Monday, July 5, 2010

Just Called God... HE replied… WAIT…

At times gods reply is ‘Unanswered Prayers’ :)

Silent prayers, longingly I cried,
Lovingly, patiently Lord you replied,
Pleaded, please tell me about my fate,
And Master, all you said was ‘Wait’…

‘Wait , Lord I am tired of waiting ‘, my rpely,
‘Lord, I need answers, I need to know why,
Are my prayers being heard,
Being your child, I want your Word…

I wanna make some decisions before its too late,
And you still ask me to Wait,
All I need a ‘Yes’… A green sign,
Or a straight ‘No’, so that my tries is not a vain…

Remember Lord you had asked me to believe,
As its written, ‘Ask and You Shall Receive’…
I am asking since long, why the delay Lord, Why,
Before I go weary, I so need a reply…

I knelt down, bowed my head,
Trying to recall, what you once said,
But the word ‘Wait’ kept haunting me from inside,
Tried hard, but no clue could I find…

When I opened my eyes, I saw you Lord knelling down,
My face had all smiles, devoid of the prior frown,
You said, ‘It’s very easy for me to give you a sign’,
I can also help you to make choice, crooked paths I can align…

But would that help you know Me,
Would that help you be the child I want you to be,
Would you trust Me, just be happy knowing I am still there,
Would you seek Me or My Word in despair…

Yes, If I answer your prayer today, your pain will flee,
But will you ever learn when I say, ‘My grace should be sufficient for thee’,
I can still make your dreams come true,
But you will loose what I am trying to do for you…

So, My child, Be patient, and you will soon see,
The true gift is to know Me,
And though at times my answers do seem late,
But my answer to all your prayers is still…. ‘Wait’…

______________________________________ Rashmi (5th July,2010)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. True!!! I can put myself in this .. And this "wait" has made me somewhat a disbeliever of god..
    Nice one ..
    I guess I got too engrossed and really forgot things when I was reading your poem ... which I really needed today :)

  3. Good one...

    But somehow didnt understand the meaning completely

    For example the lines
    'Yes, If I answer your prayer today, your pain will flee,
    But will you ever learn when I say, ‘My grace should be sufficient for thee’'

  4. @Saurabh...

    I am glad that this write helped you :)...

    Keep smiling as always :)


  5. @ HP...

    Well heres the interpretation of lines...

    'Grace is God's unmerited favor. That is, grace is God doing good for us that we do not deserve.'... So in the poem I mentioned that God can free us from the pain... But by this we will never be grateful to God... As God wants us to smile and praise Him even in the midst of painful times... His GRACE should suffice us to go thru hard times :)

    Jyaada gyaan hua naa... But it was nice revision for me about Grace... Remember Priyanka Das from Seibel team... she had told me much more what Grace means... Its beautiful :)

    Thanks for your comments ... as always...


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hmmmm....

    I wont say in understood all of it...
    But atleast more than my previous understanding for sure...

  8. Rashmesh as usual PERFECT thots.. luved it & as i always helps me :)
