Sunday, December 19, 2010

Love Me Not...

Love Me Not...

Love me not,
For how I shine under the sun…

Love me not,
For how good I look neatly plaited in a bun…

Love me not,
For how my colored lips look…

Love me not,
For how beautiful I look in the dress…

Love me not,
For how well I fit in the girl of your dreams…

Love that me,
When I just wake up in the morning…

Love that me,
Who is herself in front of you…

Love that me,
Who gets angry like a kid…

Love that me,
Who keeps blabbering nonsense at times…

Love that me,
What any tom dick or Harry cant see…

Love that me,
Who is true in front of you…

Love that me,
That loves thee…

But above all,

Don’t love “Me” as much…
But Love “Us” …

_______________________Rashmi (20th December, 2010)


  1. :)

    "Love That Me
    That Loves Thee"

    Nice one... :)

  2. @ HP

    Thanks ya.... bass aiwee hii likhaa... simple melody :)
