Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Flashback – 2010

Flashback – 2010 ( The Year That Was...)

Ahh… Time has come to re-visit my Commitment list of 2010… Did I make it… or as always was I just about to hit the target but suddenly met with an accident… Ouchh … That hurt !!!

1. Needed a job switch… Bingo…

2. Needed to get my entire LnT gang to Teradata…. Again a bingo… not bad at all…

3. Needed to go to my native place after 10 years…. Pheww

4. Needed to re-connect to my few old friends… Done…

5. Needed to continue loving the guy I loved in the start of 2009… his parents have named him Shahrukh… You guys might have heard of him… ;)

6. Needed to throw my kaamwaali off the balcony for once… My bad... reverse happened... :(

PS: Above listing matches yours then its purely co-incidental… any resemblance to your listing needs to be ignored… ;)

This year flew mannn…. But you know what…

This year was rocking… Nahh… For a change I am not being sarcastic here… Roller coaster ride mann… Whhoooaaa !!!! …. It was awesome… met so many new people… met with few accidents too… few people I wish I hadn’t met… as from my vision (which can go as far as the next day … that’s how far I can manage to think)... I don’t really see what was their aim to enter my life even for a small season… but also few people whom I couldn’t have missed meeting…. And now they are in my world… for life… (I know that sounds scary ;) ) But guess what dude… At the end of the day I am taking back home lotta memories… good and bad… sweet and sour… Beautiful isn’t it…

Not sure if you guys have experienced the same…. Wish u too have… and wish I am one of the person who is worth listing in your lifes book -- marked in bold -"2010"… ;) .. I know that’s too much to ask for … looking at the kind of goofy girl I am… but c’mon yaar… dosti naam ki bhi cheez hoti hai naaa… please please …. Tell na…. I am one of them ;)

For confidentiality reasons I won’t disclose the names of people who did come into my life this year… some stayed… some left (For good ya) …. But each one did teach me a lot…

1. Somebody told me that he lives for “Giving” … Got me thinking… For me “Giving” meant something really BIG… and my BIG is usually veryyy BIG…

Background Check

Residing In - US since 5 years … Ahh… maybe more than that…
Residing With - Laptop … even over the weekends…
Designation - Project Manager
Marital Status – Single …. (Don’t be surprised) … Married to laptop though… ;)

This person told me that he believes in “Giving”… all his life …. All he has done is “Giving”… I thought to myself… really “Giving” to whom… and “Giving” what… he continued saying I give so much to my family…


My expression said… ANDDDD… (Then I realized that was it… he had nothing more to say)

Does “Giving” has anything to do with materialistic things…. Nahh my mind said…“Giving”… well never thought about this so much… after loads of thinking I realized

“Giving” implies being with our family on daily basis
“Giving” implies being part of their daily laughs
“Giving” implies being part of their daily cries
"Giving” implies being there when they need someone to talk to
“Giving” implies bearing with their tantrums everyday
“Giving” implies telling them that we love them each day

Staying long distance and “Giving” and fulfilling their financial needs is just not enof… and this struck me hard as at times even though we stay with our families we pretty much do the same (We main filhaal “I” am there for sure) … this fact struck me hard that in the name of work I did get busy with my life… did complete my responsibility towards my family when it came to financial needs… but what about things that cant be fulfilled using material things…

But why restrict just to fly... what about people we call friends... do our friends think of "You" when they have issues ... have we touched their lives... are we "Giving" enof into their lives... if the answer is "Yes"... indeed you have made it...

The whole “Giving” thing made me realize that indeed I am not “Giving” enof to my family…  (Though I have very few regrets when it comes to friends)

Thanks buddy for helping me ponder ;)

But one thing I would like to confess that because of this guy I was able to think of my family I have been ignoring … not ignoring in the literal sense… but ignoring little things like being there with the family on everyday basis in their every day needs…

2. Ranchooo : )

Background Check

Name - Ranjeeta Pegu
Age - Sharam nahi aati…. Ladkiyoon ki umar nahi puchte…
Residing in - Bangalore
Residing with – Her Dreams ;)

Love her spirit mann… She lives a new dream each day… one day she tells me she wants to goto US… other day she tell me she will start her own business… yet another day she wants to go to IIM… phew… even before I register her one dream in my tiny miny mind… I get to hear a new dream… As Deepika Padukone says in “Break Ke Baad” … “Main ek patang hun….bahut udati hun... main mere life ke har scene main ek star hun... " ... suits this madam…

But mann…. Even though I knew her for just 4-5 months right here at Teradata Mumbai I know I learnt so much from her…. to let go things … let go tensions… and live for the moment… this very moment which I hold.. ...hats off to your spirit my dear…

3. Anuya

Background Check

Name - Anuya Aier
Age – AGAIN…Sharam nahi aati…. Ladkiyoon ki umar nahi puchte…
Residing in – Aamchi Mumbai
Residing – In the moment : )

Planning planning planning… analysis analysis analysis… maybe that’s what I have done so far… 90% of my life… sach bolu… koi faayda nahi hota hai ;)… rather late than never… I have realized this…. this little angel enlightened me with this little thing that the more we plan about the future we kinda wreck the present… the moment which we live in… the same moment that just slipped by while you are reading this blog ;) …. I know waste of time naa…. ;)

4. Priyanka

Background Check

Name: Priyanka Das
Age: shameless you guys get at times… she is married so back off ;)
Residing in: Delhi now :(
Residing with: Her hubby of course ;)

Just one word for this girl “Genuine” … I mean no other word but Genuine… whatever she feels its right there on her face… no manipulative words… just a very straight forward and upfront girl… She is a blessing in my life… truly… Though we do nothing but insult and throw sarcastic comments on each other ( in a good way people)… but that’s the beauty of our relationship… The best comment I just got from her just yesterday was “Rashmi … you are a unique personality… the only motivation for me to come down to Mumbai is not my family but you” … my my wat a dialogue… I know I know guys… jyaada hogaya… but then as I said… “Genuine” … that’s what she is… and I trust her on that…. Truly…

Just learned so much from her… to be upfront… to be what you are… not what the world wants to see you as… and its always between you and God… so be upright in front of the Lord… as ultimately you are answerable to God and not to anybody else…

5. Prachi…

Background Check

Name: Prachi Chauhan
Age: mujhse tho chotii hai ;)… stop don’t ask my age now… ;)
Residing in: Mumbaiiii
Residing with: Her isolated thoughts ( though its not isolated from me ;) … she does shares it with me )

I know prachi you will be shocked to see your name in golden print shining in this blog…. Hehe (Ignore the golden letters)… but yes professionally I am damn proud of you dear… Ok… for those who do not know what she has done exceptional in her job life… she was working in a development project in Bluestar…. And somewhere she was bugged… kaun nahi hoga… 100% techies will agree with me… not one of us know are we really made for this field… well she was sure that she wants to get into testing… now with a developer experience of 3 years she knew that she wouldn’t get a job in testing… she resigned without a job back up… joined an institute to learn testing tools and completed the certification for the same.. and bingo got into Testing in Mastek…

While rest of the world (Including me) was busy switching jobs with better packages…. She was busy changing her domain and later searching job for testing (Indeed that implied compromise with less salary.. but that didn’t stop her)…. But now she is doing what she wants to do…

Indeed, this is a big thing from my eyes at least… to go for a domain switch… at the peak stage of your carrier … “Follow your heart”… regardless of the fact that you will succeed or be hit by a failure… As they say “If you have never failed… you have never lived” …

Met so many new people this year… maybe these people came along my way as part of my job switch… so many more I met all over again … after long time… lucky me or what I am not sure but the list of my loved ones have doubled this year… hmm… yeah few of my loved ones did move out of my life… it’s a phase they say… people come in for some season… needless to say they will come back with a bang… optimistic rahane main kya jaata hai boss ;)

So 2010, not all that bad… few best things if asked to list down about this year, they would be

~~ I managed to start a blog and keep it going…Though many of u must have had this urge to send me a letter bomb due to this blog , ive enjoyed it…

~~ I managed to reject the onsite offered to me… whattttttttttttttttttt…. I know this would be the reaction of all you techies reading this blog… But kya kare… I needed a break from LnT yaar people… Teradata is kind enof too… who knows I will be flying in 2011 ;) … being optimistic is the key right… ;)

~~ I got into Teradata Corporation .This was like sachin hitting a century after 10 consecutive ducks. I had been tagged a unique, sarcastic, emotional jerk all through the 4 years of my college. So for once it felt good when even that handsome dude in LnT knew that this girl did something worth it ;)...

~~ I am not doing as well as i wanted to in my engineering days . But i kinda make up for that by assuming a spiritual face and saying " i dont want too much money , u see ;) "….

~~ I still have panga with my kaamwaali… and the ultimatum of either her or me in the house is still not working with my mom ;)

~~ I developed this funny ability to know when to stop. And I feel I should stop now…

PS : Well I missed one point in the above listing …

~~ I made the path breaking discovery that humans can survive without sleep… Finally for the first time in my life I am working on a nite shift… Cant help it… Canada clients you see… But definitely this does not stop me from writing this blog, while my client is busy blabbering something about SAP data…

Wanna have a look at our client… well

Background Check

Location: Teradata Mumbai
Time : 11.30 PM
Meeting Room: Newton
Participants: Myself , Sameer and Nitesh
On the laptop Screen: Client ;)

Hum aur humaare client ;) ... my client wil be regreting 'video-conferencing' if he gets his hands on my blog someday ;)... that day i wll definetly get a mail .. with the subject line - YOU ARE FIRED ;)

Lolzz... I know I know... Stop laughing you guyss... fun at work makes sense now right ;)

Anyways...A very happy 2011 to all of you . Be happy and make others happy , atleast make me happy ;)



  1. Yaarr.. Kya baat boli Tu "Main ek patang hun….bahut udati hun... main mere life ke har scene main ek star hun... " Just perfect !!!
    I wish tumko 2011 me aur interesting log mile " As i said humne bina degree ke phd kar liya hai!!!"

  2. @ Prachi.... (Your comment goes live)

    Tried posting comment to your blog….but Mastek proxy does not allow some things to happen….(i.e. sending mails to non-corporate id’s)

    So, here goes the reply:

    Dare you play with my surname....You spelled it wrong...:X

    Anyway :) Nicely written...I am not saying this because my name appears there, but I really appreciate the way you have summarized all the happenings in 2010....

    I was an eyewitness for most of those things that happened in your life...:) and while reading all this, it made me smile...took me back in memories...lets welcome 2011....:) I am sure this new year holds many Sweet, Beautiful and Charismatic surprises for all of us....:) Amen....

  3. LOLz... You are just a BIG WASTE...hahahhaha.. I must say u r blessed wit so many nice people - some named some unnamed :P... hehehehe.. u kno na icant ressist the temptation to harass u :D ...Anyways.. YES u r obviously on list of my Lifes book and mind u , u will always be there n not only fr this year ;)
    God bless ya ...

  4. I envy, why didn't I think of the topics in your blog...:D

  5. @ nilesh...

    Hehhehehe... Dont worry... will give u topics tere blog ke liye... andar ka content tussi hi likha lekin ;)

  6. Arrey yaar...I am very lazy, it takes me ages to post one blog...anyway I am thinking of copy-paste, don't worry, I will give you the credit - Your name in Font-Size:1px and Color:#ffffff :)

  7. @ Nilesh...

    Lolz... kya baat kya baat... badhiyaa idea... i am "IN" for it ;)
