indian womankind – The Kaamwali…

Now, all of you have hopefully grown up in Indian households, and it is an insult to your intelligence if I start telling you how important a peg a ‘kaam wali’ is in the workings of the world and your household, in particular. Just to provide an illustrative example, my mother once threw a five year old me off the balcony because I called the maid a ‘moti’. And she actually was so fat… Sob Sob… :(

So coming back to the case of the broken cell phone, my mother has taken an immediate offence to my brother accusing the kaamwali, and if my brother was still a child, he would have been flying out of a balcony too. Ma has refused to question the kaamwali and has warned anyone in the household against doing so with drastic consequences including self immolation and totally screwed salt amounts in food. But protected fiercely by mom , the kaamwali continues to roam around the house unfettered and my brother continues to hope he will have his revenge some day ;)

On a personal front , I guess things are never supposed to be smooth for a girl who is 25 and is staring at a future which is still as clear as the climax of an art movie (I don’t know about you , but I rarely understand how these art movies end . I mean , when ‘The Namesake’ ended , I was like “What ? Why are they turning on the lights ? Where is the rest of it ?”) . Things have been kinda intense on the personal front , but every time I think I know what I want and what will be good for everybody , I flip out two days later…

About situation at work , after almost four years of corporate world including ‘Another one , and you are fired’ as well as ‘Great work , so unlike you !’ emails , all I can do is offer a big sisterly advice to those who are yet to order their business suits – Love your work ...At least try to love it . But remember you are just a guy filling a job profile for them . The day you don’t punch out the right result , they are going to help you pack your stuff and take it home in a cardboard box . So know what is important…

But one intense thing I have been thinking about these days is about the girl in the mirror… hey don’t worry… I don’t live in a haunted house or something… I am talking about myself… someone asked me today… ‘What makes your 25 years worth it?’

I thought … thought and thought… I know for a girl like me… thinking is ain’t good for my health…. That’s what the doctors concluded after seeing the rate of my weight loss… ;)…. But still I thought let me get down with few more calories… thinking is important…

I am not sure abt the first 20 years… but last 5 years have been a roller coaster ride for me… seeing the real world that is… real people… its scary… damnn scary trust me… as they say, no one grows up…. We only learn how to behave in public…. So true…. The child in me was being lost somewhere… I mean in public… kinda have changed to suit the worlds needs… all mature at times…. Bt yet a child from within… But whats most important is how many hearts have you touched…. How many lives have you moved…. How many people count on you when they have problems… how many people think of your name first in their thick and thin times… Siggh… Well must admit, I have been lucky in that area… At times it gets overboard…When you have your own issues... but then deep down there is always this thought that these people can connect to me… and I feel that’s what life is all about… Connecting to all… and I believe so far lifes going gooddd…. So far the picture is not boring… its filled with lotta drama… lotta heart breaking moments… lotta comedy … and lotta devdas moments too… lol…

But as someone told me last week… ‘Picture abhi baaki hai…’…. I wish it has a happy ending…. Not like ‘Namesake’ … or ’15 Park Avenue’… hehhe…

All I hope and pray today is that even when my life strikes 30... (If I am alive till then that is) ... I want to talk of more of roller coaster adventures... ;) ... It's fun to talk about it few years down the lane right.. and the funny point is that the so called events that left you wept back then, leaves you smiling today... Phew... ;) ... Yeah there you go... I was talking about this smile....Oucchhh.... You got a scary smile ;)

Anyway, it’s a Sunday, and it’s time I check out what’s on HBO . I anyway need to move from here because the kaamwali needs to sweep this room, and she just gave me the ‘Move-you-jerk-or-I-tell-your-mom-you-called-me-moti’ look. I don’t want to be flying out of a balcony anytime soon…

______________________Rashmi (21st November, 2010)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha...Very Very Beautifully crafted writeup waste...

    Enjoyed every bit of it...

    And you know what

    This life... Will Surely Have a Happy Ending
    Nahi to Bana Denge :)

    And Yes... Stay CONNECTEDDDD :P
