Thursday, December 2, 2010

Life minus Office

Life minus Office…

‘I am at home today’… Silenceeeeeeeee… Knock Knock… you there… Why the sannaaataaa…. Yeahh its not a weekend… its ‘Friday’…. Yeah yeah still I am at home todayyyyyy … hehhehehe… Bahut hua yaaroonn… Break chahiye thaa… Office is the easiest target to pass the blame buck right…. And with the work load I have these days, I will be definitely be registered in Gunnies Book of records for saying ‘I am busy at work’…. Hehehe...

What…??? …. So why am I asking break… yeah… from people… I guess they are the only ones that can get you frustrated in office, in trains, in cars, in buses, in schools, in college and at times at home… Office implies walls… what fills in are people right… So how can I ask for a break from office… I want a break from people for now : ) (My sad level of jokes right now also proves this right ;) )

Kindaa was removing my life’s frustration at people at work… and with me removing frustration would mean not talking and not smiling… damnn that’s a torture for people around me… they kill me by asking ‘Kya hua Rashmi… Aisee chup kyu baithi hai’ … Mann the smiley mask is also getting old now… need to buy a new one soon…. Yipeeee time for shopping ;)

Recently went to crossword… was tired of reading books filled wth Gyaan… wanted to read something really really light… mann not talking abt weight mind u ;)… I meant the content.. after just aimlessly roaming for about 33 mins 45 secs ( This is for all you engineers… happy… look how accurate I get with numbers once in a year … hehe ) … so after my endless search my eyes contacted the lightest book you see …’Tinkle’ …. In a book store setting where the lady standing to my right was browsing through ‘A brief history of time’ by Stephen Hawking and a guy behind me was reaching out for some book on the Indian economy, it is not very elite to pick up ‘Tinkle’… Its like reading Tinkle when the whole world is talking about Global warming… But little did I care… It was like love at first sight for me… all over again… hehe… when was the first time this happened…. Huh… well class 3… English Prof… No wonder I could not focus on the Grammer Lessons he taught and the results can be see even today.. right here.. in ths blog ;)…. My grammer falls all over the place…. Btw is it grammer or grammar… forget lets save that for some other day…

And coming back to the need for a break, I think I was beginning to lose the clarity of thinking which has been a hallmark of my existence since childhood (Atleast one person thinks so… who.. arree ME re… hehe) … I was beginning to lose the wisdom to distinguish a thing I can change from what I can not change. For example , I was spending time feeling bad about the fact that I had some irritating people around me instead of understanding that it is a thing I can not change , unless I had a gun , which I don’t  ;)... So I have made it into a personal objective to further instill this understanding in my daily life over the time to come… ;)

5 months back I attended my friend’s wedding (Sacrificing my Thailand trip… damn I know I could be humble here… but I cant get over the fact that I missed the trip for some weeding…) But what to do… Pretty close friend....(Close Emotionally... phew need to get specific at times... ;) )

But what unsettled me was that this friend, who had a huge disregard for any kind of societal opinions for herself, looked more flustered than a nine year old boy stuck in the backseat of Michael Jackson’s car during her wedding . Some hours before the wedding, she told me ‘I hope I am doing the right thing.’ I looked up from the glass of orange juice ( Note – Another fluid has been replaced with Orange Juice for the purpose of this post ) , and said “First thing , I don’t know if you are doing a right thing or a wrong thing , but you are definitely DOING IT , because now I have spent my money buying you a wedding present for which I am not going to get any refund , have also cancelled my Thailand Trip for which I have already lost half of my refund.” So she went ahead with it and is in Egypt now on her honeymoon .One of the few chaps who went to a ‘mummy’ when most of us would never want our mothers around on our honeymoons...

But I really don’t blame the girl for being a bit unsettled about her choices. At the ripe age of 23, Ok Ok… 25 ;) … when I have spent the last few years exploring the maze of human relations using the tried and tested method of personal experience with disastrous consequences , I can only say one thing about marriage – You find out if it was a good decision or a bad one only twenty five years after the wedding , if not more . If you think that’s a pretty intelligent thing I have said, don’t, because I read it somewhere .Mark Twain maybe. Appreciate my honesty, now...

Chaloo, now stop thinking what the title of this blog means…
Deep deep deep meaning is ‘Life – People’ … Once in a year its good to spend time with yourself …. Office tho aiwe hiii likha haii… easy target u see…


Chalo yaar , you don’t expect me to spend my long long weekend typing away on a laptop . And before I go back , I want to ask you a thing . If you look back at all the comments I have received from you over the last almost 7-8 months I have been blogging , around ninety percent of them would make my parents feel like they have been blessed with a girl of outstanding qualities . Of course , there have been some who have explained to me in no subtle terms that I should be in cage away from my laptop . But in my heart , I feel that all of you have been incredibly kind to me over all this time . So this time around , I want you to be more honest and tell me what you don’t like about me or anything even close to my writing . If you feel there is something about me you don’t like , tell me ....

Ahh…I don’t promise you that I will attempt to change myself , but I promise you I will attempt to find out where you live and what is the time you go for a morning walk… Na na… don’t worry wont stab you… will just join you so that we can get along well…. heheh Ok chill, seriously , tell me what you hate about my writing... I won’t kill you ;)…. Keep smiling...

Love Ya,


  1. Hi Rashmi,

    You have seriously come a looongggg way in writing blogs.... Perhaps you have learnt the subtle art of captivating the audiences through interactive writing skills.... (Cant find any better word than that, so using 'INTERACTIVE'), with more than subtle hints of humour in between :)
    Hope you are getting the meaning of the word and its Usage....

    But then, I don't know but sometimes i get a feeling while reading your blogs that you are really feeling FREE and INDEPENDENT and have understood few basic things about living that people just don't wanna think and ponder over much on nowadays... A feeling that makes even the reader (the one reading your blog) feel really UPBEAT about his/her surrounding). It makes him/her stop and think for 2 minutes "Hey, Things are not that bad, they could have been Worse... So why the Hell i am not enjoying the Present"

    But then sometimes (Like initial part of this blog only) makes me feel that there is something with which even you are not comfortable. Something that is hitting you from inside...
    Then i wonder, how can that be... You are the one who appears to be so UNTANGLED, who makes life seem so SIMPLE, then what could be bothering Even you...

    Hope you find a new smile mask for yourself soon...
    Wish you BEST for life...
    You are a superb person and a wonderful buddy to be with... But sometimes being that way can be really TAXINGGG...
    Hope you keep on finding new ways to keep yourself up and in High spirits everytime you come across a ditch in the road...
    Hope you keep on finding ways to look forward to and Move On, whenever you experience any hindrance in the way...
    Hope you remain as close to everyone as you possibly can, even if you encounter few who dont meet your expecations...

    Hoping the BEST for you WASTE...


  2. @ HP...

    Thats too much of good words ya.. :) one characteristic of Scorpions.... they somehow cant take compliments...;).. today i guess I feel this is right...

    Well... my writing is just in THE MAKING... long way to go.. yeah.. but will def not write something that all wanna hear.... but will write what i see around and what i conclude :)

    THanks for the compliments... :)


  3. hahahahahahahaha... This was first reaction.. Damn we always are on the same brain stabbing session :P
    Anyways, see beta we are NOT prepared fr CAT so its ok grammar, grammer, gramer,gram-wit-no-err.. bhavnao ko samjho..buss :D
    n as i always told u, u are not a good actor so dont even try :P
    Be as u are sweetheart...Nothing can beat u and ur smile But yourself ... So plzz dont beat urself.. shay jyada tha yeh.. sometimes u can but come out of "Smile Mask Required" mode soon :)
    Last.. DONOT give frendz like me a chance to do ur BURAI.. u know i can go on... I may even ask PriD to join in ..hehehe n thn u kno wht will happen :P
    So kindly donot giv such liberty... waise tu nahi bolegi toh bhi I can go on.. :P
    To connclude...Daant dikhate rehna ..alll 64 (u have such a big smile = The Real one):P

  4. @ Anuya

    :) :) :) :) ... all i am doing is smiling after reading your comment :) ... (And this one is w/o the mask on... trust me ;) )

    Love ya,

  5. Too good...honest, frank, uncluttered, I loved it...this is how I would like my blog to be :)
