Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Hope You Dance ...

 Its never too late to dance... Life has so many reasons to dance... I hope you dance... I hope you dance...


I Hope You Dance…

I hope that smile on your face is never gone,
Even though life goes cold and trails are full on,
And when life tries to give you another chance,
I hope …You don’t move away … But… I hope you dance…

I hope you still ask countless questions like a child,
You let your thoughts go crazy, let your dreams go wild,
And when life tries to give you another chance,
I hope …You don’t move away … But…I hope you dance…

I hope you still feel happy when you are back home,
Even though work issues haunt you when you’re alone,
And when life tries to give you another chance,
I hope …You don’t move away … But…I hope you dance…

I hope you still feel small when you reach the skies,
Even though all reasons to smile simply dies,
And when life tries to give you another chance,
I hope …You don’t move away … But…I hope you dance…

I hope you thank God for the breath you take,
Forget all worries, and praise Him for heavens sake,
And when life tries to give you another chance,
I hope …You don’t move away … But…I hope you dance…

I hope you never lose your spirit to wonder,
You be all alive, try to live life with a hunger,
And when life tries to give you another chance,
I hope …You don’t move away … But…I hope you dance…

I hope you give someone a place inside your heart,
And accept that true love can be your part,
And when life tries to give you another chance,
I hope …You don’t move away … But…I hope you dance…

I hope you never fear because life didn’t treat you right,
You don’t get bitter, and win this fight,
And when life tries to give you another chance,
I hope …You don’t move away … But…I hope you dance…

I hope you give God, one more chance to open a new door,
To give you laughter in turn of all the tears you wore,
And when life tries to give you another chance,
I hope …You don’t move away … But…I hope you dance…

I hope you give life another glance … I hope you dance…

___________________________________Rashmi (30th June, 2010)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Are You Truly In Love ? (What Does Bible Say)

Do You Know What Bible Says About Love...

“Love is patient; love is kind
and envies no one.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
never selfish, not quick to take offense.
There is nothing love cannot face;
there is no limit to its faith,
its hope, and endurance.
In a word, there are three things
that last forever: faith, hope, and love;
but the greatest of them all is love.”

Are You Truly In Love ?

"Love is patient, love is kind..."

Analyzing deepy, dont you think,
Patience these days has vanished in a blink,
Kindness in words seems to be nill,
Pricky talks are all ready to kill...

"Love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not rude..."

"Dont talk to him/her"... is heard each day,
If you truly trust then why envy I say,
Frustation erupts as rudeness we see,
Why do this if you love truly I plea...

"Love is not self seeking, it is not easily angered..."

It often begins with your partner being your world right,
Then why does it end with a self seeking attiude in everyones sight,
Anger is one emotion that ends it all,
Loosing completley we do have a great fall...

"Love does not keep record of wrong things, it does not delight in evil...."

"Forget it dear..." is often said after things go wrong,
Then why are wrong things listed in an agrument just like a song,
Betrayal is one evil that love can't stand,
As after that love is seen nowhere, it reaches an alien land...

"Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres... Love never ends..."

Life of the word "ALWAYS" has become quite small now,
Trust, hope are totally lost somehow,
Perseverance is one attribute that we dont wanna give,
But we are ok with depression being our partner as long as we live...

________________________________________Rashmi(Way back in 2007)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Y Dont I Miss U AnyMore...

Well dedicated to my friends who have moved on and have found reasons to smile all over again :)


Y Dont I Miss U AnyMore...

Why do my mornings not start with your name?
Is my luv for u dead or is it still name?
So many questions I have in store?
But one that pricks me is.... WHY DON’T I MISS U ANY MORE ?

Why don’t I remember you each and every while?
Why do I find so many reasons to smile?
So many questions I have in store?
But one that pricks me is.... WHY DON’T I MISS U ANY MORE ?

Why don’t I read your sms’s these days?
Why don’t I wait for your emails ?
So many questions I have in store?
But one that pricks me is.... WHY DON’T I MISS U ANY MORE ?

Why do your words not hurt me now?
Why don’t I wait for your call somehow?
So many questions I have in store?
But one that pricks me is.... WHY DON’T I MISS U ANY MORE ?

Why don’t I search for you in the crowd?
Why don’t I so wanna be loved?
So many questions I have in store?
But one that pricks me is.... WHY DON’T I MISS U ANY MORE ?

Why don’t I weep when your thoughts pass by me?
Where’s the feeling of being caged, why do I feel so free?
So many questions I have in store?
But one that pricks me is.... WHY DON’T I MISS U ANY MORE ?

Why don’t I hope that you come back again?
Why these days I am not loving the pain?
So many questions I have in store?
But one that pricks me is.... WHY DON’T I MISS U ANY MORE ?

Why don’t I keep staring at stars pinned up tight?
Why don’t I think about you all night?
So many questions I have in store?
But one that pricks me is.... WHY DON’T I MISS U ANY MORE ?

Why do I feel so right without you?
Why don’t I still feel you were the only one amongst the few?
So many questions I have in store?
But one that pricks me is.... WHY DON’T I MISS U ANY MORE ?

Why do I no longer feel you are no longer in me?
Why do my words have more of ‘I’ and less of ‘WE’?
So many questions I have in store?
But one that still pricks me is....


------------------------------------------------------ Rashmi (20 April,2008)

Color Is Getting Faded...

Color – Called Life : )  

Color Is Getting Faded...

Remember the day I bid you adios,
Knew that day I had my greatest loss,
Moved on, totally changed my pace,
But in this new lane why do I still see your trace...

“Forget him...“was told to me by plenty,
Countless are trying to fill my heart that’s empty,
Smiling again makes me feel so very filthy,
Why thinking about someone else makes me feel all guilty...

Seems just like yesterday that we met,
Smiles all over then and now eyes are wet,
Even though you were the wrong one,
Still feel it was so very right in ton...

Your thoughts still makes my heart skip a beat,
Still wonder why we couldn’t meet,
Looking at your image still makes me smile,
Don’t know why it makes me forget all worries for a while...

Everything’s ended, but I recall the start,
The day when we weren’t apart,
So many emotions inside me set alive,
Your coming in made me simply dance and fly...

Talking to you felt like talking to a part of me,
Nothing to hide, not a bit of uneasiness you see,
And your love was as memorable as your pain,
Still feel that my life without you is a vain...

“Move on... Move on.... “Two words has pissed me totally by now,
Easily I did scream and say “yes I have moved on somehow...”
But met you again in the new lane, my thoughts again went insane,
Felt like those memories passed thru me all over again...

Testing time... I thought had again come and hit me,
This time I thought I will stay still and not flee,
Didn’t let my heart get weak or slip this time,
Though it was right, still feel I have committed a crime...

You were the most beautiful color around me,
So beautiful that my eyes just loved to see,
And now my life is getting alive, it’s no longer jaded,
But the loveliest color is getting faded.... totally faded... 


I have moved on dear ...

Birds Sing After Storm... Why Shouldn't we... :)

I have moved on dear ...

Life was dancing on a melodious tune,
With so much fun there was nothing to prune,
Something forced this music to mute,
Now there is silence, no sound of any flute...

Everything was falling into place I felt,
As all the problems were over and dealt,
Little did I predict this oncoming thunder,
That withered the music and forced it to surrender...

Halting for a second I searched the list,
Of all my loved ones around me those exist,
Some seemed so near some really very far,
Some shining above me still like a star....

Halting and falling life taught so much,
But always felt His presence and touch,
His words seemed like food for life then,
Kept thinking about those days since when...

“Move on”... was what each one around me said,
But true love never dies is what I had read,
People its not that I haven’t tried,
But the times I said “I have moved on... ”... I had just lied....

Time flew, new people entered, but still,
Somewhere still felt entangled against my will,
Thought that I had left the lane where we met,
But life brought u again when my eyes were tired of being wet....

Destiny, Fate, God’s Will.... what should I say,
Ur re-entry in my life shows me no new way,
It has just left me standing all alone in the rain,
And recall of all those times I have spent in pain....

Sitting down now I simply realize,
That moving on was a decision so very wise,
Somehow ur back but I don’t feel for you anymore,
As I still recall the time when u left and my heart simply tore...

“Love happens just once... Rest is life”.... is what people say,
But can one fall for the same person twice is what I ask each day,
Leaving at one point and now coming back is so easy for you,
Now I wonder was your feeling fake or was in true...

All I have to say is that I have moved on dear,
You are still a part of me but accepting u fills me with fear,
Heart has countless desires but its Gods will that prevails,
So I am waiting for the one chosen by God, as His plan never fails...

______________________________ Rashmi (9th November, 2007)

As I Still Wait…

One Fine Day ... I asked my Lord 

Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried;
Quietly, patiently, lovingly, God replied.
Master so gently you said, "Wait." 

"Be silent, my child, and in time you will see
That the greatest of gifts is to truly know me.
And though oft My answers seem terribly late,
My most precious answer of all is still . . . Wait."

As I Still Wait…

You taught me the meaning of love,
But failed to teach me how to hate somehow,
So many complains I have in store,
But while I wait for you I need nothing more…

You taught me the sanctity of commitment,
But failed to teach me how to end this advent,
So many words are hidden in my hearts core,
But while I wait for you I need nothing more…

You taught how to forgive when I was wrong,
But failed to teach me how to hold on the grudge for long,
So many tears my eyes have wore,
But while I wait for you I need nothing more…

You taught me what it means to hold on,
But failed to teach me how to move on,
So many questions are hidden behind my hearts door,
But while I wait for you I need nothing more…

You taught me when you are with me I will be fine,
But failed to teach me how to live when you aren’t mine,
Eyes are heavy and all set to pour,
But while I still wait for you I need nothing more…

I told you I will wait, for life long I will wait,
Knowing strongly that you aren’t the one in my fate,
Still dread the day when someone would enter my life,
Maybe then I will stop this wait, but till then… I will still wait…

________________________________Rashmi (18th May, 2008)

Broken Heart Beneath A Smiling Face...

 P.S : This poem is totally fictitious ... It has no resemblance to anybody living or dead... If you connect to this poem then its totally coincidental ;)

Broken Heart Beneath A Smiling Face...

When I sit down thinking about you,
Time flies by and this fact isnt new,
You are still a part of me I know,
That’s the reason at times I feel totally low...

Remember the day u walked away for sumthing new,
Hope of you coming back was as small as a dew,
How could you ask me to move on so easily dear,
Didn’t you miss me when I was no longer near...

You aren’t worth it people around me always said,
They knew that ur love for me wud be dead,
Maybe I was busy thinking of you and calling you mine,
Thought my love was all that’s needed and everything will be fine...

Wanted to prove that they were so very wrong,
And wanted this journey with you to last for long,
But didn’t no that this storm would force you to surrender,
And leave me all alone to simply weep and wander....

Knew that you aren’t the right one since the start,
But this never became a reason for me to part,
You had promised to be a part of me forever,
And be with me for long and leave me never....

Its been ages that you have gone away,
But still ur memories are the reason for me to stay,
Maybe I m a fool to hold on and wait for you,
But true love dies hard... this is understood by very few...

Friends... u ask me to cross the thin line,
And say tht its me who is holding back not wanting to feel fine,
Hey guys its not that I haven’t tried,
But all those times I said I have moved on.. I have simply lied....

“Love happens just once”... is what people say,
And these lines are true in every possible way,
Even today as I look in the mirror and simply gaze,
All I see is a broken heart beneath a smiling face...


This is for you Lord...

Sometimes we speak before thinking and end up hurting our loved ones be it intentionally or unintentionally...  in anger our mouth speaks faster than our mind... this fact is realized by very few people...


This is for you Lord...

When matters go astray,
I simply kneel down to pray,
Then I see things falling into place,
With no problems that I can trace…

Few people hurt with such ease,
As they lie in our heart without any lease,
We have one mouth and two ears,
Then why do we speak without any fears…

Speaking your heart out is fine,
But the thorny words aren’t always divine,
So before speaking up think twice,
This thought is true for all those who are wise…

Sometimes expecting does hurt,
As humble souls are devoid of dirt,
But living this life have taught us a lot,                                  
That expecting here isn’t true without any doubt...

“Friends for life time”.... isn’t an awesome jargon,
As they depart... yes, really... don’t beg your pardon,
So every moment here needs to be stored,
To remember them when we sit down getting bored...
Finally arrived the day when I found the one,
With whom I could share all my sorrows and fun,
Yes... He’s in my soul my life my heart,
His name is God; he is simply my part....

Can you find a friend with so much care?
Who will all our sorrows share?
Yes so now life has become so simple,
With no fear and no reasons to fumble.........

____________________________Rashmi (13th October, 2006)

Real Me ...

Real Me…

It may seem that I am carefree and strong,
Going through life as if nothing is wrong,
But no one knows the real me,
They only know what I let them see…

Often my smiles are real and sincere,
Sometimes it helps me hide my fears dear,
I have a miraculous mask kept ready,
Which I use when my life isn’t steady…

Some pains are so intense and deep,
Often I wish to just let go and weep,
But I hold all of these deep inside,
And hold those tears and keep them aside…

My anger is a lie but plays a peak role,
Helping me hide my extremely delicate soul,
Hypocrisy is one thing that’s not in my case,
So people abiding by it don’t impress me with ease… 

Always wish to be a part of this noisy crowd,
Where I can share my infinite dreams aloud…
Want so much that my unbiased views be accepted,
But this world which is orthodox declares it rejected…

I seek for someone special who finds the real me,
And does not hold in dislike after what they see,
The real one in me has few flaws I used to hide…
But it’s no longer residing in me hidden inside…

_________________________________ Rashmi (31st August, 2006)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Loving the Pain ...

Dedicated to all those people who have lost their love... Well... Good news is ... you can move on and accept what God has in store for you... God does not expect that you dont mourn about ur loss.. sure there are times of pain... But all God wants to ask us is 'How long are you gonna mourn?' ... Some relationships didnt work out... does not mean that life has ended... And remember that what you have been through is not a surprise to God... All he wants is get up and get going... Life is waiting for u... :) 

Loving The Pain...

Listen dear; I can never be in love,
This phase has ended long back 4me somehow,
So don’t fall for me, I want to live in pain,
Don’t want to go through the same lane again...

Love happens just once, rest is life ... they say,
These words are true in every possible way...
So don’t fall for me, I want to live in pain,
Don’t want to go through the same lane again...

Can never be a part of your fate,
It’s just not possible now as it’s too late,
So don’t fall for me, I want to live in pain,
Don’t want to go through the same lane again...

Yes I am lonely and my heart has this void space,
But I will never let anyone fill that place,
So don’t fall for me, I want to live in pain,
Don’t want to go through the same lane again...

Guess you haven’t realized until now,
That I am still in love with my dead love,
So don’t fall for me, I want to live in pain,
Don’t want to go through the same lane again...

Pain is the gift my love has given me,
Let me have it, don’t take that away I plea,
So don’t fall for me, I want to live in pain,
Don’t want to go through the same lane again...

No doubt I am happy when I am with you,
Chances of which ... after him... was as small as a dew,
But don’t know why, I still want to live in pain,
Don’t want to go through the same lane again...

Maybe u are here to lit up my life that is dim,
Maybe it’s high time to move on and forget him,
But still... So don’t fall for me, I want to live in pain,
Don’t want to go through the same lane again...

Its not that I haven’t tried dear,
But holding your hand fills me with fear,
So I tell you, don’t fall for me, I want to live in pain,
Don’t want to go through the same lane again...

Don’t wait for me...

Well some writes are not inspired by my own life... but from the lives of my near and dear ones..This one too is what my friend has to tell to a guy in love with her :)

Don’t wait for me...

Today as I sit down to tell you again,
That though weird I love this pain,
You keep telling me forget him as it’s too late,
I know its true...But just for him I will wait...

Don’t fall for me please ... I plead,
I can never give you the care you need,
I have already showered all my love on someone,
All I am left now with is a void feeling that’s in ton...

Loving you would mean forgetting him forever,
This is something I can think of never,
Move on is all I can tell you for now,
As moving on from my part is impossible somehow...

Day I realized that you are thinking of me as more than a friend,
Tried showing my untrue self to put your love to an end,
But somehow this fake behavior didn’t matter to you,
My rudeness and anger was falling on deaf ears I knew...

Your care tells me; lucky will be your girl you see,
But I know this pinches you, but that girl can’t be me,
My heart is totally scared of any new sight,
As deep down his memories is what I have held tight...

Don’t wait for me nor think of me when I am not near,
As I know the pain of waiting for someone dear,
Maybe someday my heart you might just win,
But right now thinking of someone else for me is nothing but a sin... 

_________________________________________ Rashmi

Unsaid Story... (Placement Time )

 Often in this corporate jungle we feel like taking a halt and thinking where we are heading... But little did this thought crossed our minds while college placements were going on ...

Now that we are working in top companies still there is something missing ... maybe we have gone up the ladder... and left few people close to us behind....  

 Unsaid Story...

As I sit down thinking about the past,
I realize tht people around me were the best cast,
Friends... my pillars were all around me,
Holding them tight set me tension free...

Placements days I still remember,
Filled us with tension and fear,
Somewhere we all knew that we are gonna part,
This one thought we hid deep inside our heart....

Then came the results of the dreadful race,
That would tear us apart with no time to trace,
“Friends For Lifetime...” is what we believed in,
So forgetting anyone would be  an unforgivable sin...

All were spilt in TCS, Mastek, Infosys, Patni, Polaris, Attos ...
WIPRO was where I landed and was all set to bid Mumbai ADIOS,
Farewell I still remember passed away like a mute song,
As moving to Bangalore for me was like a journey so very long...

Lords will was what I was looking forward to each day,
Didn’t get that though in any way,
Kept wondering if Wipro was the rite place for me,
He answered “NO”, so the thought of WIPRO had to flee...

Prayed day in and day out for something new,
And the hope for a new job was as small as a dew,
Miracle is what I guess I m used to by now,
And there came the offer from LnT somehow...

WIPRO or LnT was the question I stood besides,
As WIPRO was the place where my heart resides,
But going against Gods will wasn’t possible for me,
So had to bid WIPRO goodbye with due plea...

Life has indeed been a roller costar ride since then,
“No Time” ... is the reason I give I don’t know since when,
Running in this race I halted to look around ,
Friends I used to talk about were no where to be found...

Gone are those days of peaceful long walks,
Simple fights and then those long talks,
Each one is running after something today,
Workplace has become home is all I have to say...

Finally what are we running after my friend,
Someday you will halt as this road has an end,
“Miles 2 go before I Sleep “... is what u say now,
Except money, in those miles u will loose everything somehow...

_________________________________Rashmi (January 28, 2008)