Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Am I Missing You Tonight?

Just a thought... Just thought what would it be like missing after ages someone you loved oh so deeply  ... Hope i have done justice to the feelings of all those who have lost their loved ones....

Am I missing you tonight?

Can this be for real?
But you are no longer in me my dear,
Silence no longer scares me,
No more am I caged, I am all free,

Then what is this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Am I missing you tonight?

No more do I search you in the crowd,
Very little is the feeling left to be loved,
No more do I hope that you come back again,
Don’t even remember the last time I cried in pain…

Then what is this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Am I missing you tonight?

Ages have passed since I have stared at stars pinned up tight,
Rarely do your thoughts cross my mind all night,
I have started feeling life is right without you,
No more am I trapped in old, am waiting for something new…

Then what is this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Am I missing you tonight?

No longer do I try to forget you by getting drowned in work load,
I have infinite reasons to enjoy life and get on board,
Your name does not remind me of you anymore,
You no longer reside behind my hearts closed door…

Then what is this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Am I missing you tonight?

Little do I remember you each and every while…
I do find infinite reasons to smile,
Your thoughts don’t really hurt me now,
No longer do I wait for your calls somehow…

Then what is this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Am I missing you tonight?

I guess I am indeed missing all of you tonight,

Missing those long walks,
Accompanied by infinite talks…

Missing the times you said ‘I Miss You’,
But each time you said that it felt so afresh and new…

Missing the way you pampered me in every way,
You were there to hear my talks, all day…

Missing the infinite times you called me,
I knew you were so busy… though I was free…

Missing to see your name on my cell,
Also the times you were by my side when I was unwell…

Now I know this weird feeling in me that I’ve held tight,
Now I know how much I am missing you tonight…

________________________________________ Rashmi (21-July-2010)

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