Saturday, July 10, 2010

Two Miracle’s … Happened today : )

Miracles do Happen


Well… Today as I was reading the book ‘The Last Song’ … I decided to give up on writing poems… Well now… how, when, why … is a totally different story… For which I would need to write one more new post… ;)

Well after loads of thinking from my end I wrote my last write… I have made loads of friends in the ‘Ah Poetry!’ Community in orkut… A year back I had stopped posting my poems there though… But have made great friends out there… in fact what I write today somewhere I can totally give credit to all poets there… they have inspired me a lot.. Commented in tons like crazy… and that kept me going…

While I was having my daily conversation with my Lord today… For a change I did not ask Him but declared that I am giving up on writing… Immediately… ‘Parable of Talents’ crossed my mind… Not sure why I ignored that… For those who wanna know what Parables are… Its simple stories that Jesus used to recite to his disciples… If you are interested here is the link …

Miracle 1…

Today finally after a year I posted my poem in my fav community…. ‘Ah Poetry’… Place where I used to spend hours together…

For a change I posted… ‘I Hope You Dance’... Poem before posting my last write… And a miracle happened…

One guy commented on the poem… and he mentioned that the write is so beautiful that I should send it to Hill Song.. (For those who are not aware about Hill song… It’s a very famous Christian Band)….

I replied to him saying that my poem is not as per ‘Hill Song’ Standard… and anyways I am giving up on writing…

And guess what he replied to this… He said.. Remember The Parable of The Talents..:) So let you not hide your light..nor your talents..:) …

I was totally shaken… He was talking to me in godly talks…

Below is the link to our conversation in the ‘Ah Poetry’ Community

 Miracle 2…

I posted my second poem… ‘Smile Please : )’… Well every time I mention from where the poem is inspired…. But in the blog I had not mentioned about this…

Well the poem was inspired by the Hymn… ‘Thank You Lord’… By Don Moen… Definitely none of the readers of my blog could guess that as I don’t think anyone has heard that song before…. :)

Again after I posted that poem... same guy replied saying

" I come before You today, and there is just one thing I want to Say, Thank You Lord.."?:)

Verily Nice ..

Amen, Amen I tell you, you are blessed like Martha, Mary,Lydia, Priscilla and Aquila..:)

That shocked me again as ….. " I come before You today, and there is just one thing I want to Say, Thank You Lord.."?:) is the first stanza of the hymn…

Below is the link to our conversation

Maybe all this sounds a mere co-incidence… But for me it’s a miracle… And after giving lotta thougt.. I believe I should be getting back to my writing stuff :) … I wont give up on writing… As Lord does not want me to either as all of you….

And after I made this decision I got a scrap from a moderator of a poem community… he wrote this

Read your poems on Ah Poetry:
I would humbly like to invite you to:
Do have a look at the above community. I assure you that the poets present in the community are some of the finest rhymers on Orkut. We all as a group learn from each other and travel along the poetic path and everyone shares intense passion for the art of poesy. It is one community that respects rhyming poetry to a greater extent than any other form(s).
I you like the feel and ambience, do join and share your work. Meter and rhyme are cherished to a great extent there and your poesy will be well appreciated by many :) Hoping to see you sharing your work in the community soon. :-) Thank you.
Warm regards,
(Moderator - Poetry Lovers)

Well… Not sure what happened the moment I notified in the community about me giving up on poems... But from all ways.. somewhere i could feel God asking me not to... And somewhere the Stranger Poet did speak out Gods words to me... And all i thought was... 'God is still with me.... Miracles do happen :)"



  1. ur poems(not all though)....appreciate ur poetic skills, has indeed improved over time, best part were the images accompanying each of the coherent with the poems.

    One sincere request: Ek funny wala poem likh na...i am sure it would be great hit :). Making ppl laugh is a social service...duaayen milengi..heheh

  2. And do keep writing....cheers

  3. u sweety....keep up the writing work...:)

  4. @ Nilesh

    Thanks buddy... sure ur request will be granted .... Real soon :)

    And ur doing a good job in ur blog tooo :)


  5. @ Prachi

    Love u too sweetheart.... :) .... Surely will keep writing... :)


  6. Phew! Now, that's a relief!! :)
