Thursday, December 23, 2010

Walking With God...

Walking With God...

These days I really feel like spending time with myself… talk to myself… hey chill guys… not that I need a doctor or something… but seriously…I do listen to that little voice in me that tells me right from wrong… that little voice that was really lost all this while… maybe it was there… but as soft as a whisper… But these days the same voice rings like a church bell… Have captured few of these moments in my mind… Thought of penning it down...

^^ Moment 1

On my way back home after a late evening meeting, some negative thought just hit me… these days I am a little occupied with my new project and few other work related crap… But blogging I cant desert ya… please don’t crucify me for that now… ;) …. Bear with me …. Or to say with my thoughts… ;) … ok where was I… ok I was just traveling in the Rick.. Enjoying the pleasant Mumbai winter… when I was just thinking seriously about my carrier that I have been taking oh so lightly… as in I am damn good at my work… But maybe the right break is pending… that just got me suffocated… hoga hi…. Ye rat race thoughts hi suffocating hote hai… in the midst of these thoughts I saw a family living in the footpath and the woman was cooking out there… Then the voice said out aloud..

“Look at that woman… she is cooking out there in the cold weather… she could have been you and you could have been her… if it wasn’t for my grace… be grateful that I have given you such an appealing life… that you get back home and have nothing to worry about… all you got to do is eat and sleep and get set for a new day…be grateful for what I have already done for you”...

^^ Moment 2

On my way to work, sitting in the Teradata bus… I looked outside my window… and saw a man driving the new Linea…. Wow my dream car I thought… wish I could get to drive that someday to work… at least I will get rid of this company bus travel… Suddenly my attention drew to the BEST bus and I could see people almost falling off from the entrance of the bus…. It was that packed… Then the same voice told me…

“Look at those guys going to work… be grateful that you don’t have to use the local transport to reach office… you get to sit in this cozy bus… half empty and reach on time… Remember that you have been blessed more than you can even think about… don’t crave for what is more… be thankful for what you already have”

^^ Moment 3

One day I was late for work… reached office at 12 pm… as I was having a nite shift the day before that… on my way to work I witnessed a bike accident… Bt my rick just passed by the accident zone… I looked at the view, just closed my eyes as I could not view the site and moved on…as I was also worried that I was damn late… Again the voice said...

“Has something inside you gone dead ... how could you just walk past that zone without getting off the Rick and helping them… “

This moment I cannot forget…. I got back to work… switched on my lappy and there the techie in me got alive… and maybe the human in me somewhere dead… this one moment of regret will always top the list in my life …

^^ So many more moments these days gets me to think… and the voice that was so soft has become oh so loud… its like I am having a “LIVE” conversation with God these dayss… Every moment of my life in the past … all my success… all the so called “Bingos” which I took for granted all this while … didn’t "Just" happen… all the “Walk-In-The-Park” events of my life didn’t happen because I was extra talented or something… it wasn’t by accident… But it happened because it was “God’s Grace”…. Which I surely did take for granted…

God just made me realize thru His voice that look at the things that I have already done for you and be grateful for the same… than looking at the things that just don’t seem to happen… Things that just don’t seem to fall into place…maybe they are just not meant to be…

Silence is indeed a bliss… Missed it since long… As they say “You need to be really at peace to listen to Gods voice” … Its like … how do I put this… Ok... Ya...

Its like “Walking with God” … Each day… Every Moment ;) …. And guess what he is never busy ;) …. Always available… and there are no delays in his replies ;) … Cool naa ;)

_______________________Rashmi (23rd December, 2010)

PS: Late night gyaan naa… Actually just had a 2 hour conversation with a close friend of mine regarding this… with few friends of mine I can just be “Me”… I know you guys will register my name with a pic that says “She Needs Help!”… hehe… But then seriously guys don’t you ever have this voice talking to you… really… if the answer is “No”… then there is something really wrong… “You Need Help!”… ;) … and if your answer is “Yes”.. then guys join my gang ;)… Always a pleasure to have more maniacs around me ;)


  1. rashmi, really its like walking with god! but one things next time when u see an accident or anyone in trouble even if u don't the person , go and see may be god wanted that something to be done from ur side :)

  2. @Rancho

    :(... yeah... already am on a guilt trip... i know i shuld have halted... but nw i know... i wll do my needful whenever i witness something similar in future :)

  3. After reading the "Moment 3", a quote came to my mind which i had read while reading Shantaram by Gregory David Robers few years back...

    It said...
    "What we call cowardice is often just another name for being taken by surprise, and courage is seldom any better than simply being well prepared"

    Think Over It as it Needs some thought... Doesn't it?

  4. Just Googles Internet for more details on that quote, which are as follows...

    What we call cowardice is often just another name for being taken by surprise, and courage is seldom any better than simply being well prepared.

    This quote occurs during Lin's first tour of "the real India" with Prabaker. They are involved in a collision while riding in a taxicab, and the crowd, inconvenienced by this incompetent cabbie, takes violent revenge while Lin stands by and watches. Much of Shantaram deals with the difficulties of cross-cultural experience -- in this moment, though Lin feels an impulse to protect the cabbie from the crowd, he simply accepts that he does not understand the workings of Bombay culture. Standing by, in this case, is not "cowardice," then, though he feels a bit like a coward. Later in the novel, after he has gotten to know Bombay, Lin intervenes in a similar auto accident -- at this point, he is prepared. The basic insight of the passage, thus, is that fate often throws unexpected and strange events in our paths, which we later interpret in moralistic and reductive terms ("courage" or "cowardice"). The most we can hope for is to prepare for the unexpected, as paradoxical as that sounds.

  5. @HP

    The above scenario is somethig really similar to mine... really could connect it well... :)

    Thanks for sharing the same...


  6. The moments that u wrote are witnesed by each one of us daily but we selfish human being only think of ourself...pheww

    turly feel I am grateful to God for every moment

    And for U :- U sail it Rash

    Nd just as one of my frnd writes in his blog

    "Feelings never die...they just sleep @one corner of your heart, which are not woken up even by loud speaker, but with an old known touch!"

  7. @ Maddu

    True... we see it daily... bt we ignore because we are so so occupied with ourselves and our problesm naa... :) ..

    Wider pic tabhi dikhta hai when we take our eyes off ourselves :)
