Saturday, July 24, 2010

Finally Girl Says…

Well there are times when  relationship goes for a toss for a short duration of time... Relationship needs a balance of investment (in terms of time and efforts) and that should happen from both ends... It cant be that just a single person is driving the relationship.... and at times its important to be upfront and speak out than keep things inside and blow up the relation ....Girl in the poem finally says it out ... :) .... Hope you love the story...

Finally Girl Says…


It’s been long, but I am going to tell you now,
Things between us don’t seem right somehow,
It’s now that I know when people say,
That even lovers need some time away…


Don’t go…please stay,
I will make up for the moments I was away,
I promise I will make up to you,
For the lonely nights you have been through…


Each time we try and make some plan somehow,
Why does it go for a toss my love?
I know it’s hard but I have to say,
For now, please let me go my own way …


Maybe I was with zillion people around me,
Those kept me all busy, and time simply flee,
I know I neglected you, thought you would understand,
Crazy as always; I had lost my mind…


Countless times I read the letters you once wrote,
But now long letters have turned into a short note,
Do you think that was just enough?
To survive with this is indeed tough…


I know the mails I wrote to you,
Was just a single line or two,
My words were so cold and flat,
My dear, indeed you deserved more than that…


I get my hopes up, but I watch them fall every time,
I always reminded myself, things will be just fine,
But the colors in our lives are turning gray,
It’s not easy to see them slowly fade away…


Remember the moment I flew away that night,
Everything between us was just so right,
I know you were sad, maybe you even cried… but you let me go…
Told you I would be back soon, I know I didn’t keep my vow…


Well your dream laid in different time zone my dear,
I could have asked you to wait, but your wishes were clear,
No doubt I did cry all night, I did want to scream,
But I wanted you to fulfill your greatest dream…


I feel like I am living someone else’s life,
How could I forget that I do have a beautiful wife?
I am tired of flying to Paris and Rome,
My darling, please wait… I am coming back home…


Why so late, why now?
When I am all set to leave somehow,
You promise to come back soon?
Will you set back our life’s tune?


I have had my run; I am all down now,
I promise I will make things right for us somehow,
After all that’s said and done,
I just want to say that I still love you in ton…


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Flying Without Wingss :)

Flying without wings is an awesome feeling… Well but each one gets it in different areas of their lives… Just thought of different people… and what makes them complete… :) … What makes them ‘Fly Without Wings’ …

Flying without Wings…

Don’t you think these days,
Everyone tries to fly without wings in so many ways,
Surprising it may seem to you,
All find the completeness in something new…

Few find it when their kids smile,
Leaves them devoid of tensions for a while,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When the smile makes u fly without wings…

Few find it in the evening breeze,
Leaves them feel so light, when worries cease,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When the breeze makes u fly without wings…

Few find when their parents are around,
Leaves them being kid for a while… funny this may sound,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When the child in you makes u fly without wings…

Few find it in their lover’s eye,
Leaves them being whole, for whom they are set to die,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When your love makes u fly without wings…

Few find it on the first day it rained,
Leaves them totally lost, when memories leave them drained,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When the first rain makes u fly without wings…

Few find it in a close friend,
Leaves them talking for hours, till the end,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When your beloved friend makes u fly without wings…

Few find it when they write, don’t ask why,
When their single line can make someone laugh or cry,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When few words makes u fly without wings…

But me… Something else makes me complete …

My Lord… Its You… You know,
Only you were in my highest high and lowest low,
How can I compare any joy this world brings?
When only being with you makes me fly without wings :)


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Am I Missing You Tonight?

Just a thought... Just thought what would it be like missing after ages someone you loved oh so deeply  ... Hope i have done justice to the feelings of all those who have lost their loved ones....

Am I missing you tonight?

Can this be for real?
But you are no longer in me my dear,
Silence no longer scares me,
No more am I caged, I am all free,

Then what is this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Am I missing you tonight?

No more do I search you in the crowd,
Very little is the feeling left to be loved,
No more do I hope that you come back again,
Don’t even remember the last time I cried in pain…

Then what is this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Am I missing you tonight?

Ages have passed since I have stared at stars pinned up tight,
Rarely do your thoughts cross my mind all night,
I have started feeling life is right without you,
No more am I trapped in old, am waiting for something new…

Then what is this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Am I missing you tonight?

No longer do I try to forget you by getting drowned in work load,
I have infinite reasons to enjoy life and get on board,
Your name does not remind me of you anymore,
You no longer reside behind my hearts closed door…

Then what is this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Am I missing you tonight?

Little do I remember you each and every while…
I do find infinite reasons to smile,
Your thoughts don’t really hurt me now,
No longer do I wait for your calls somehow…

Then what is this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Am I missing you tonight?

I guess I am indeed missing all of you tonight,

Missing those long walks,
Accompanied by infinite talks…

Missing the times you said ‘I Miss You’,
But each time you said that it felt so afresh and new…

Missing the way you pampered me in every way,
You were there to hear my talks, all day…

Missing the infinite times you called me,
I knew you were so busy… though I was free…

Missing to see your name on my cell,
Also the times you were by my side when I was unwell…

Now I know this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Now I know how much I am missing you tonight…

________________________________________ Rashmi (21-July-2010)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

If I Tell You Today ...

 Just penned down some random thoughts...

 If I tell You Today ...

If I tell you today,
“Just leave me alone”,
Don’t believe what you hear,
It simply means I so want you to be near…

If I tell you today,
“Why did you come into my life?”
Don’t believe me at all,
It simply means I know you are God’s call…

If I tell you today,
“I am just fine without you”,
Don’t believe, these words may cheat,
It simply means only you make me complete…

If I tell you today,
“I understand you have other priorities”,
Don’t believe in the gist ,
It simply means I too wanna be in your priority list…

If I tell you today,
“I am not ready for something new”,
Don’t believe me please,
It simply means you have entered my heart with all ease…

If I tell you today,
“I do not trust you”,
Don’t believe me as it’s a lie,
It simply means I trust you infinitely, I don’t know why…

If I tell you today,
“I don’t care”,
Don’t believe me, I repeat,
It simply means I get worried when we don’t meet…

If I tell you today,
“I don’t love you”,
Don’t believe me for once,
It simply means I love you like in tons…


If I go silent today,
Do believe my silence, don’t leave me ever,
It simply means … I will be with you forever…


Friday, July 16, 2010

Our Last Song (Inspired by Novel )

Inspired by The Last Song …

This poem is inspired by the book … ‘The Last Song’ … By Nicholas Sparks… Author of this book has beautifully described the ‘Father-Daughter’ relationship.

At seventeen, "Ronnie" (Daughter) remains as rebellious as she was the day after her parents' divorce and father's subsequent relocation to Georgia three years ago. Once a classical piano child prodigy under the tutelage of her father, Steve, Ronnie now rejects the instrument and has not spoken to her father since he left.

Now, Steve is given the chance to reconnect with his estranged daughter when her mother, Kim sends the rebellious teen and her younger brother, Jonah, to spend the summer with him.

Entire book is about how Steve reconnects with his kids… Esp Ronnie her Daughter who hates him from the core of her heart but by the end of the book they are in deep love with each other…

PS: I bet this book will make u laugh, but I can’t guarantee if you can avoid crying :)


Our Last Song ....


I know it’s late,
I know you won’t wait,
I know your plans don’t include me,
I know you so wanna be free,
I know I moved away,
But all I wanna say,
Is you are my beloved child,
Dear, please don’t be so wild…


Spending this summer with you,
How much I hate this; you don’t have a clue,
Why did you ask mom to bring us here,
Does it really matter we are far or near?
I don’t wanna know if I am your beloved child,
You don’t need to bother, even if I get wild,
It’s so easy for you to say that you moved away,
Now it’s too late, just let me go my way…

Father …

I know my apologies… you won’t value,
You have moved on a path that’s so very new,
I never wanted to leave your mom dear,
But at times marriages break, with reasons, so unclear,
I know your life changed after I left,
How can I forget the nights you wept?
But this does not mean I stopped loving you sweetheart,
You were in my thoughts, even though we were apart…

Do you even mean these words for sure?
You hurt mom beyond any cure,
That too for some other woman she said,
How much she has been through I dread,
3 years, I haven’t received your call dad,
For this I am not apologetic, nor am I sad,
In this one summer you can’t expect me to be back,
As many things are deep inside me, all in a safe stack….

Father …

Oh! There wasn’t a moment when I stopped loving you,
Maybe I just stopped showing it to you,
And I so mean the every word I say,
I missed your mom every single day,
She has given me the best gift ever,
Tats you and your brother, I can’t forget this… ever…
Deep down I know your mom is my first love,
Maybe this was not the case for her somehow…


Dad, don’t put it on mom, I know you loved someone new,
Or is it that mom was lying until now that it was not her, but you,


I believe that a dying man won’t lie,
Your mom was my world, then why would I leave, why?


Dad, you just said dying, did I hear that right,
This summer, you are bringing me from darkness to light,
Why didn’t you ever tell me that it was mom not you,
I could have not wasted those 3 years; I would have been with you…


I love your mom, and she loves Jonnie and you,
I did not want you guys to hate her, didn’t want her to get blue,
She already had the burden of guilt in her share,
I didn’t want her to loose you guys too somewhere,
So I thought its better that you hate me for lifetime,
Was I wrong to think of your mom, was that a crime?
Your mom’s happiness was all that was in my mind,
But I did tell her, whenever she turns back, I would be 2 steps behind…


Dad, why didn’t you tell me earlier, why now?
You know for hours we used to play the piano each day,
I left that since the day you walked away,
I missed you like crazy for 3 years in the past,
We could have been together and gather moments which would last,
And now you say that you are dying,
This time you are walking away forever, please tell me you’re lying…


Sweetheart, can you see the light coming thru the window,
Remember that light would be me, whenever you feel low,
I have never told you how much I love you somehow,
And today, I realize, time is so short now,
All I wanna say is never hate your mom because of me,
Because I will love her till my last breath, as I love thee,
Promise me that you will play the piano again,
As those were the times I have seen you happy, devoid of pain…


Daddy, I promise I will be with mom till the end,
I will love her truly, I will never pretend,
As I learnt from you what true love is all about?
It’s forgiving our loved ones even though they hurt us a lot,
Daddy, I will start playing the piano again,
I will move back to the same lane,
Remember there is something pending since long,
That’s our song, will you help me complete… our last song …

_______________________________ Rashmi(14-July-2010)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Two Miracle’s … Happened today : )

Miracles do Happen


Well… Today as I was reading the book ‘The Last Song’ … I decided to give up on writing poems… Well now… how, when, why … is a totally different story… For which I would need to write one more new post… ;)

Well after loads of thinking from my end I wrote my last write… I have made loads of friends in the ‘Ah Poetry!’ Community in orkut… A year back I had stopped posting my poems there though… But have made great friends out there… in fact what I write today somewhere I can totally give credit to all poets there… they have inspired me a lot.. Commented in tons like crazy… and that kept me going…

While I was having my daily conversation with my Lord today… For a change I did not ask Him but declared that I am giving up on writing… Immediately… ‘Parable of Talents’ crossed my mind… Not sure why I ignored that… For those who wanna know what Parables are… Its simple stories that Jesus used to recite to his disciples… If you are interested here is the link …

Miracle 1…

Today finally after a year I posted my poem in my fav community…. ‘Ah Poetry’… Place where I used to spend hours together…

For a change I posted… ‘I Hope You Dance’... Poem before posting my last write… And a miracle happened…

One guy commented on the poem… and he mentioned that the write is so beautiful that I should send it to Hill Song.. (For those who are not aware about Hill song… It’s a very famous Christian Band)….

I replied to him saying that my poem is not as per ‘Hill Song’ Standard… and anyways I am giving up on writing…

And guess what he replied to this… He said.. Remember The Parable of The Talents..:) So let you not hide your light..nor your talents..:) …

I was totally shaken… He was talking to me in godly talks…

Below is the link to our conversation in the ‘Ah Poetry’ Community

 Miracle 2…

I posted my second poem… ‘Smile Please : )’… Well every time I mention from where the poem is inspired…. But in the blog I had not mentioned about this…

Well the poem was inspired by the Hymn… ‘Thank You Lord’… By Don Moen… Definitely none of the readers of my blog could guess that as I don’t think anyone has heard that song before…. :)

Again after I posted that poem... same guy replied saying

" I come before You today, and there is just one thing I want to Say, Thank You Lord.."?:)

Verily Nice ..

Amen, Amen I tell you, you are blessed like Martha, Mary,Lydia, Priscilla and Aquila..:)

That shocked me again as ….. " I come before You today, and there is just one thing I want to Say, Thank You Lord.."?:) is the first stanza of the hymn…

Below is the link to our conversation

Maybe all this sounds a mere co-incidence… But for me it’s a miracle… And after giving lotta thougt.. I believe I should be getting back to my writing stuff :) … I wont give up on writing… As Lord does not want me to either as all of you….

And after I made this decision I got a scrap from a moderator of a poem community… he wrote this

Read your poems on Ah Poetry:
I would humbly like to invite you to:
Do have a look at the above community. I assure you that the poets present in the community are some of the finest rhymers on Orkut. We all as a group learn from each other and travel along the poetic path and everyone shares intense passion for the art of poesy. It is one community that respects rhyming poetry to a greater extent than any other form(s).
I you like the feel and ambience, do join and share your work. Meter and rhyme are cherished to a great extent there and your poesy will be well appreciated by many :) Hoping to see you sharing your work in the community soon. :-) Thank you.
Warm regards,
(Moderator - Poetry Lovers)

Well… Not sure what happened the moment I notified in the community about me giving up on poems... But from all ways.. somewhere i could feel God asking me not to... And somewhere the Stranger Poet did speak out Gods words to me... And all i thought was... 'God is still with me.... Miracles do happen :)"


Signing Off …

Well guys,

My last write is here today… Long one though…

P.S: If you have the patience to read… Then please proceed :)

Signing Off …

Words, was never ace with it,
Where and when it started, I wonder as I sit,
Countless thoughts in lightning speed,
Crossed my mind, indeed :)

Why poets write I often thought,
So much to say, so they pen down the lot,
Moments those touch their soul,
Moments that makes them whole…

Journey started half decade ago you know,
My first poem was a nightmare for me to show,
But people loved the write,
They lied thru their teeth, I knew that night :) :) :)

Sorry… Can’t stop smiling on the first few comments I had received …

Comment 1: Nice one … But does it rhyme?
Comment 2: Why did you make me read this…? Tell me my crime ;)
Comment 3: Hmm… Hmm… Hmm… Deep thought … Hmm… Can you explain please ;)
Comment … n: Wow… Hope this is first and last one… I can now rest in peace… Lol…

P.S: Kidding…

Penned down …  

Thoughts on my life and yours,
Thoughts on all unsaid fears,
Moments when it rained,
That left me completely drained…

Thoughts never thought about,
Thoughts that had kept us caught,
Moments that touched me for a while,
Moments that made me smile…

Also penned down …

Days of … Oh the loss,
Days when life did go for a toss,
Moments when my loved ones were sad,
Moments when someone somewhere died…

Untrue emotions were also seen in my write,
I want to confess this tonight,
But am still not connected to those poems somehow,
But am glad you loved them too, why, I wanna know now…

Pranks, sarcasm, fun … did touch that zone,
Moments that set my lives tone,
People who had to bear my sarcasm did want to scream,
They would not request any more poems in their weirdest dream …

Hmm… Penned down …

When the best answer was silence,
When I wanted to live the untrue trance,
When there was no one around to share,
When I was scared to show how much I care…

When friends had fallen apart,
When I thought my words might just mend your broken heart,
When people around you were all cold,
When you realized people can be two fold…

When you were going through intense pain,
When I thought my writes will help you breath again,
When I wanted to tell you there is a second chance,
When I wanted you to dance … Always hoped you dance

Before departing all I wanna say is:

Life is too short to live with any regret,
Live all surprises it offers, be all set,
This poetic journey was beautiful… don’t ask why,
Finally I bid my writes, with this write… a Goodbye … :)

Signing Off …
_________________________________Rashmi(10th July,2010)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Just Called God... HE replied… WAIT…

At times gods reply is ‘Unanswered Prayers’ :)

Silent prayers, longingly I cried,
Lovingly, patiently Lord you replied,
Pleaded, please tell me about my fate,
And Master, all you said was ‘Wait’…

‘Wait , Lord I am tired of waiting ‘, my rpely,
‘Lord, I need answers, I need to know why,
Are my prayers being heard,
Being your child, I want your Word…

I wanna make some decisions before its too late,
And you still ask me to Wait,
All I need a ‘Yes’… A green sign,
Or a straight ‘No’, so that my tries is not a vain…

Remember Lord you had asked me to believe,
As its written, ‘Ask and You Shall Receive’…
I am asking since long, why the delay Lord, Why,
Before I go weary, I so need a reply…

I knelt down, bowed my head,
Trying to recall, what you once said,
But the word ‘Wait’ kept haunting me from inside,
Tried hard, but no clue could I find…

When I opened my eyes, I saw you Lord knelling down,
My face had all smiles, devoid of the prior frown,
You said, ‘It’s very easy for me to give you a sign’,
I can also help you to make choice, crooked paths I can align…

But would that help you know Me,
Would that help you be the child I want you to be,
Would you trust Me, just be happy knowing I am still there,
Would you seek Me or My Word in despair…

Yes, If I answer your prayer today, your pain will flee,
But will you ever learn when I say, ‘My grace should be sufficient for thee’,
I can still make your dreams come true,
But you will loose what I am trying to do for you…

So, My child, Be patient, and you will soon see,
The true gift is to know Me,
And though at times my answers do seem late,
But my answer to all your prayers is still…. ‘Wait’…

______________________________________ Rashmi (5th July,2010)