Tuesday, July 20, 2010

If I Tell You Today ...

 Just penned down some random thoughts...

 If I tell You Today ...

If I tell you today,
“Just leave me alone”,
Don’t believe what you hear,
It simply means I so want you to be near…

If I tell you today,
“Why did you come into my life?”
Don’t believe me at all,
It simply means I know you are God’s call…

If I tell you today,
“I am just fine without you”,
Don’t believe, these words may cheat,
It simply means only you make me complete…

If I tell you today,
“I understand you have other priorities”,
Don’t believe in the gist ,
It simply means I too wanna be in your priority list…

If I tell you today,
“I am not ready for something new”,
Don’t believe me please,
It simply means you have entered my heart with all ease…

If I tell you today,
“I do not trust you”,
Don’t believe me as it’s a lie,
It simply means I trust you infinitely, I don’t know why…

If I tell you today,
“I don’t care”,
Don’t believe me, I repeat,
It simply means I get worried when we don’t meet…

If I tell you today,
“I don’t love you”,
Don’t believe me for once,
It simply means I love you like in tons…


If I go silent today,
Do believe my silence, don’t leave me ever,
It simply means … I will be with you forever…



  1. Nice poem...
    I just loved it...

  2. @ Laxmi...

    Thanksss madam ;)... your comments are always appreciated....
