Friday, June 25, 2010

Don’t wait for me...

Well some writes are not inspired by my own life... but from the lives of my near and dear ones..This one too is what my friend has to tell to a guy in love with her :)

Don’t wait for me...

Today as I sit down to tell you again,
That though weird I love this pain,
You keep telling me forget him as it’s too late,
I know its true...But just for him I will wait...

Don’t fall for me please ... I plead,
I can never give you the care you need,
I have already showered all my love on someone,
All I am left now with is a void feeling that’s in ton...

Loving you would mean forgetting him forever,
This is something I can think of never,
Move on is all I can tell you for now,
As moving on from my part is impossible somehow...

Day I realized that you are thinking of me as more than a friend,
Tried showing my untrue self to put your love to an end,
But somehow this fake behavior didn’t matter to you,
My rudeness and anger was falling on deaf ears I knew...

Your care tells me; lucky will be your girl you see,
But I know this pinches you, but that girl can’t be me,
My heart is totally scared of any new sight,
As deep down his memories is what I have held tight...

Don’t wait for me nor think of me when I am not near,
As I know the pain of waiting for someone dear,
Maybe someday my heart you might just win,
But right now thinking of someone else for me is nothing but a sin... 

_________________________________________ Rashmi

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