Sunday, July 4, 2010

Smile Please :)

This one is totally dedicated for my friend… Don’t wanna take any names here… Well he goes through life totally defeated… Finds a reason to be upset… All I wanna tell him is SMILE PLEASE … Your life is really beautiful...  Truly… 



Smile please :)

As I look into your eyes,
I can see infinite silent cries,
Why the frown dear, Why so sad,
Why for once can’t you be just glad…?

For being happy again do you want a reason?
Countless I can list down … one for every season,
Can you trust me for once my dear?
This is my gift for you when I am not near…

Are you sad because your partner upset you?
Do you miss him being the one when the relation was new?

If such thought ever crosses your mind dear…
Think of all those who are lonely like the stars,
Pinned up there tight… full of scars…

Are you sad because you aren’t happy with your work?
Your boss drives you crazy, makes you feel like a jerk,

If such thought ever crosses your mind dear…
Think of all those who are craving for a job today …
They are all set be at your place in a heartbeat in every way…

Are you sad because your kids are driving you nuts?
You wanna break for a while as you feel your life sucks…

If such thought ever crosses your mind dear…
Think of all those who would love to have kids like yours,
They would spend millions to have kids without any fears…

Are you sad because of the monotonous life you have,
You feel it’s devoid of excitement, you don’t feel alive…

If such thought ever crosses your mind dear…
Think of all those who’s loved ones are in medical centre now,
How much they wish their life falls back to being monotonous somehow…

______________________________________Rashmi(4th July,2010)


Each of us has a reason to give God thanks. If you got out of bed this morning, you can thank God that you are alive. Thank God that you are healthy… There are lots of people in the hospital who would gladly exchange places with you…

When you drive to work, instead of complaining about the traffic, why not say , “Father, thank you for giving me this job.” We have so much to be grateful for… We should get in the habit of giving God thanks all day long…

So all sad faces… Smile Please : )


  1. Hmmm
    Nice one ...

    You Seem to be seriously experimenting with this new style of writing haan :)
    Good hai...

    Though, this one Could have been better...

  2. Damn gud ... perfect thots for ppl who actually find reasons to be sad ... luved the thots & thts wht is important :)

  3. ok types ... not as good as previous one!!
    You will always find genuine comments from my side ;)

  4. @ HP, @Anuya, @ Saurabh...

    I know, I know... this was OK OK types naa... actually i compiled it in 5 mins... jo bhi thouhgts aaye pen down kar daala ;)...

    Apologies for disappointing you guys... ;)

    Saurabh : Honest comments is truly appreciated .... :)


  5. If u really ask me... i liked it jst bcz it struk the rite chord ... n yes i made few ppl (writer types)read it n they liked it ;) So chill n 5 mins...:O thn i realllly say its nowhere a disappointment :)
