Saturday, July 3, 2010

'Mamma Calling ....'

Dedicated to All Mamma's : )

‘Mamma Calling’…

As he was all set to leave for work today,
‘Mamma Calling’…. His cell displayed … on his way,
Just reminded him that he was supposed to call his mamma long back,
But workload did encroach him… Time… Yes time… He did lack…

His stressed and tensed face suddenly wore a fake smile…
So that his mom does not know his tensions for a while…

When he was a kid… His world was his Mamma,
Back then he was busy, wrapped around her arms somehow…

He is busy, but, he is wrapped around workload now…

‘Hello Mamma’... He replied… Trying to be all happy and gay,
He had fallen short of any topics, he had nothing to say,
‘How are you baby?’ … Came the reply,
None asked him this since long, He looked above… He was all set to cry …

He got composed and again brought back that smile,
‘Yes Mama, I am all right’… he said hiding his trial …

He would enjoy with his Mamma every season,
To stare at stars pinned up tight… all night he needed no reason…

But now,
Sitting in his centralized AC office today,
Every season looks the same in every possible way …

Then she asked…’When will you come home… When will you land?’
He replied roughly, ‘Mamma I have project deadlines, you wont understand'…
‘Baby, tell me you love me before you hang up…’, she said, her voice shivering with tear,
‘Yes, mama I do’, came a rough reply, as he saw his boss coming near…

He would keep irritating his mamma while she would be in the kitchen all busy,
But she never got irritated; she would just smile not get dizzy…

But now,
That he has reached the skies, he has no time for his mamma … his first love,
He needs to keep an entry in his to-do- list… he gives his left over time… to talk to her somehow…

Few days later, he again got a call, ‘Mamma Calling…’ his phone screen blinked,
He didn’t  pick the phone as he was in the midst of a meeting,
But his phone rang time and again…
Irritated, he left the meeting room… and picked the call…

But…he heard a stranger’s voice this time…’Mamma wants to meet you ‘...
He replied sternly … ‘I have my project release in a week’,
As he was about to hang up, the voice on the other end said…
'But it’s her release too … Her eyes are waiting to see you one last time'...

This news struck him with a lightning speed,
He told his boss he had to leave urgently… indeed,
He took the first flight and reached home, to see his mamma,
Looking at the crowd at the door step he got totally dazzled…

He went to his mammas room and saw her lying on bed,
Holding her tight he totally broke down … ‘Sorry’… was all he said,
With tears in her eyes taking her last breath she said,’ Tell me you love me baby’
‘I love you… I love you… Will always do… now and forever Mamma…’ was his reply…

________________________________________Rashmi (3rd July, 2010)


  1. Touche...

    Very touching ...

  2. Really touching poem Rashmi...
    To add to that [Tried to rhyme something out but not good as you ]..

    We are all so engage..
    That we don't have any time to call up home or even manage..
    We are caught by the project deadlines ...
    That we even can't cross the small state border lines..
    There was a time when MOM used to cook everyting we like on our b'day
    now we have just 5-10 minutes to talk to her on her special day (b'day)...
    But still with my busy schedule I take 10 minutes out of my day ..
    And those 10 minutes are the most precious moments of my day..

  3. @ Saurabh...

    A poem need not rhyme always :).... But the feel should touch the reader....

    Your small poem was also very sweet... direct DILSE :)...

    And yes I know come wat may.... u call up home each day :)


  4. Hey nice one yaar ...

    ek baat bata ... how easy or difficult was to find words for this one or wrote ekdum se .. smoothly ?

  5. Ye le Waste...
    Ab khush??? :P :P :P

    "I dont know how such ideas come to you but it was a masterpeice....
    Which TOUCHED really deep inside

    Very well thought, and nicely put in words as well...

    Most of the time what happens is, even if a person himself has all those feelings, all he lacks is the sense of how to put all that in words...
    You did it very well through this poem...

    Keep up the good work ....
    Keep Touching Hearts..."

    By the way, Would like to share this writeup with few of my friends as well over here...

  6. @ Pritam ...

    Well its easy to write something down smoothly in 2 cases... if you have gone thru it or someone close to you is gone thru it...

    In my case both instances holds true... so i could pen this down within 30 mins :)

  7. You have Gone Crazy Rash :)
    I was moved.

    This is something else... U have grown over the years :)

    - Nasa
