Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hope This Story Was True :)

Last year i was reading a book from Sidney Sheldon... Kinda there was a sweet incident in the same... So penned it down in form of poem... Hope u guys love the same :)

Hope the story was true...

Lost in the world called FRIENDS of mine,
She thought life was so very steady and fine,
Fun and laughter was all she could see,
Days and years together simply flee...

Friends had become her life she knew,
With them around she wished for nothing new,
The bond between them was seen by each one around,
Never will they part was what she then found...

But things never go the way u want she thought,
Yes they did spilt without any doubt,
Across the country and few in different time zone,
Little did she imagine that she would be left all alone...

One day from nowhere came someone,
His talks gave her pleasure in ton,
Each day she was sinking in his love even more,
Finally someone managed to open her hearts door...

Dark was the night, dim was the light,
With humble smile he held her hand tight,
Finally he said,’’ Will you be mine forever”,
With tears in her eyes she said, ‘’ If you promise to leave me never”...

Marriages are made in heaven they say,
So true she thought in every possible way,
With Gods approval they finally became one,
For them everything in life was all set and done...

Next day he said, “Our honeymoon will be delayed dear”,
Work demands me to leave you here,
Will take you for dinner before leaving for my tour,
We will have French food which you so love for sure...

Before going for dinner he wanted to show her the jet plane,
But all his attempts to please her was going in vain,
Plane started moving suddenly, and he held a smirk on his face,
She was totally puzzled and had no clue to trace...

“Get off the plane... its moving”... her voice was filled with dread,
You wanna know what he said,
“Honey, Am taking you to Paris tonight”
“Guess that’s where we get the best French Food right...”

Speechless she was and finally they were off for their honeymoon,
They knew the journey was long and they aren’t gonna come back soon ;)

------------------------------------------------------------ Rashmi(17th May, 2008)

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