Thursday, June 24, 2010

Story From A Different Angle...

Hey Frnds,
This write is for today's youth... Penned down random thoughts :)

Story From A Different Angle...

Heard the story of the prince turned into frog,
Cursed with the spell that was indeed strong,
Day in and day out he waited for the magical kiss,
So that the destined princess’s arrival he didn’t miss....

One kiss and the curse was broken instantly,
Frog turned into a prince & princess watched this keenly,
There ends the story as we have seen,
And they lived happily ever after as it has always been...

Thinking about the story from another view,
What if the story had an end that was new?
The princess could have turned into a frog,
Could this ending be right or totally wrong...?


Well thinking about this new scenario is interesting,
Analyzing this makes me feel like a movie is in its making,
Countless thoughts has started popping up in mind,
Many questions also revolving whose answers are yet to find...

Picture of the perfect one resides in every heart,
Finding the right one is a race yet to start,
“I m not prepared for it”... is the reason given by few,
As randomly saying “Yes” isn’t right.... and this fact is totally true...

Search of the ONLY ONE goes on forever,
Matching of the looks and all possible traits happens never,
In the intense hunting process do we ever realize?
At times the perfect one slide’s away and we fail to seize...

God has indeed made a woman for every man,
But our wills don’t really match His plan,
So the season of break off is seen so often,
Followed by tears, darkness and depression in ton...


Totally confused where this write is heading,
As the question is unanswered and I am tired of questioning,
If anyone knows the checklist that needs to be seen,
Then do share it with the youngsters and today’s teens...

But as every write needs to be ended, so here I go,
So guys and girls do give a second thought before saying a NO,
If time slips by and your chance is gone,
You will keep finding forever your so called perfect one

------------------------------------------------------------------ Rashmi (31st July,2008)

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