Saturday, December 18, 2010

Season is Back...

Season is Back...

Again it’s come back, the end of a season,
We look back and think of so many reason,
To walk down the memory lane,
Of unspoken memories, happy, sad and insane…

So many Xmas memories I had years before,
As a child, everything I used to adore,
Now, all over again my awaiting eyes,
Dying to see my Lord, and ask so many whys??

Zillion reasons I have to give thanks to my Lord,
He has set my life’s tune, to a perfect chord,
I am no longer mad at Him anymore,
But madly in love with Him, for now and more…

This year finally I am back home again,
Home has become cold to warm, devoid of pain,
No more do I feel like moving away from home,
No more urge to run away to Paris or Rome…

Looking back, my life looks like fairy-tale landscape,
All I do is smile these days, the moment I wake,
Thank you lord for drilling me all this while,
Without those aching moments, today would I be wearing this smile?

Feels like a movie is in its making somehow,
And guess what, I am the star in it now,
Villains come and go, so called hero’s also leave,
But the happy ending is pending, this I believe…

Year is ending,
Message I am sending,
That I am finally willing…

To go an extra mile,
To dream again,
To forget the pain,
To stay,
To grow,
To laugh,
To cry,
To let go,
To Forgive,
To smile,
To Trust,
To travel,
To surprise,
To pray,
To say,
To praise,
To sing,
To dance,
To play,
To be happy,
To write…

And yes…. Finally
Willing To Love

Do make a special wish this Christmas Eve,
And show your loved ones you truly believe…

Love you all…

1 comment:

  1. Always keep that Positive Attitude Going,
    Because You never know,
    Your smile Might Just Be the Reason,
    For So many other's Not Crying Today :) :) :)
