Sunday, December 19, 2010

I See Lot of People – (II)

Below is the link of my own poem "I See Lot of People - (I)...

Back then had written it with a negative frame of mind... same poem when i re-visited today i felt it could have been so positive... so heres a positive frame for the same... :)

I See Lot of People – (II)

Everywhere every sphere,
Of earth,
I see lot of people…

Satisfied with life,
I see lot of people…

Filled with the rare virtue,
Of Patience,
I see lot of people…

Lifting broken souls,
I see lot of people…

One time atheists but now,
I see lot of people…

Walking their talk,
I see lot of people…

Happy with luck,
Of others,
I see lot of people…

People devoid of mask,
I see lot of people…

Holding a broken heart,
Yet happy,
I see lot of people…

Life just not good yet,
I see lot of people…

One time fragile but now,
So strong,
I see lot of people…

Doing to please God,
I see lot of people…

Giving loved ones space,
Non judgmental,
I see lot of people…

Hearts filled with hurt yet,
I see lot of people…

Souls which were once negative,
Now positive,
I see lot of people...

Dreaming a new dream,
I see lot of people…

Once mourning on lost love,
Now moved on,
I see lot of people…

Changed perspective,
I see (None) of people…

______________________Rashmi (19th December, 2010)

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