Friday, January 7, 2011

Live Like...

Live Like...

Dance like no one is watching,
Sing like no one is listening,
Love like you'll never get hurt,
Live like it's heaven on earth…

Smile million times a day,
Cry like a baby, yes you may,
Break, but please do forget,
Live like it’s your last breath…

Trust like you were never let down,
Laugh please, throw that frown,
Play like a child of a year or two,
Live like each day is all fresh and new…

Forgive each other,
C’mon, grow together,
Pray like ur prayers are already answered,
Live each day like a free free bird…

Dream like u’ve never dreamed before,
Travel with the zeal to see more,
Surprise your loved ones once a while,
Live life with a broad broad smile…

_________________________Rashmi (08-January-2011)

PS :

At times I just pen down,
Words when I am alone,
But this time for a change,
I know ths would sound strange,
I am creating this song,
In my office since long...

Yaawwnn... I know its 12 AM now,
Time to go home somehow,
But thanks to my client, I am gonna enjoy,
All over again the nite life of Mumbai,
So adios my dear friend,
My day has finally finally come to an end...

Phew... Aiwe hi bakwaas... But indeed one of my worst Friday Nights... Just reached home... Its 1 AM now.... Time to go to bed...

Tata... Bye Bye... Sayonaaraa.... Yawwnn...


  1. Beautifully Crafted :)

    While reading it, movie UDAAN came to my mind...
    Beautiful movie... Do See it if you haven't till now...
    And the songs of the movie... WOW!!!

    Most of them on this very theme only FREEEEDOMMM...
    Do listen...

  2. @ HP...

    Of course I have watched that movie....But i dont remember the songs... U-Tube baba ko contact karna padega asap ;)


  3. Yaaa...
    Download and listen...

    Songs with the title
    Geet etc...

    All are Goooodddd :)
