Sunday, January 16, 2011



Someone asked me today,
What does happiness mean to you?
Made me think in a way,
Maybe it’s a feeling oh so new…

Happiness is being home again,
Happiness is walking in the rain,
Happiness is to see my humble home,
Happiness is to sit, and not roam…

Happiness is family to me,
Happiness in the faces I longed to see,
Happiness is no longer to flee,
Happiness is once more being free…

Happiness is my feeling oh so high,
Happiness is seen in the inside,
Happiness is indeed quite rare,
Happiness at times is barely there…

Happiness is when my mamma calls,
Happiness is when I see the waterfalls,
Happiness is when I see a little kid smile,
Happiness is when I forget all worries for a while…

Happiness is spending time with your love,
Happiness is talking for hours somehow,
Happiness is being with someone forever,
Happiness is the thought that he will leave you never…

Happiness is when the past memories brings tears,
Happiness is when one hug makes you forget all your fears,
Happiness is being what I want to be,
Happiness is being just “Me” …

So, tell me what Happiness means to you,
Can you write it down in a word or two?
For me the list of Happiness can go on and on,
But who has the patience to read it for long ;)

_________________________Rashmi (16th January, 2011)

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