Thursday, July 22, 2010

Flying Without Wingss :)

Flying without wings is an awesome feeling… Well but each one gets it in different areas of their lives… Just thought of different people… and what makes them complete… :) … What makes them ‘Fly Without Wings’ …

Flying without Wings…

Don’t you think these days,
Everyone tries to fly without wings in so many ways,
Surprising it may seem to you,
All find the completeness in something new…

Few find it when their kids smile,
Leaves them devoid of tensions for a while,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When the smile makes u fly without wings…

Few find it in the evening breeze,
Leaves them feel so light, when worries cease,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When the breeze makes u fly without wings…

Few find when their parents are around,
Leaves them being kid for a while… funny this may sound,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When the child in you makes u fly without wings…

Few find it in their lover’s eye,
Leaves them being whole, for whom they are set to die,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When your love makes u fly without wings…

Few find it on the first day it rained,
Leaves them totally lost, when memories leave them drained,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When the first rain makes u fly without wings…

Few find it in a close friend,
Leaves them talking for hours, till the end,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When your beloved friend makes u fly without wings…

Few find it when they write, don’t ask why,
When their single line can make someone laugh or cry,
Can you imagine all the joy it brings?
When few words makes u fly without wings…

But me… Something else makes me complete …

My Lord… Its You… You know,
Only you were in my highest high and lowest low,
How can I compare any joy this world brings?
When only being with you makes me fly without wings :)
