Monday, December 6, 2010

What I call 'A Lovely Day'

I don’t know how people love and live monotonous life… That too for years mind you…every day same task… same schedule… same people… same life… man people deserve paramveer chakra or even something bigger for living this way…

I was caught up in a project since April 1 this year…. Pretty dangerous date for such a noble thing, I know. It started well as I was at the development end right from the scratch… The project was my baby… Seen it grow you see ;) … No doubt I was doing really well out there… my team size is also simply awesome… Just have a look at the pic below… man we are 30 + in this project…

But then all challenges … all development was over… and now what’s left is the final testing and the yahoo Go-Live phase… “Support” main kaam karnaa tho maine seekha hi nahi hai ;)… hehehe… luckily my managers have always been kind enof to give me development whenever I would tell them “You dump me into support and there my resignation you wll see…” But I was bugged… Imagine the feeling to get up each morning with the thought… damn I know what I have to do at work… work devoid of challenges you see… same old routine…

Then a news flashed that a new proj is being introduced within our project… Something to do with SAP… I was dazzled… it was somewhere my dream since childhood to play with SAP data… ;)… but all I knew was to begin with just 2 resources will move into in… Team 30 + ka … usmain se 2 in the new proj… bahut naainsaafi haii I thought :( …

Then the day came… Ahh…

Scene : Client Call

Location : Teradata, Mumbai

Meeting Room : Newton

Time : 6:00 PM

Team Members : Vishal, Mihir, Myself, My manager…Opps how can I miss… My dear dear client..Carlos…

So the conversation goes like this… THE conversation that brightened my day…

Carloss: Good Evening Guys…. How are you doing today?

Vishal: Cool as always… So lets begin with status as of today

Carlos: Ok

Manager : Before we start Carlos, I need to update you with something.

Carlos: Hmm Hmm

Manager: Rashmi will be moving to the new project starting in Mccain from next week. SAP project...

Pausee… Silence… Sanaataaa…. I was shocked…. All were shocked…

Manager: Carlos are you there…

Carlos: How… when… why… who will be her replacement… she is an expert in dash dash dash…

Manager: Carlos you are over reacting… She is just moving to a new project within Mccain for a year… not outta Teradata… she will be sitting right besides Vishal and Mihir and will be there if they have any issues pertaining the current project…

Carlos: (All disappointed)… I am all for people who move to new projs… but it has really come as a shock to me that Rashmi will be moving…

Conversation continued… all I wanted to do was shout…. Huraaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!

Finally I got up today… no more Monday morning blues… you know how I felt today…

I just love it. The feeling...When the eyes don’t feel heavy...The head doesn’t feel heavy... When the mind feels as a spring garden ….fresh n rosy….the feeling u get seeing a vast countryside field with the windmill and the cows and the cool breeze….thats what happens when your day starts with the thought that finally something new today… or with the hang over of yesterdays fiascos with friends and family… Mann it was heaven today …

So how do you think I got time while I am at work to write something down to bug you guys… well first day of the project is like first day to school… new people… new team… new technology…. New onsite team… introductons… hi hello meetings… mann… that’s what I call ...

'A Gooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddddddddddd Dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy’


If any of my team members happen to read this blog… please don’t kill me… I am totally unaware why was I selected amongst the 30 + odd people to work in the new proj…. it was purely the Client end managers decision… so please don’t crucify me… And even if you guys envy me… all I wanna say is… ‘you are always fun to have around’… hehehe...

Love ya,


  1. All the Best for the New Project :)

  2. My revision with all charachters in place :S .. yeh wahi story hai u told me abt...goshhh u r mad :D... khushi toh dekho :)...Anyways.. Hope smile mask is no more needed but yeah u will need to give it to the remaining 29 ... testing :P (Sorry guys).. Njoy SAP asap ;)..
    Keep me posted.. I dont mind revision when it is with alll smiles :)
