Friday, January 7, 2011

Try Karke Dekho... Accha Lagta Hai

Karke Dekho... Accha Lagta Hai...

Just read a beautiful line in a book “Love is not love until you give it away”…

In this fast fast world we have become so self centered… we just cant get our eyes off our own problems… Remember that God is a “Giving” God… He always wanted us to give what we have than just keep it all for ourselves… We are not here by accident… But by purpose… and there is Gods purpose behind our presence… even the fact that we are alive today is not because we deserve the best… But its only God’s mercy that has kept us going…

You might come up to me saying, "Rashmi ...I don’t have anything much to give… I am myself in debt… I am kinda trying really hard to get settled… Who said God is expecting anything even close to money from us…. We humans cant get our thoughts above money… everything starts and ends with that…. Tell me something how much does it cost to give somebody a compliment…. What does it cost to tell your wife, “ I love you. You are great… I am glad you are mine” … How much does it cost to tell your employee, “You are doing a fine job… I appreciate your hard work”…

Sach bolo... kitna time lagta haii to just say these things...

Most of us “THINK” these nice thoughts… But fail to verbalize them… But trust me its not enof to just think these kind compliments… we need to express them… this is the best timing to re-iterate the line that tops this blog… “Love is not Love, until you give it away”.... So true naa (Hope I am not the only one who agrees with this )….

The reason why we feel at times we are just at the same place, even though we are doing so many things are because we are not sowing… We are living this self centered lives… Hence most of us remain in a depressed condition emotionally, financially, socially and spiritually…

Some people say, “Rashmi, I have got lotta problems of my own… my salary is just not up to the mark, I need to get a home loan soon, am just not getting the right match for myself and marriage just not seems to be on the charts, my parents expectations are way too high and I am just not able to meet them… I wanna get outta this mess”…. Simple solution… u help someone with his/her problem and God will take care of your problem…. I know it sounds a really out of the world statement… we think God wont understand this complex issues like finances, relations… lol… funny…. We think we are the best people to solve them…. But haven’t u tried relying on your own understanding until now… for once try and be innovative…. Try leaving things to God… u think the creator of heaven and earth cant really solve your problem…

Let me share a simple example from my own weird life with u…

When I joined Teradata, I was put in this project where in I had least experience on the tool I was working on… and I was really worried as to how will I be able to solve the technical issues that wll crop up in the process of the development of this project… And I thought that this zone I wll have to deal with myself… God is not technical… he cant solve my technical issues… baaki sab issues I can discuss with God… but how can I discuss things like why is this error coming in my code… lol… but trust me I tried doing that… I remembered the verse in the bible which said “If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask me and I the lord will give it to him generously” … So whenever I used to encounter any technical error which I could not solve.. I just used to tell God… “God this issue is beyond my understanding… please give me wisdom to solve this… “ And trust me…. Me and God are the best Team possible I thought….. out of the mess …. I always got some way… some technique by which the issue would get resolved within minutes… Well… you might argue that it’s a co-incidence…. But co-incidence no longer remains one when it happens on a daily basis :)

Simple fact, take time out from your own life and try being involved in others lives… God wants us to be there for our friends, for our family… if we live this self centered life, it wont be long when we loose all our loved ones… they will move away thinking this guy/girl has enof issues of his/her own…. So let us let him/her live by himself/herself…

I am convinced that many people who receive miracles, who are doing really well in their lives.. when I say well I don’t just mean financially.. I mean emotionally and spiritually…. These are people who just don’t pray for themselves…. But these are people who have turned their attention from their own needs and problems and have made it a point to focus on being a blessing to others… How many are living lives asking God…

“God, what can you do for me?”

“God here’s my prayer list… Can I have it by next Tuesday”

C’mon get real…. Don’t be so self obsessed…

Just a word of kindness, just a word of encouragement…. At times just a smile… give it away… it does not cost much… When tat co-worker walks by you and doest give you the time of the day, God expects you to go the extra mile and be friendly to him anyway… If you are on the phone and somebody speaks harshly, its easy to think , “ I will just tell her off and just hang up” … But you know what …. God expects us to be more kinder than that ya… After all you don’t know what they are going thru… That persons child may be in the hospital…. His or her mate might have just walked out… they maybe living in hell on earth … if you return their venom with more venom , your response will just cause them to sink into utter despair… give them the room to get frustrated… give the grace to be human…

When somebody does not treat you right, you got this golden opportunity to heal this wounded heart.. . you know hurting people often hurt other people as a result of their own pain…. If someone is inconsiderate, you know that he/she is living with some unresolved issue… some major problem, anger, heartache they are trying to overcome… The last thing they need is for you to make matters worse by responding angrily…

So just be kind… just be good…. As Lord said,”If you are good to those who are good to you… what special have you done.. even the evil people do this.. be good to those you are not good to you… give to those who cant pay you back “…

Try karke dekho …. Achha lagta hai :)



  1. I Myself was thinking about writing on this topic tonight only... But tune pehle hi likh diya waste :P
    Anyways, main khud itna acche se shayad likh bhi nahi paata...

    Actually while coming back from office yesterday, had noticed one thing which sort of moved me a bit and i thought of jotting it down...

    Yesterday, when I was coming back from office on Delhi metro, which was not heavily crowded as it was not the peak hour, but still there were no seats vacant in sight...

    In Delhi metro, in every coach, there are few seats reserved for Old Age/Disabled people and ladies,
    When i entered the coach with headphones on, i saw an old man sitting on the floor beside the entry doors, exactly opposite to the seats that are reserved. When i glanced to those reserved seats then saw two healthy men in their mid thirties occupying them... Even though this old man also had a bandage on his right foot thumb... still they did not even think about offering their seat to this man in need...
    What touched me more was not this incident but actually the look in the old man's eyes, when i asked him to claim his seat as it belonged to him only... He already had a dejected sort of look in his eyes... like even before asking, he knew he wont get it...

    This surely was a small incident, but don't we see things like that everyday on a larger scale...

    Those people didn't vacate the seat simply because the old man never asked them to... And the old man didn't ask for the seat may be because he was too poor to have the confidence to claim his rights...

    And after talking to the old man, i also sort of just stood there, continuing to listen to music, pretending as if nothing happened...
    Don't know... Did right or wrong...

    Just an experience i had yesterday...

  2. rashmi....u pen ur thoughts so nicely...
    loved this article :)
