Friday, July 16, 2010

Our Last Song (Inspired by Novel )

Inspired by The Last Song …

This poem is inspired by the book … ‘The Last Song’ … By Nicholas Sparks… Author of this book has beautifully described the ‘Father-Daughter’ relationship.

At seventeen, "Ronnie" (Daughter) remains as rebellious as she was the day after her parents' divorce and father's subsequent relocation to Georgia three years ago. Once a classical piano child prodigy under the tutelage of her father, Steve, Ronnie now rejects the instrument and has not spoken to her father since he left.

Now, Steve is given the chance to reconnect with his estranged daughter when her mother, Kim sends the rebellious teen and her younger brother, Jonah, to spend the summer with him.

Entire book is about how Steve reconnects with his kids… Esp Ronnie her Daughter who hates him from the core of her heart but by the end of the book they are in deep love with each other…

PS: I bet this book will make u laugh, but I can’t guarantee if you can avoid crying :)


Our Last Song ....


I know it’s late,
I know you won’t wait,
I know your plans don’t include me,
I know you so wanna be free,
I know I moved away,
But all I wanna say,
Is you are my beloved child,
Dear, please don’t be so wild…


Spending this summer with you,
How much I hate this; you don’t have a clue,
Why did you ask mom to bring us here,
Does it really matter we are far or near?
I don’t wanna know if I am your beloved child,
You don’t need to bother, even if I get wild,
It’s so easy for you to say that you moved away,
Now it’s too late, just let me go my way…

Father …

I know my apologies… you won’t value,
You have moved on a path that’s so very new,
I never wanted to leave your mom dear,
But at times marriages break, with reasons, so unclear,
I know your life changed after I left,
How can I forget the nights you wept?
But this does not mean I stopped loving you sweetheart,
You were in my thoughts, even though we were apart…

Do you even mean these words for sure?
You hurt mom beyond any cure,
That too for some other woman she said,
How much she has been through I dread,
3 years, I haven’t received your call dad,
For this I am not apologetic, nor am I sad,
In this one summer you can’t expect me to be back,
As many things are deep inside me, all in a safe stack….

Father …

Oh! There wasn’t a moment when I stopped loving you,
Maybe I just stopped showing it to you,
And I so mean the every word I say,
I missed your mom every single day,
She has given me the best gift ever,
Tats you and your brother, I can’t forget this… ever…
Deep down I know your mom is my first love,
Maybe this was not the case for her somehow…


Dad, don’t put it on mom, I know you loved someone new,
Or is it that mom was lying until now that it was not her, but you,


I believe that a dying man won’t lie,
Your mom was my world, then why would I leave, why?


Dad, you just said dying, did I hear that right,
This summer, you are bringing me from darkness to light,
Why didn’t you ever tell me that it was mom not you,
I could have not wasted those 3 years; I would have been with you…


I love your mom, and she loves Jonnie and you,
I did not want you guys to hate her, didn’t want her to get blue,
She already had the burden of guilt in her share,
I didn’t want her to loose you guys too somewhere,
So I thought its better that you hate me for lifetime,
Was I wrong to think of your mom, was that a crime?
Your mom’s happiness was all that was in my mind,
But I did tell her, whenever she turns back, I would be 2 steps behind…


Dad, why didn’t you tell me earlier, why now?
You know for hours we used to play the piano each day,
I left that since the day you walked away,
I missed you like crazy for 3 years in the past,
We could have been together and gather moments which would last,
And now you say that you are dying,
This time you are walking away forever, please tell me you’re lying…


Sweetheart, can you see the light coming thru the window,
Remember that light would be me, whenever you feel low,
I have never told you how much I love you somehow,
And today, I realize, time is so short now,
All I wanna say is never hate your mom because of me,
Because I will love her till my last breath, as I love thee,
Promise me that you will play the piano again,
As those were the times I have seen you happy, devoid of pain…


Daddy, I promise I will be with mom till the end,
I will love her truly, I will never pretend,
As I learnt from you what true love is all about?
It’s forgiving our loved ones even though they hurt us a lot,
Daddy, I will start playing the piano again,
I will move back to the same lane,
Remember there is something pending since long,
That’s our song, will you help me complete… our last song …

_______________________________ Rashmi(14-July-2010)

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